" The Murders in the Rue Morgue " is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe published in Graham's Magazine in 1841. It has been recognized as the first modern detective story; Poe calls it one of his "racial" stories.
C. Auguste Dupin is a man in Paris who solves the mystery of the brutal murder of two women. Many witnesses heard the suspect, although no one agreed on what language was spoken. At the scene of the murder, Dupin finds hair that does not look like a human.
As the first fictional detective, Poe's Dupin featured many traits that became a literary convention in the next fictional detective, including Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot. Many characters later, for example, followed Poe's brilliant detective model, his personal friend who served as the narrator, and the last revelation presented before the reasons that led to it. Dupin himself appears in "The Mystery of Marie RogÃÆ'ªt" and "The Purloined Letter".
Video The Murders in the Rue Morgue
Ringkasan plot
The story opens with a long explanation of rasiosinasi. Dupin shows his prowess by reducing his partner's mind as if through a clear, supernatural power. The story then turns into a confusing double murder of Madame L'Espanaye and her daughter at their home on Rue Morgue, a fictional street in Paris. According to newspaper reports, the mother was found in the backyard, with many broken bones and her throat so cut off that her head fell when her body was moved. Her daughter was found strangled to death and crammed into a chimney. The killing took place in a fourth-floor room that was locked from the inside; on the floor was found a straight razor, some gray hair tufts, and two gold coin pouches. Several witnesses reported hearing two voices at the time of the murder, one man and French, but disagreed on the language spoken by the other. The speech was not clear, and every witness admitted that he did not know the language he claimed to have heard.
The native of Paris, Dupin and his friend, the unnamed narrator of the story, read this newspaper with interest. Both live in exile and do not allow visitors. They have cut off contact with "former colleagues" and went outside only at night. "We are within ourselves," the narrator explained. When a bank employee named Adolphe Le Bon was arrested even though there was no evidence to suggest his mistake (other than handing his gold coins to the two women the previous day), Dupin became interested and remembered the service that Le Bon had done for him. He decides to offer his help to "G-", the prefect of the police.
Since no witness agreed with the language spoken of by the murderer, Dupin concluded that they did not hear a human voice at all. He and the narrator examine the house thoroughly; the next day, Dupin rejected Le Bon's guilty notion and motive robbery, citing the fact that gold was not taken from the room. He also points out that the killer must have superhuman powers to force his daughter's body up into the chimney. He formulated a method whereby the killer could enter the room and kill the two women, involving an agile climbing lightning rod and jumping into a set of open window shutters. Featuring an unusual tuft of hair, he recovered from the scene, and pointed out the impossibility of the girl being strangled by human hands, Dupin concluded that "Ourang-Outang" (orangutan) killed the women. He had advertised in a local newspaper asking if anyone had lost the animal, and a sailor immediately came to look for him.
Sailors offer to pay prizes, but Dupin is only interested in learning the circumstances behind the two murders. The sailor explained that he arrested the orangutans while in Borneo and brought him back to Paris, but had difficulty controlling them. When he sees an orangutan trying to shave his face with his straight razor, imitating his morning treatment, he runs into the street and reaches Rue Morgue, where he goes up and enters the house. Orangutans catch mothers with hair and waving razor blades, imitating barbers; when she screamed in terror, it became angry, tore her hair, cut her throat, and strangled her daughter. Sailors climbed lightning in an attempt to catch the beast, and the two voices heard by the witnesses were his and her. For fear of being punished by his master, the orangutans threw mother's body out the window and put her daughter into the chimney before escaping.
Sailors sell orangutans, Le Bon is released from custody, and prefects police say that people have to take care of their own affairs after Dupin tells his story. Dupin commented to the narrator that G- "a bit too cunning for deep", but admired his ability "de nier ce qui est, et d'expliquer ce qui n'est pas " (quote from Julie , or New Heloise by Jean-Jacques Rousseau: "to deny what is there, and explore what is not").
Maps The Murders in the Rue Morgue
Theme and analysis
In a letter to a friend Dr. Joseph Snodgrass, Poe said of "Murder on Rue Morgue", "the theme of is an exercise of ingenuity in detecting a murderer." Dupin is not a professional detective; he decided to investigate the murder of Rue Morgue for his personal entertainment. He also has a desire for truth and to prove a man accused of innocence. His interest is not financially and he even refused the prize money from the orangutan owner. The actual expression of the murderer eliminates the crime, because neither the orangutan nor its owner can be held responsible. Poe expert Arthur Hobson Quinn speculated that the detective story might have arranged M. Le Bon, the arrested suspect, for looking guilty as a red fish, even though Poe chose not to.
Poe wrote "Murder on Rue Morgue" at a time when crime was at the forefront in people's minds because of the city's development. London recently formed the first professional police force and American cities began to focus on the work of the scientific police because newspapers reported the murder and the criminal court. "Murder on Rue Morgue" continues the urban theme used several times in Poe's fiction, in particular "The Man of the Crowd," possibly inspired by Poe's time in Philadelphia.
This story has an underlying metaphor for vs. brain battles. muscle. Physical strength, depicted as orangutan and also its owner, stands for violence: the orangutan is a murderer, while its owner admits he has tortured the animal with a whip. Analysts' brains overcame their violence. The story also contains Poe's often-used theme of the death of a beautiful woman, whom she calls "the most poetic topic in the world".
Dupin Method
Poe defines the Dupin method, ratiocination , using the example of the card player: "the extent to which information is obtained is not so much in the validity of the inference as in the quality of the observation." Poe then gives a narrative example where Dupin explains how he knows the narrator is thinking about the actor Chantilly. Dupin then applies his method to solve this crime.
The Dupin method emphasizes the importance of reading and written words. The newspaper account alludes to her curiosity; he learned about orangutans from his account written by "Cuvier" - possibly Georges Cuvier, a French zoologist. This method also involves the reader, who follows by reading the instructions themselves. Poe also emphasized the power of the spoken word. When Dupin asks the sailor for information about the murder, the sailor himself commits a partial death: "The face of the sailor is flushed as if he was struggling with suffocation... the next he fell back into his chair, trembling greatly, and with the face of death itself."
Meaning and acceptance of Literature
Poe's biographer Jeffrey Meyers sums up the meaning of "Murder on Rue Morgue": "[it] changed the history of world literature." Often referred to as the first detective fiction story, Dupin's character becomes a prototype for many future fictional detectives, including Arthur Conlock Doyle's Arthur Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot. This genre is typical of general mystery stories because the focus is on analysis. Poe's role in the creation of a detective story is reflected in the Edgar Award, given annually by the American Mystery Writer.
"Murder on Rue Morgue" also established many figures that would become a common element in mystery fiction: eccentric but brilliant detective, a clumsy vocabulary, a first person narrative by a close friend. Poe also describes the police in an unsympathetic manner as a kind of foil to the detective. Poe also begins a telling tool where the detective announces his solution and then explains the reasons that lead to it. This is also the mystery of the first locked space in detective fiction.
After his release, "Murder on Rue Morgue" and his writer was praised for the creation of a new, profound newness. The Pennsylvania Inquirer prints that "it proves Mr. Poe to be a genius... with inventive powers and skills, which we know there are no parallels." Poe, however, underestimated his performance in a letter to Philip Pendleton Cooke:
These rasiosination stories owe much of their popularity to something in the new key. I do not mean to say that they are not smart - but people think they are more clever than they are - because of their air methods and methods. In "Murder on Rue Morgue", for example, where is the cleverness in uncovering your own web... has been woven for the expressive purposes unravel? "
Modern readers are sometimes delayed by Poe's offense from an implicit narrative convention: the reader should be able to guess the solution as they read. The final turn, however, is a sign of "bad faith" in Poe's section because the reader will not make any sense putting orangutans into their list of potential assassins.
The word detective did not exist when Poe wrote "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", although there are other stories that feature similar problem-solving characters. Das FrÃÆ'¤ulein von Scuderi (1819), by E. T. A. Hoffmann, where Mlle. de Scuderi, a sort of nineteenth-century Miss Marple, set the innocence of police favorite suspects in the murder of a jeweler, sometimes referred to as the first detective story. Other pioneers include Voltaire's Zadig (1748), with the main characters performing similar analyzes, themselves borrowed from The Three Princes of Serendip, an Italian rendition of Amir Khusro â € " Hasht-Bihisht ".
Poe may have also expanded on his own analytical work including essays on "Maelzel Chess Player" and the comedy "Three Weeks a Week". For the storyline, Poe was probably inspired by the audience's reaction to the orangutan exhibited at Mason Hall in Philadelphia in July 1839. The name of the main character may be inspired by the character "Dupin" in a series. the story was first published in Burton's Gentleman's Magazine in 1828 called the "unpublished passage in the Life of Vidocq, French Police Minister". Poe will probably know his story, featuring an analytical man who found a murderer, although both plots have a small resemblance. The murder victims in both stories, however, cut their throats so badly that the head was almost entirely removed from the body. Dupin actually calls Vidocq by name, thinking of him as a "good guess".
Publishing history
Poe was originally titled the story of "Murder in Rue Trianon" but named it for more to do with death. "Murder on Rue Morgue" first appeared in Graham's Magazine in April 1841 while Poe worked as an editor. He paid $ 56 extra for it - an unusually high figure; he only paid $ 9 for "The Raven". In 1843, Poe had the idea to print a series of pamphlets with his stories entitled The Prose Romances of Edgar A. Poe. He scored only one, "Murder on Rue Morgue" strangely collected with the satire "The Man That Was Used Up". It sells for 12 and a half cents. This version includes 52 changes from the original text of Graham's , including a new line: "The Prefect is a bit too dodgy to be deep", a change from the original "too cunning to be acute". "Murder on Rue Morgue" was also reprinted in Wiley & amp; Putnam's collection of Poe's story is simply called Tales . Poe did not take part in choosing which stories to collect.
Poe's sequel to "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is "The Mystery of Marie RogÃÆ'ªt", first authorized in December 1842 and January 1843. Despite the subtitle "A Sequel to 'The Murders in the Rue Morgue'", "The Mystery of Marie RogÃÆ'ªt "shares very few common elements with" Murder on Rue Morgue "outside the inclusion of C. Auguste Dupin and the Parisian setting. Dupin reappears in "The Purloined Letter", which Poe called "probably the best of my stories of ratiocination" in a letter to James Russell Lowell in July 1844.
The original "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" script used for its first printing in Graham's Magazine was dumped in the trash. An apprentice at the office, J. M. Johnston, took it and left it with his father for safekeeping. It was abandoned in a music book, where he survived three fire houses before being bought by George William Childs. In 1891, Childs presented the manuscript, tied back with a letter explaining its history, to Drexel University. Childs has also donated $ 650 for the completion of Edgar Allan Poe's grave monument in Baltimore, Maryland in 1875.
"Murder on Rue Morgue" is one of Poe's earliest works translated into French. Between June 11 and June 13, 1846, " Un meurtre sans exemple dans les Fastes de la Justice " was published in > La Quotidienne , Paris newspaper. Poe's name is not mentioned and many details, including the name Rue Morgue and the main character ("Dupin" to "Bernier"), were changed. On October 12, 1846, another uncredited translation, renamed "Une Sanglante Enigme", was published in Le Commerce . Le Commerce editors are accused of plagiarizing stories from La Quotidienne . The allegations were heard and public discussion brought Poe's name to French public attention.
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