Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

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American President Barack Obama publicly supports same-sex marriage

The Barack Obama presidency began in the afternoon of EST on January 20, 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States, and ended on 20 January 2017. Obama, a Democrat, took over the office following a decisive victory over Republican John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. Four years later, in the 2012 election, he defeated Mitt Romney to win re-election. He was the first African-American president, the first multiracial president, the first non-white president, and the first president born in Hawaii. Obama was replaced by Republican Donald Trump, who won the 2016 presidential election.

Obama's first act overcame the global financial crisis and included major stimulus packages, partial extension of Bush's tax cuts, legislation to reform health care, a large financial regulatory reform bill, and the end of a US military presence in Iraq.. Obama also appointed Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, who last became the first Hispanic Americans in the Supreme Court. Democrats control both Congressional assemblies until Republicans win a majority in the House of Representatives in the 2010 election. After the election, Obama and the Republican Congress are involved in protracted tensions over the level of government spending and debt ceiling. The Obama administration's policy against terrorism undermines Bush's counter-resistance model. Instead, it uses a light trail approach with expanded air strikes, extensive use of special forces and greater dependence on host-government militaries. His most dramatic success came in the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011.

In his second term, Obama took steps to combat climate change, signed international climate agreements and executive orders to limit carbon emissions. Obama also led the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and other legislation passed in his first term, and he negotiated an agreement with Iran and Cuba. The number of American soldiers in Afghanistan dropped dramatically during Obama's second term, although US troops remain in Afghanistan during the Obama presidency. Republicans control the Senate after the 2014 election, and Obama continues to wrestle with the Republican Party of Congress over government spending, immigration, judicial nominations, and other issues.

Video Presidency of Barack Obama

Actions and major law

Maps Presidency of Barack Obama

2008 elections

After winning the election to represent the state of Illinois in the Senate in 2004, Obama announced that he would run for president in February 2007. At the 2008 Democratic primaries, Obama faced Senator and former First Lady Hillary Clinton. Several other candidates, including Senator Joe Biden of Delaware and former Senator John Edwards, also ran for nominations, but the candidate came out after the initial preliminary election. In June, on the last presidential election day, Obama won the nomination by winning a majority of delegates, including the promised delegates and super delegates. Obama and Biden, who Obama selected as his partner, were nominated for Democratic tickets at the Democratic National Convention in August 2008.

With Republican President George W. Bush's limited term, Republicans nominated Senator John McCain of Arizona for the presidency. In the election, Obama beat McCain, taking 52.9% of popular votes and 365 of 538 electoral votes. In Congressional elections, Democrats are added to their majority in both houses of Congress, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid both remain at their posts. Republican John Boehner and Mitch McConnell continue to serve as Minority House Leaders and Senate Minority Leaders, respectively.

NEWS] “Farewell to One of the Greatest” â€

Transition period and inauguration

The presidential transition began following Obama's election to the presidency in November 2008, although Obama has chosen Chris Lu to begin planning for the transition in May 2008. John Podesta, Valerie Jarrett, and Pete Rouse took the lead in the Obama-Biden Transition Project. During the transition period, Obama announced his nomination for his cabinet and his government. In November 2008, Congressman Rahm Emanuel accepted Obama's offer to serve as White House Chief of Staff. Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009, replacing George W. Bush. Obama officially occupy the presidency at 12:00 noon, EST, and finish the oath of office at 12:05 pm, EST. He delivered his inaugural address immediately after his oath. The Obama transition team highly praised the transition team out of the Bush administration, particularly with regard to national security, and some elements of the Bush-Obama transition were then codified into law.

Barack Obama | Miller Center


Cabinet design

After his inauguration, Obama and the Senate are working to confirm his nomination to the United States Cabinet. Three Cabinet-level officers do not require confirmation: Vice President Joe Biden, who Obama selected as his spouse at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, whom Obama chose to defend from earlier administration. The initial suggestion list came from Michael Froman, who later became an executive at Citigroup. Obama described his cabinet's choice as a "rival team," and Obama selected some prominent public officials for the Cabinet position, including former Democrat rival Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Obama nominated several former Clinton administration officials to the Cabinet and to other positions. On April 28, 2009, the Senate asserted former Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius as Health and Human Services Minister, completing Obama's initial Cabinet. During the Obama presidency, four Republicans served in the Obama Cabinet: Ray Lahood as Secretary of Transportation, Robert McDonald as Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and Gates and Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense.

Outstanding non-cabinet positions

  • Counselor to the President
    • Pete Rouse (2011-2014)
    • John Podesta (2014-2015)
  • Senior Advisor to the President
    • Valerie Jarrett (2009-2017)
    • Pete Rouse (2009-2010)
    • David Axelrod (2009-2011)
    • David Plouffe (2011-2013)
    • Daniel Pfeiffer (2013-2015)
    • Brian Deese (2015-2017)
    • Shailagh Murray (2015-2017)
  • White House Deputy Chief of Staff
    • Jim Messina 2009-2011
    • Mona Sutphen (2009-2011)
    • Nancy-Ann DeParle (2011-2013)
    • Alyssa Mastromonaco (2011-2014)
    • Mark B. Childress (2012-2014)
    • Rob Nabors (2013-2015)
    • Anita Decker Breckenridge (2014-2017)
    • Kristie Canegallo (2014-2017)
  • White House Press Secretary
    • Robert Gibbs (2009-2011)
    • Jay Carney (2011-2014)
    • Josh Earnest (2014-2017)
  • Director of Communications of the White House
    • Ellen Moran (2009)
    • Anita Dunn (2009)
    • Daniel Pfeiffer (2009-2013)
    • Jennifer Palmieri (2013-2015)
    • Jen Psaki (2015-2017)
  • White House Counsel
    • Greg Craig (2009-2010)
    • Bob Bauer (2010-2011)
    • Kathryn Ruemmler (2011-2014)
    • Neil Eggleston (2014-2017)

Appointed by President Bush ? Originally appointed by President Bush, re-appointed by President Obama

Judicial nomination

United States Supreme Court

There are three vacancies in the United States Supreme Court during Obama's term, but Obama makes only two successful Supreme Court pledges. During the 111th Congress, when the Democrats held a majority in the Senate, Obama successfully nominated two Supreme Court Judges:

  • Sonia Sotomayor , replacing David SouterÃ, - 2009
  • Elena Kagan , replacing John Paul StevensÃ, - 2010

Judge Antonin Scalia died in February 2016, during the 114th Congress, which has a Republican majority in the Senate. In March 2016, Obama nominated Chief Justice Merrick Garland from D.C Circuit to fill the Scalia seat. However, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Justice Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and other Senate Republicans argue that Supreme Court nominations should not take place during the presidential election year, and that the 2016 presidential winner should instead appoint a replacement for Scalia. Garland's candidacy remained in front of the Senate longer than any other Supreme Court nomination in history, and his candidacy ended at the end of the 114th Congress. President Donald Trump later nominated Neil Gorsuch to the former seat of Scalia in the Supreme Court, and Gorsuch was confirmed by the Senate in April 2017.

Other court

The Obama presidency sees the continuation of battle between the two sides over the confirmation of the candidate judge. Democrats continue to accuse Republicans of withdrawing nominations during Obama's term. After several nominating battles, the Democratic Senate in 2013 reformed the use of filibuster so that it can no longer be used on executive or judicial nominations (excluding the Supreme Court). The Republican Party took over the Senate after the 2014 election, giving them the power to block any potential judge, and Congress 114 confirmed only 20 candidates for the judge, the lowest number of confirmations since the 82nd Congress. Obama's judicial candidates are significantly more diverse than the previous administration, with more promises for women and minorities.

Full text of President Obama's speech on the Paris Climate ...

first 100 days

Within minutes of taking office oath on January 20, Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, issued an order to suspend last-minute rules and executive orders signed by disparaged President George W. Bush. Some of the first acts of the Obama presidency are focused on the reversal measures taken by the Bush administration after the September 11 attacks. In his first week in office, Obama signed the 13492 Executive Order suspended all ongoing proceedings from the Guantanamo military commission and ordered the Guantanamo detention facility to close within this year. Other orders, Executive Order 13491, prohibited torture and other coercive techniques, such as waterboarding. Obama also issued an executive order putting strict restrictions on lobbying in the White House, and canceling Mexico City Policy, which prohibits federal grants to international groups providing abortion or counseling services.

On January 29, Obama signed the bill for the first time in his presidency; Lilly Ledbetter's Fair Payments Act of 2009 revised the restrictive law to file wage discrimination lawsuits. On February 3, he signed the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act (CHIP), expanding CHIP's healthcare coverage from 7 million children to 11 million children. On March 9, 2009, Obama lifted restrictions on federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. Obama stated that, like Bush, he would use a signing statement if he considered some of the bills unconstitutional, and he then issued several signatory statements. Obama also signed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, which added 2 million hectares of land to the National Desert Forest Conservation System, as well as a bill raising cigarette pack taxes of 62 cents,

Perhaps the most important actions of Obama's first 100 days are part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to tackle the Great Recession. After much debate, the ARRA was passed by the House of Representatives and Senate on 13 February 2009. Originally intended to be a bipartisan bill, the Congress section of the bill relied heavily on Democratic votes, although three members of the Republican Senate did not vote for it. The lack of Republican support for the bill, and the Democrat's inability to win that support, foresees the continuing congestion and alignment throughout the Obama presidency. The $ 787 billion tax bill is deducted by spending on infrastructure projects, extension of welfare benefits, and education.

obama president essay

domestic affairs

Health care reform

After the stimulus law came into force in February 2009, health care reform became Obama's top domestic priority, and the 111th Congress passed a large bill that eventually became widely known as "Obamacare." Health care reform has long been a top priority of the Democratic Party, and Democrats are eager to implement new plans that will lower costs and increase coverage. Unlike Bill Clinton's 1993 plan to reform health care, Obama adopted a strategy to let Congress push the process, with the House and Senate writing their own bills. In the Senate, a group of bipartisan Senators at the Financial Committee known as the Six Gangs began meeting with the hope of creating a bipartisan health reform bill, although the Republican Senator involved with the craft of the bill finally opposed it. In November 2009, the House passed an Affordable Health Act for America with a 220-215 vote, with only one Republican voter winning the bill. In December 2009, the Senate passed its own health care reform bill, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA or ACA), within the party line, 60-39 votes. Both bills expanded Medicaid and provided health care subsidies, while establishing individual mandates, health insurance exchanges, and prohibition of denying coverage under pre-existing conditions. However, the House bill includes increased taxes on families making more than $ 1 million a year and public health insurance options, while the Senate plan includes excise taxes on high-cost health plans.

The Massachusetts Massachusetts Senate special election victory, Scott Brown, seriously jeopardizes the prospects for health care reform bill, as Democrats lose 60 of their majority Senate seats. The White House and Speaker Nancy Pelosi were involved in an extensive campaign to convince both the liberal and centric in the House to pass the Senate health care bill, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In March 2010, after Obama announced an executive order that strengthened the current legislation against federal funds spending for elective abortion services, the House of Representatives approved the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The bill, which passed the Senate in December 2009, did not receive a single Republican vote in one of the houses. On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed the PPACA into law. The New York Times describes PPACA as "the most widely implemented social law in decades," while the Washington Post noted that it was the largest expansion of health insurance coverage since the creation Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. The two congressional assemblies also issued a reconciliation step to make significant changes and corrections to the PPACA; The second bill was signed into law on March 30, 2010. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act became widely known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or "Obamacare."

The Affordable Care Act faces many challenges and disagreements after its journey, and Republicans continue to seek to revoke the law. The law also survives two major challenges submitted to the Supreme Court. In the National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, the 5-4 majority upholds the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, although it makes the state's expansion voluntary. In King v. Burwell, the 6-3 majority allow the use of tax credits on state-operated exchanges. The launch of in October 2013, a health insurance exchange website created under the ACA provision, has been widely criticized, although many problems have been fixed by the end of the year. The number of uninsured Americans dropped from 20.2% of the population in 2010 to 13.3% of the population by 2015, although Republicans continue to oppose Obamacare as an undesirable government expansion. Many liberals continue to encourage single-payer health systems or public options, and Obama supports the latest proposal, as well as the expansion of health insurance tax credit, by 2016.

Wall Street Reform

The risky practices among large financial institutions on Wall Street are widely seen as contributing to the subprime mortgage crisis, the 2007-08 financial crisis, and the next Great Recession, so Obama made Wall Street reform a priority in his first term. On July 21, 2010, Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the largest financial regulatory fix since the New Deal. This law improves regulatory and reporting requirements on derivatives (especially credit default swaps), and takes steps to limit systemic risk to the US economy with policies such as higher capital requirements, the establishment of the Order Liquidation Authority to help end big failing finances institutions, and the establishment of the Financial Stability Supervisory Board to monitor systemic risks. Dodd-Frank also established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which is in charge of protecting consumers from cruel financial practices. When signing the bill, Obama stated that the bill would "empower consumers and investors," "bringing in dark transactions that cause the crisis to be bright," and "stop paying tax payers once and for all." Some liberals are upset because the law does not divide the country's largest banks or restore the Glass-Steagall Act, while many conservatives criticize the bill as an act beyond the government's limit that could make the country less competitive. Under the law, the Federal Reserve and other regulatory bodies are required to file and enforce some new regulatory rules, and the battle over these rules continues throughout the Obama presidency. Obama called for further Wall Street reform after part of Dodd-Frank, saying that banks should have a smaller role in the economy and less incentives to engage in risky trades. Obama also signed the CARD Credit Act of 2009, which created new rules for credit card companies.

Climate change and the environment

During his presidency, Obama described global warming as the greatest long-term threat facing the world. Obama took several steps to combat global warming but could not pass a big bill addressing this issue, in part because many Republicans and some Democrats question whether global warming is happening and whether human activity contributes to it. After his inauguration, Obama asked Congress to pass a bill to limit domestic carbon emissions. After the House of Representatives passed the Clean Energy and Security Act of America in 2009, Obama tried to convince the Senate to pass the bill as well. The legislation will require the United States to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent by 2020 and by 83 percent by the middle of the 21st century. However, the bill is strongly opposed by Republicans and neither is there a separate proposed bipartisan compromise that has emerged for a vote in the Senate. In 2013, Obama announced that he would pass Congress by ordering the EPA to impose new carbon emissions limits. The Clean Power Plan, launched in 2015, seeks to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 percent by 2025. Obama also enforces regulations on soot, sulfur and mercury that drive the transition away from coal as an energy source, wind, solar and natural gas energy sources also contribute to the decline of coal. Obama encouraged this successful transition from coal largely due to the fact that coal emits more carbon than other resources, including natural gas.

Obama's campaign to fight global warming finds more success on an international level than in Congress. Obama attended the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference, which drafted the non-binding Copenhagen Accord as the successor to the Kyoto Protocol. Agreement given for monitoring carbon emissions among developing countries, but that does not include Obama's proposal to commit to halving greenhouse gas emissions by half in 2050. By 2014, Obama reached an agreement with China in which China pledged to achieve peak carbon emissions. level by 2030, while the US pledged to reduce its emissions by 26-28 percent compared to 2005 levels. The deal provides momentum for potential multilateral global warming agreements among the world's largest carbon emitters. Many Republicans criticized Obama's climate goals as a potential economic drain. At the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2015, virtually every country in the world approves an important climate agreement in which each country is committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. The Paris Agreement creates a universal accounting system for emissions, requires each country to monitor its emissions, and requires each country to make plans to reduce its emissions. Some climate negotiators noted that the US-China climate agreement and EPA emission limits helped make the deal possible. In 2016, the international community approves the Kigali agreement, amending the Montreal Protocol which seeks to reduce the use of HFC, the organic compounds that contribute to global warming.

From the beginning of his presidency, Obama took several measures to improve vehicle fuel efficiency in the United States. In 2009, Obama announced plans to increase the average Corporate Fuel Economy to 35 miles per gallon, an increase of 40 percent from 2009 levels. Both environmentalists and automotive industry officials welcomed the move, as the plan raised national emissions standards but provide the single national efficiency standard desired by automotive industry group officials. In 2012, Obama sets a higher standard, requiring an average fuel efficiency of 54.5 mpg. Obama also signed a "cash-for-clunkers" bill, which provides incentives to consumers to trade older, less fuel-efficient cars for more efficient cars. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 provides $ 54 billion in funds to boost domestic renewable energy production, making federal buildings more energy efficient, improving power grids, improving public housing, and weatherize simple income homes. Obama is also promoting the use of plug-in electric vehicles, and 400,000 electric cars have been sold by the end of 2015.

According to a report by the American Lung Association, there is a "huge increase" in air quality under Obama.


Upon entering the office, Obama focused on tackling the global financial crisis and the next Great Recession, which is generally regarded as the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. On February 17, 2009, Obama signed a $ 787 billion economic stimulus bill that included spending on health care, infrastructure, education, various tax breaks and incentives, and direct assistance to individuals. Temporary tax provisions reduce taxes to 98 percent of taxpayers, bringing tax rates to the lowest level in 60 years. The Obama administration will then state that the stimulus saves the United States from a "double-dip" recession. Obama asked for a second large stimulus package in December 2009, but no second stimulus bill was passed. Obama also launched a second bailout for US carmakers, possibly saving General Motors and Chrysler from bankruptcy at a cost of $ 9.3 billion. For homeowners in danger of defaulting on their mortgages due to the subprime mortgage crisis, Obama launched several programs, including HARP and HAMP. Obama reappointed Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board in 2009, and appointed Janet Yellen to replace Bernanke in 2013. Short-term interest rates remain close to zero for most of Obama's presidency, and the Federal Reserve does not raise interest rates during the Obama presidency until December 2015.

There was a continuous increase in the US unemployment rate during the early part of the administration, as multi-year economic stimulus efforts continued. The unemployment rate peaked in October 2009 at 10.1%. However, the economy added non-farm jobs to a record 75 consecutive months between October 2010 and December 2016, and the unemployment rate fell to 4.7% in December 2016. Recovery from the Great Recession was marked by lower labor force participation rates, some economists attribute partial participation rates partially to aging populations and people who stay in school longer. The recovery also put the growing income inequality in the United States, which the Obama administration highlighted as a major problem. The federal minimum wage increased during the Obama presidency to $ 7.25 per hour; in his second term, Obama advocated another increase to $ 12 an hour.

GDP growth returned in the third quarter of 2009, rising at a speed of 1.6%, followed by a 5.0% increase in the fourth quarter. Growth continued in 2010, posting a 3.7% increase in the first quarter, with lower yields for the rest of the year. Overall, the economy grew at a rate of 2.9% in 2010. The country's GDP consistently grew about 2% in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. However, the average household income (adjusted for inflation) dropped to $ 53,600 in 2014, down from the adjusted inflation of $ 57,400 in 2007, just before the start of the Great Recession. The poverty rate peaked at 15.1% in 2010 but declined to 13.5% by 2015, which is still higher than the pre-recession rate of 12.5% ​​in 2007. The relatively small growth rate of GDP in the United States and other countries, other developed nations following a major recession. economists left and others wondered whether the US growth rate would ever return to levels seen in the second half of the twentieth century.


President Obama saw a lengthy tax battle which ultimately led to the permanent extension of most of the Bush tax cuts, which had been imposed between 2001 and 2003. The tax cuts are set to expire in Obama's presidency since they were initially authorized using a maneuver congress known as reconciliation, meet the terms of long-term deficit "Byrd rule." During a lame duck session of the 111th Congress, Obama and Republicans wrestled about the ultimate fate of the cuts. Obama wants to extend tax cuts for taxpayers earning less than $ 250,000 annually, while Congressional Republican wants a total extension of tax cuts, and refuses to support any bill that does not extend tax cuts for top beneficiaries. Obama and Republican Congress leaders reached an agreement that included a two-year extension of all tax cuts, 13 month unemployment insurance extensions, one year reduction in FICA salary taxes, and other measures. Obama eventually persuaded many wary Democrats to support the bill, although many liberals like Bernie Sanders continue to oppose it. The $ 858 billion Tax Assistance, Unemployment Insurance Endorsement Insurance, and the Employment Creation Act of 2010 went by a bipartisan majority in both houses of Congress and signed into law by Obama on December 17, 2010.

Shortly after Obama's election in 2012, Republicans of Congress and Obama are again faced with the latest fate of Bush's tax cuts. Republicans are trying to make all permanent tax cuts, while Obama is trying to extend tax cuts only for those who earn less than $ 250,000. Obama and Congressional Republican reached an agreement on the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, which makes permanent tax cuts for individuals earning less than $ 400,000 per year (or less than $ 450,000 for couples). For an income greater than that amount, income tax increased from 35% to 39.6%, which is the highest level before the Bush tax-deductible section. The deal also permanently indexes the minimum alternative tax for inflation, a limited reduction for individuals earning more than $ 250,000 ($ 300,000 for spouses), permanently setting real estate tax exemptions at $ 5.12 million (indexed into inflation), and raising rates property tax from 35% to 40%. Although many Republicans do not like the deal, the bill endorsed the House of Representatives largely due to the fact that failure to pass the bill would result in the end of Bush's tax cuts.

Budget ceiling and debt

US government debt grew substantially during the Great Recession, when government revenues fell and Obama generally avoided the austerity policies followed by many European countries. US government debt grew from 52% of GDP when Obama took office in 2009 to 74% by 2014, with most of the debt growth coming between 2009 and 2012. In 2010, Obama ordered the establishment of a National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (Also known as the "Simpson-Bowles Commission") to find ways to reduce the country's debt. The Commission finally released a report calling for a mix of spending cuts and tax increases. Important recommendations from this report include cuts in military spending, reduced tax deductions for mortgages and health insurance provided by employers, increasing Social Security pension age, and reducing spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and federal employees. The proposal never received a vote in Congress, but it served as a framework for future plans to reduce national debt.

After taking over the House of Representatives in the 2010 election, the Republican Congress demanded spending cuts in return for raising the US debt ceiling, the limit of the law on the total amount of debt that can be issued by the Ministry of Finance. The 2011 debt crisis crisis grew when Obama and Democratic Congress demanded a "net" debt ceiling that did not include spending cuts. Although some Democrats argue that Obama can unilaterally raise the debt ceiling under the Fourteent Amendment provisions, Obama chose to negotiate with the Republic of Congress. Obama and House Speaker John Boehner tried to negotiate a "big offer" to cut the deficit, reform the rights program, and rewrite the tax code, but the negotiations finally collapsed due to ideological differences between Democratic and Republican leaders. Congress passed the Budget Control Act of 2011, which raised the debt ceiling, provided for cuts in domestic and military spending, and formed a Bipartisan Election Combined Committee on Deficit Reduction to propose further spending cuts. As the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction fails to reach agreement on further cuts, domestic and military spending cuts known as "sequester" take effect from 2013.

In October 2013, the government closed for two weeks because Republicans and Democrats could not approve the budget. Republicans endorse a budget that would defect Obamacare, but the Democratic Senate refuses to issue any budget that obstructs Obamacare. Meanwhile, the country faces another debt crisis. Eventually both sides agreed on a continuing resolution that reopened the government and froze the debt ceiling. Months after passing through the ongoing resolution, Congress passed the 2013 Bipartisan Budget Law and the omnibus expenditure bill to fund the government until 2014. By 2015, after John Boehner announced that he would resign as Speaker of the House, Congress passed a bill governing government spending targets and suspending the debt limit until after Obama left the office.

LGBT Rights

During his presidency, Obama, the Congress, and the Supreme Court all contribute to the large extension of LGBT rights. In 2009, Obama signed Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which extends hate crime legislation to cover crimes committed due to victim sexual orientation. In December 2010, Obama signed Do Not Reject, Do not Inform the Revocation Act of 2010, ending a military policy prohibiting gay and lesbian people from openly serving in the United States Armed Forces. Obama also supports the passage of ENDA, which would prohibit discrimination against employees on the basis of sex or sexual identity for all companies with 15 or more employees, and a similar but more comprehensive Equality Act. No bill approved by Congress. In May 2012, Obama became the first president to support same-sex marriage, shortly after Vice President Joe Biden also expressed support for the institution. The following year, Obama appointed Todd M. Hughes to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, making Hughes the first openly gay judge in US history. In 2015, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution ensures same-sex couples have the right to marry in the case of Obergefell v. Hodges , and Obama personally congratulated the plaintiff. Obama also issued dozens of executive orders aimed at assisting LGBT America, including a 2010 order that provides full benefits to federal partner-type partners. 2014 Orders prohibit discrimination against federal contractor employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. In 2015, Defense Minister Ash Carter ended the ban on women in combat roles, and by 2016, he ended the ban on transgender individuals who openly served in the military. On the international stage, Obama advocates gay rights, especially in Africa.


Great Recession 2008-09 caused a sharp decline in tax revenues in all cities and states. His response was to cut the education budget. Obama's $ 800 billion stimulus package includes $ 100 billion for public schools, which each country uses to protect its education budget. In terms of sponsoring innovations, however, Obama and his Education Minister Arne Duncan pursued K-12 education reform through the Race to the Top grant program. With more than $ 15 billion in grants at stake, 34 countries quickly revised their educational laws in accordance with the proposals of advanced education reformers. In points the competition is awarded to allow charter schools to breed, for teacher compensation based on achievement including student test scores, and to adopt higher education standards. There are incentives for countries to set standards for ready colleges and careers, which in practice means adopting a Common Core State Standard Initiative developed bipartisan by the National Governors Association, and the Council of Principals of State Officers. Criteria are not mandatory, they are incentives to increase the chances of getting a grant. Most states revise their laws, although they realize it is unlikely they will when new grants are very competitive. Race to the Top has strong bipartisan support, with centric elements from both sides. It was opposed by the Democratic left wing, and by the Republican right wing, and criticized for concentrating too much power in Washington. Complaints also come from middle-class families, who are upset by the increasing emphasis on teaching for exams, rather than encouraging teachers to show creativity and stimulate the students' imagination.

Obama also advocates for universal pre-kindergarten programs, and two years of free community lectures for everyone. Through the Let's Move program and healthier school lunch advocacy, First Lady Michelle Obama focuses on childhood obesity, which is three times higher in 2008 than in 1974. In December 2015, Obama signed the Act Act Act A student, a bipartisan bill that re-certifies mandatory federal testing but discourages the role of the federal government in education, especially with regard to troubled schools. The law also terminates the use of waivers by the Secretary of Education. In post-secondary education, Obama signed the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, ending the role of private banks in lending federal student loans, creating a new revenue-based income payment plan known as Pay as You Earn, and improving the number of Pell Grant awards granted annually. He also instituted new rules in nonprofit colleges, including "profitable job" rules that limit federal funding from colleges that fail to prepare graduates for careers.


From the beginning of his presidency, Obama supported a comprehensive immigration reform, including the road to citizenship for many immigrants who illegally reside in the United States. However, Congress did not issue a comprehensive immigration bill during Obama's term of office, and Obama turned to executive action. In 2010 a paralyzed duck session, Obama supported part of the DREAM Act, which passed the House but failed to overcome a Senate filibuster in 55-41 votes in favor of the bill. In 2013, the Senate passed the immigration bill by way of citizenship, but the House of Representatives did not vote on the bill. In 2012, Obama implements the DACA policy, which protects about 700,000 illegal immigrants from deportation; the policy only applies to those brought to the United States before their 16th birthday. In 2014, Obama announced a new executive order that would protect four million other illegal immigrants from deportation, but the order was blocked by the Supreme Court in a 4-4 tie fine that upheld lower court rulings. Although there are executive actions to protect some people, deportation of illegal immigrants continues under Obama. A record high 400,000 deportation occurred in 2012, although the number of deportations fell during Obama's second term. In continuing the trend that began with the passage of the 1965 Immigration and Citizenship Act, the percentage of foreign-born people living in the United States reached 13.7% by 2015, higher than any point since the beginning of the 20th century. Having risen since 1990, the number of illegal immigrants living in the United States stabilized at about 11.5 million people during the Obama presidency, down from a peak of 12.2 million in 2007.

The nation's immigrant population reached a record 42.2 million in 2014. In November 2015, Obama announced plans to resettle at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United States.


Energy production is blaring during Obama's presidency. Increases in oil production are largely driven by fracking boom triggered by private investment in private land, and only play a small role in this development. The Obama administration is promoting renewable energy growth, and solar power plants have tripled during Obama's term. Obama also issued a number of energy efficiency standards, which contribute to the smoothing growth in total US energy demand. In May 2010, Obama extended a moratorium on offshore drilling permits after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010, which is generally regarded as the worst oil spill in US history. In December 2016, Obama requested an Extraordinary Continental Land Act to ban offshore oil and gas exploration in most of the Arctic Ocean and Atlantic.

During Obama's presidency, the battle over Keystone XL Pipeline became a major issue, with supporters arguing that it would contribute to economic growth and the environment on the grounds that its approval would contribute to global warming. The proposed 1,000-mile pipeline will connect Canadian oil sands with the Gulf of Mexico. As the pipeline crosses the international border, its construction requires the approval of the US federal government, and the US State Department is involved in a lengthy review process. President Obama vetoed the bill to build the Keystone Pipeline in February 2015, arguing that the approval decision must be in the hands of the executive. It was the first major veto of his presidency, and Congress could not afford it. In November 2015, Obama announced that he would not approve the construction of the pipeline. While vetoing the bill, Obama stated that the pipeline plays an "overinflated" role in US political discourse and will have a relatively small impact on job creation or climate change.

Drug policy and criminal justice reform

The Obama administration took several steps to reform the criminal justice system when many felt that the United States had gone too far in imprisoning drug offenders, and Obama was the first president since the 1960s to lead a reduction in federal prison population. Obama's ownership also saw a steady decline in national violent crime rates from its peak in 1991, despite an increase in violent crime rates by 2015. In October 2009, the US Department of Justice issued a directive to federal prosecutors in countries with medical marijuana laws not to investigate or adjudicate cases of marijuana use or production carried out in accordance with such laws. In 2009, President Obama signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2010, which lifted a 21-year ban on federal funding of needle exchange programs. In August 2010, Obama signed a Fair Justice Act, which reduced the penalty difference between cocaine crack and cocaine powder. In 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first countries to legalize non-medical marijuana, and six more countries legalized marijuana recreation at the time Obama left office. Although marijuana use remains illegal under federal law, the Obama administration generally chooses not to prosecute those who use marijuana in those countries that choose to legalize it. However, some liberals and libertarians criticize Obama for continuing or even expanding the war on drugs, particularly in the case of medical marijuana. In 2016, Obama announced that the federal government would stop using private prisons. Obama changed the sentence of more than 1,000 people, the number of commutations higher than other presidents, and most of Obama's turn to go to non-violent drug abusers.

Pistol control

Obama called for arms control measures after mass firing but could not pass a big bill. In 2009, Obama discussed to restore the Federal Attack Weapon, but did not make a strong impulse to pass it through Congress at that time. After the shooting of Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, Obama outlined a series of proposed weapons controls, urging Congress to reintroduce an expired "military style" weapons ban, imposing limits on ammunition magazines for up to 10 rounds, introducing background checks on all arms sales , putting aside the ban on the ownership and sale of armor piercing bullets, introducing heavier penalties for gun dealers, and approving the appointment of heads of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Federal Explosives for the first time since 2006. Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV ) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) attempted to cross the limits of more restricted weapon controls that would extend background checks, but the bill was blocked in the Senate. Despite Obama's advocacy and subsequent mass shootings such as church shooting in Charleston, there is no major arms control bill passed Congress during the Obama presidency, partly because of the strength of the 2nd Amendment activists such as the National Rifle Association. The Obama presidency ironically sees the extension of weapons rights in the United States, as the Supreme Court ruled in McDonald v. Chicago City that the Second Amendment applies to states other than the federal government. Obama signed two laws containing amendments that reduced the restrictions on weapons owners, allowing weapons to be transported in checked baggage on Amtrak trains and others that allow carrying firearms loaded in national parks located in the state that allows carrying concealed items.


Cybersecurity emerged as an important issue during the Obama presidency. In 2009, the Obama administration established the Cyber ​​Command, the United States, a command of a sub-unit of armed forces assigned to defend the military against cyber attacks. Sony Pictures suffered a huge hack in 2014, accused by the US government of North Korean origin in retaliation for the release of The Interview. China is also developing a sophisticated cyber war power. In 2015, Obama declared a cyber attack on the US national emergency. Later that year, Obama signed the Cybersecurity Security Sharing Act into law. In 2016, the Democratic National Committee and other US organizations were hacked, and the FBI and the CIA concluded that Russia sponsored the hack in the hope of helping Donald Trump win the 2016 presidential election. Email accounts from other prominent individuals, including former Colin Foreign Minister Powell and CIA Director John O. Brennan, also hacked, leading to new fears about email privacy.

Racial issues

After Obama's election, many contemplate the existence of "post-race America". However, the protracted racial tensions soon became apparent, and many African-Americans expressed outrage over what they saw as "racial poisons" directed at the Obama presidency. In July 2009, the famous Harvard African-American professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was arrested at his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts by a local police officer, sparking controversy after Obama declared that the police acted "foolishly" in handling the incident. To reduce the tension, Obama invited Gates and police officers to the White House in what came to be known as the "Beer Summit". Several other incidents during Obama's presidency sparked outrage in African-American communities and/or law enforcement communities, and Obama sought to build trust between law enforcement officials and civil rights activists. The release of George Zimmerman after the shooting of Trayvon Martin sparked a national outcry, which led Obama to give a speech in which he noted that "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago." Michael Brown's shooting at Ferguson, Missouri sparked a wave of protests. These and other events led to the birth of the Black Life movement, which campaigned against systemic violence and racism against blacks. Some in the law enforcement community criticized Obama's criticism of racial bias after an incident in which police action caused the death of African-American men, while some racial justice activists criticized Obama's empathy for police expression. Although Obama entered the office reluctantly talking about the race, in 2014 he began openly discussing the disadvantages faced by many members of minority groups. In a March 2016 Gallup poll, nearly a third of Americans said they were worried about "very much" about race relationships, a figure higher than in previous Gallup polls since 2001.


In July 2009, Obama appointed Charles Bolden, a former astronaut, as the NASA Administrator. That same year, Obama set up the Augustine panel to review the Constellation program. In February 2010, Obama announced that he was cutting programs from the United States federal budget 2011, describing it as "over budget, behind schedule, and lacking in innovation." After the ruling drew criticism in the United States, the new plan "Flexible Line to Mars" was inaugurated at the space conference in April 2010. This includes new technology programs, increased R & D, NASA's 2011 budget increase from $ 18.3 billion to $ 19 billion, focusing on the International Space Station, and plans to contract future transportation into Low Earth orbit to private companies. During Obama's presidency, NASA designed the Space Launching System and developed Commercial Crew Development and Commercial Orbital Transportation Services to work with private space companies. These private companies, including SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, Boeing, and Bigelow Aerospace, became more active during the Obama presidency. The Space Shuttle program ends in 2011, and NASA relies on the Russian space program to launch its astronauts into orbit for the rest of the Obama administration. The Obama presidency also saw the launch of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Mars Science Laboratory. In 2016, Obama asked the United States to land humans on Mars in the 2030s.

Other initiatives

Obama took steps to promote various technologies and technological skills of the United States. The number of American adults using the internet grew from 74% in 2008 to 84% by 2013, and Obama pushed the program to expand broadband internet to lower American revenue. More than the Republican opposition, the Federal Communications Commission began to organize internet providers as public utilities, with the aim of protecting "net neutrality." Obama launched the 18F and US Digital Services, two organizations aimed at modernizing government information technology. The stimulus package includes money to build a high-speed rail network as proposed by Florida High Speed ​​Corridor, but political resistance and funding issues hinder such efforts. In January 2016, Obama announced plans to invest $ 4 billion in self-driving car development, as well as an initiative by the National Highway Traffic Safety Agency to develop regulations for self-driving cars. In the same month, Obama called for a national effort led by Vice President Biden to develop a cure for cancer.

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International relations

The Obama administration has inherited the war in Afghanistan, the war in Iraq, and the global "War on Terror", all of which was launched by Congress during President Bush's time following the September 11 attacks. After taking office, Obama called for a "new beginning" in the relationship between the Muslim world and the United States, and he stopped using the term "War on Terror" that supported the term "Overseas Contingency Operations". Obama pursued a mild "trace" military strategy in the Middle East that emphasized special forces, drone attacks, and diplomacy over the occupation of major ground forces. However, American troops continue to clash with Islamic militant organizations such as al-Qaeda, ISIL and al-Shabaab under the AUMF provisions passed by Congress in 2001. Although the Middle East remains important to American foreign policy, Obama pursues a "pivot" East Asia. Obama also emphasized closer ties with India, and was the first president to visit the country twice. As a supporter of nuclear non-proliferation, Obama managed to negotiate an arms reduction deal with Iran and Russia. In 2015, Obama described the Obama Doctrine, saying "we will be involved, but we retain all our abilities." Obama also describes himself as an internationalist who rejects isolationism and is influenced by liberal realism and liberalism.

Iraq and Afghanistan

During the 2008 presidential election, Obama strongly condemned the Iraq War, and Obama withdrew most of the US troops in Iraq by the end of 2011. While serving, Obama announced that US combat troops would leave Iraq in August 2010, with 35,000-50,000 American soldiers remaining in Iraq as an advisor and coach, down from about 150,000 American troops in Iraq in early 2009. In 2008, President Bush signed the US-Iraq Troop Status Agreement, in which the United States is committed to withdrawing troops by the end of 2011. Obama seeks to convinced Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to allow US troops to stay through 2011, but the large presence of American soldiers is unpopular with most Iraqis. By the end of December 2011, only 150 American troops remained serving at the US embassy. However, in 2014, the US started a campaign against ISIL, an Islamist extremist terrorist group operating in Iraq and Syria that grew dramatically after the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and the start of the Syrian Civil War. In June 2015, there were about 3500 American troops in Iraq serving as advisers for anti-ISIL forces in the Iraqi Civil War, and Obama left office with about 5,262 US troops in Iraq and 503 of them in Syria.

Obama increased the number of American troops in Afghanistan during his first term before withdrawing most military personnel during his second term. While in office, Obama announced that the US military presence in Afghanistan would be supported by 17,000 new troops in the summer of 2009, above some 30,000 troops already in Afghanistan in early 2009. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Chief Joint Staff Michael Mullen all contend for more troops, and Obama sends additional troops after a long review process. The number of US troops in Afghanistan will reach 100,000 by 2010. In 2012, the US and Afghanistan sign a strategic partnership agreement in which the US agrees to hand over major combat operations to Afghan forces. That same year, the Obama administration called Afghanistan a key non-NATO ally. In 2014, Obama announced that most troops would leave Afghanistan by the end of 2016, with little power remaining in the US embassy. In September 2014, Ashraf Ghani replaced Hamid Karzai as President of Afghanistan after the United States helped negotiate power-sharing agreements between Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah. On January 1, 2015, the US military ended Operation Enduring Freedom and embarked on a Firm Support Mission, in which the US shifted to more training roles, although some combat operations continued. In October 2015, Obama announced that US troops would remain in Afghanistan indefinitely to support the Afghan government in a civil war against the Taliban, al-Qaeda and ISIL. Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey framed the decision to defend troops in Afghanistan as part of a long-term counter-terrorism operation spanning Central Asia. Obama left the office with about 8,400 US troops left in Afghanistan.

East Asia

Although other regions of the world remain important to American foreign policy, Obama pursues a "axis" to East Asia, focusing US diplomacy and trade in the region. China's ongoing emergence as a major force is a major issue of the Obama presidency; while the two countries are working together on issues such as climate change, China-US relations are also experiencing tensions over territorial claims in the South China Sea and East China Sea. In 2016, the United States hosted a summit with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for the first time, reflecting the Obama administration's efforts to forge closer ties with ASEAN and other Asian countries. Having helped push openly contested elections in Myanmar, Obama lifted many US sanctions against Myanmar. Obama also enhanced US military ties with Vietnam, Australia and the Philippines, increased aid to Laos, and contributed to warming ties between South Korea and Japan. Obama designed the Trans-Pacific Partnership as a key economic pillar of the Asian axis, although the treaty remains not legalized. Obama made little progress with relations with North Korea, long-time US enemies, and North Korea continued to develop its WMD program.


While in office, Obama called for a "reset" in relations with Russia, which has declined after the Russia-Georgia War of 2008. While President Bush has succeeded in pushing NATO's expansion into the former Eastern bloc countries, the early Obama era saw NATO put more emphasis on creating partnerships long term with Russia. Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev are working together in a new agreement to reduce and monitor nuclear weapons, Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization, and counterterrorism. On April 8, 2010, Obama and Medvedev signed the START New agreement, a major nuclear weapons control agreement that reduces the supply of nuclear weapons to both countries and provides for the monitoring regime. In December 2010, the Senate ratified a START START in a 71-26 vote, with 13 Republicans and all Democrats voting in favor of the agreement. In 2012, Russia joined the World Trade Organization and Obama normalizes trade relations with Russia. However, US-Russian relations fell after Vladimir Putin returned to the presidency. Russian intervention in Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimea led to harsh criticism by Obama and other Western leaders, who imposed sanctions on Russian leaders. These sanctions contribute to the Russian financial crisis. Several members of Congress from both sides also called for the US to arm the Ukrainian army, but Obama refused to become closely involved in the War in Donbass. In 2016, following several cybersecurity incidents, the Obama administration formally accused Russia of involvement in a campaign to undermine the 2016 election, and the government imposed sanctions on several people and organizations linked to Russia.


The relationship between Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu (who holds office for all but two months of Obama's presidency) is very icy, with many commenting on mutual dislike for each other. While in office, Obama appoints George J. Mitchell as a special envoy to the Middle East to work towards resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but Mitchell made little progress before resigning in 2011. In March 2010, Clinton's Foreign Minister criticized the Israeli government for approving the expansion of settlements in East Jerusalem. Netanyahu strongly opposes Obama's efforts to negotiate with Iran and is seen as supporting Mitt Romney in the 2012 US presidential election. However, Obama continues US policy to veto a UN resolution calling for a Palestinian state, and the government continues to advocate a negotiated two-state solution. Obama also increased aid to Israel, including funding for the Iron Dome air defense program.

During Obama's last months in office, his administration chose not to veto the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which urged the end of Israeli settlements in the territories seized by Israel in the Six Day War in 1967. The Obama administration argues that abstention is consistent with long-lasting American opposition to settlement expansion, while abstinence critics contend that it left a close US ally.

Trading agreement

Like his predecessor, Obama pursues a free trade agreement, seb

Source of the article : Wikipedia
