Selasa, 05 Juni 2018

Sponsored Links -- Case of 12 MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat)

The Meal, Ready-to-Eat - commonly known as MRE - is an individual, self-contained ration in a lightweight package purchased by the Department of Defense for member services for use in combat or conditions other fields where organized food facilities are not available. Although MRE must remain cool, they do not need to be cooled. MRE replaced the MCI can, or Meal, Combat, Individual Rations, in 1981, and was the successor intended for a lighter LRP ratio developed by the United States Army for Special Forces and Ranger patrol units in Vietnam. MRE has also been distributed to civilians during natural disasters.

Video Meal, Ready-to-Eat


The first army rations formed by the Congressional Resolution, during the Revolutionary War, consisted of enough food to feed humans for a day, mostly beef, peas, and rice. During the Civil War, the military moved towards canned goods. Later, stand-alone kits were removed as whole rations and contained canned meat, bread, coffee, sugar, and salt. During the First World War, canned meat was replaced with lightly preserved meat (salted or dried) to save weight and allow more rations to be brought by soldiers carrying their supplies on foot. At the beginning of World War II, a number of new field rations were introduced, including Mountain rations and Jungle rations. However, cost-cutting measures by Quartermaster Command officials during the latter part of World War II and the Korean War again saw the dominance of C can rations that were issued to troops, regardless of operating environment or mission. During World War II, more than 100 million cans of Spam were sent to the Pacific. The use of wet canned rations continued through the Vietnam War, with an improved MCI ration.


After repeated experience by providing rations prepared for troops dating from before World War II, Pentagon officials finally realized that providing only inadequately balanced nutrition on the field was inadequate. Service members in different geographical areas and battle situations often require different sub-sections of the ingredients for food to be considered good for a long time. In addition, serving individual tastes and preferences will encourage service members to actually consume all their rations and nutrients. Most importantly, the use of special forces in extreme environments and the need to carry heavier terrain loads while on foot during extended missions requires a much lighter alternative to standard canned wet rations.

In 1963, the Department of Defense began developing "Meal, Ready to Eat", a ration that would depend on modern food preparation and packaging technology to create lighter substitutes for canned, combat, individual Rations. In 1966, this led to Long Range Patrol, or LRP rations, dried foods stored in waterproof canvas bags. However, as with Jungle rations, the costs compared to wet canned rations, as well as the cost of storage and storage of special field rations, led to their limited use and repeated attempts at termination by Quartermaster Command officials.

In 1975, work began on dried foods stored in retort plastic bags, led by Dr. Abdul Rahman (who later received the Meritorious Civil Service Award for his contribution). This went into a special problem that started in 1981 and standard issues in 1986, using a restricted menu of twelve entrÃÆ' Â © es.

In progress

MRE has been in continuous development since its introduction. In 1990, a Flation Ration Heater (FRH), a heat-activated, water-activated exothermic reaction product, allowed a field service member to enjoy hot food. In a series of field tests and surveys, service members ask for more entrÃÆ'  © e options and larger portion sizes. In 1994, commercial-like graphics (drawings) were added to make the package more user-friendly and attractive, while biodegradable materials were introduced for non-edible components, such as spoons and napkins. The number of workers increased to 16 in 1996 (including vegetarian options), 20 entrÃÆ'  © es in 1997 and 24 entrà © es in 1998. Today, the system includes 24 entrÃÆ'  © es, and over 150 additional items. These varieties allow service members from different cultures and geographical areas to find something fun.

The ration originally came from a dark brown outer bag from 1981 to 1995 because the ration was designed for use in tropical forests and central European plains. It was replaced in 1996 with a brown outer bag that is more suitable for service in the Middle East desert. In 2000, a burrito bean dish was introduced. In 2006, "Beverage Bags" were introduced to MRE, as service members had begun to rely more on hydration packages than canteens, thus refusing the use of metal canteen cups (shaped fitting in canteen bags with canteen) to mix powdered drinks. In addition to having a measuring sign to indicate the level of fluid for proper measurements, they can be sealed and placed inside a flameless heater.

Recently, MRE has been developed using the Intake Reference Diet, made by the Institute of Medicine (IOM). IOM indicates servicemembers (who are classified as very active men between the ages of 18 and 30) typically burn about 4,200 Calories a day, but tend to consume only about 2,400 Calories a day during combat, entering a negative energy balance. This imbalance occurs when members of the servicemail fail to consume the full part of their ration. Although the manipulation of foodstuffs and the distribution of macronutrients to help increase the number of kilocalories per MRE has been made, more research shows that many members of the servicemembers still do not meet today's daily consumption standards, often trading and disposing of rations. Researchers continue to study the eating habits and preferences of servic members, making constant changes that encourage servic members to eat whole foods and thus get full nutritional value.

In addition, the military has experimented with new rodent attack prototypes, such as the First Strike Race and HOOAH! Bar, designed with elite or special powers in mind. Lighter than the typical MRE, they do not require preparation and allow the servic members to eat it while on the go. In July 2009, 6,300 packets of shake milk with various flavors were recalled due to evidence of Salmonella contamination .

Maps Meal, Ready-to-Eat


Each meal provides about 1200 calories (5020.8 kJ). They are intended to be eaten for a maximum of 21 days (the assumption is that the logistics unit can provide fresh food rations at the time), and has a minimum shelf life of three years (depending on storage conditions).

Stringent packaging requirements. MRE should be able to withstand parachute drops from 380 meters (1,250 feet), and drops of non-parachutes 30 meters (98 feet). Packaging is required to maintain a minimum shelf life of three and a half years at 27 ° C (81 ° F), nine months at 38 ° C (100 ° F), and short duration of -51 ° C (-60 ° C F) to 49 ° C (120 ° F) should be sustainable. New packaging forms are being considered to better meet these requirements including the use of zein to replace the foil, which can be easily stabbed, heat, and reflective (which can provide the servicemember position).

Each MRE weighs 510 to 740 grams (18 to 26 oz), depending on the menu. Because MRE contains water, they are heavier than freeze-dried foods that produce equivalent calories.

Resale status

As a result of previous unauthorized sales to civilians, the Department of Defense required it

US. Government Property, Unauthorized Commercial Redemption

printed on each MREs case. Despite warnings, there is no law prohibiting the sale of MRE, except by military personnel. Although the government has tried to prevent sellers from selling MRE, auction sites such as eBay continue to allow MRE auctions because the Department of Defense can not show them any rules or laws that specifically prohibit such practices. According to an eBay spokesperson, "until the law is passed and says you can not sell these items, we will not stop them sold on the site." Although MRE is not a major contraband item, the procurement and sale of MRE by military personnel for personal gain is illegal under Code Uniform Military Court Article 108.

The 2006 investigation for the US Government Accountability Office specifies some examples where a seller on eBay may have obtained MREs incorrectly and sold it to the public for personal gain. Because military MRE is purchased using taxpayer dollars, they are intended to be consumed by individuals from organizations and authorized activities. As a result, "if a military MRE is sold to the general public on eBay, then they obviously do not reach the intended recipient and represent a waste of taxpayer dollars and possibly criminal activity." Furthermore, MRE found on eBay is usually older and closer to their expiration date, sourced from "environmental page sales" and "Sea bottom bins".

The recent growth of MRE listed on eBay (2005) has resulted in government investigations whether they are intended for victims of Hurricane Katrina, and the nickname of the news media "Meals Ready for eBay." Several cases were sold from Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and other Gulf states affected by Katrina. The internal cost of 12 MREs packages is $ 86.98 (about $ 7.25 per hour) to the government, much higher than actually paid to the vendor. That said, MRE can be purchased by civilians directly from contractors who supply MRE to the United States Government. MRE is very similar to the original US Government MRE, differing only in minor details (ie case and bag design or spoon type).

In the Philippines, the government is intervening to stop MRE from being sold in the local market. MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat) Genuine U.S. Military ...


General content may include:

  • Main course (main course)
  • Side
  • Desserts or snacks (often commercial candies, enriched cakes, or Soldier Fuel Bar.)
  • Crackers or bread
  • Spread the cheese, peanut butter, or jelly
  • A mixture of powdered beverages: fruit flavored drinks, cocoa, instant coffee or tea, sports drinks, or whipped milk.
  • Gear (usually just a plastic spoon)
  • Borderless rations heater (FRH)
  • Beverage mixer bag
  • Accessory package:
    • xylitol chewing gum
    • Waterproof match book
    • Toilet/toilet paper
    • Wet towel
    • Spices, including salt, pepper, sugar, creamer, and/or Tabasco sauce
    • Frozen dry coffee powder

Many items are fortified with nutrients. In addition, DoD policies require units to add MRE with fresh food and rations whenever possible, especially in the training environment.

Change menu from time to time

In an effort to make MRE better suited to service members and match the ever-changing trends in popular tastes, the military continues to seek feedback to customize MRE menus and materials. In the following list, only the main appetizers are listed. The vegetarian menu is marked on their first appearance.

CIA and Petit Trois | KCET

Date code

MRE cases are usually marked with production date in American mode: 2-digit Month/2-digit Day/Year 4-digit (for example, November 24, 1996 will be given as 11/24/1996). This is followed by Lot Number , a 4 digit date code which is also repeated on the content. The first digit is the last digit of the Year (for example, 0 equals 2000 or 2010, 1 equals 2001 or 2011, and 9 equals 1999 or 2009). The next 3 digits equals the day of the year (ie, 001 to 366). "1068" will be the same as the 68th day of 2001 or 2011, for example March 9, 2001.

The Packaged Date on the box is a 2-digit Month/2-digit Year (eg, October 1991 will be translated as "10/91"). Case examined and sampled 3 years from production. Cases that pass the examination are stamped with the Inspection/Date Test , which is in the same format as the Packing Date (eg, October 1994 will be made "10/94"). The optimal ration should be kept in a cool, dry place during storage. Rations are discarded after five years.

Testing US Military MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) - YouTube

Civil use

MRE has also been distributed to civilians during natural disasters. The National Guard has granted MRE to the public during national disasters, such as Hurricanes Katrina, Ike, and Sandy; and the Super Plague of 2011. The large number of civilians exposed to MREs pushed some jokes during Mardi Gras New Orleans recently, with revelers wearing clothes made from MRE packages with phrases like "MRE Antoinette" and "Man Ready to Eat ".

The use of rations for noncompared environments has been questioned. While nutritional requirements are suitable for combat environments where members of servicemembers will burn many calories and lose a lot of sodium through sweat, it has been provided as an emergency food or even as a standard meal. High fats (on average about 52 grams of fat, 5 gram trans fats) and high salt content are less than ideal for sedentary situations. HDR and TOTM accounts for these nutritional needs.

Recently, MRE's (and other new and old military rations) has become a popular item for YouTube reviewers. The most popular of them belongs to a Floridian named Steve Thomas, whose channel is Steve1989MREInfo, has over 500,000 subscribers and, in this paper, 144 videos. His reviews have been particularly praised for his relaxed, passionate, and friendly manner, with people often comparing him to Bob Ross.

Meals Ready to Eat | KCET


Some of the early MRE main courses were not very suitable, giving them the nickname "Food Rejected by Everyone", "Food Rarely Eatable", and even "Food Rejected by Ethiopians" (referring to the 1983-85 famine in Ethiopia). Some individual sections have their own nickname. For example, the frankfurter, sealed in a pocket of four, is called the "four finger of death". Although quality has improved over the years, many nicknames are stuck. MRE is sometimes called "Three Lies to Price One": it's not Food, it's Not Ready, and You Can not Eat.

Their low fiber content can cause constipation in some people, so they are also known as "Meals Requiring Enemas", "Meals Refusing to Exit", "Meals Refusing to Excrete", or "Massive Rectal Expulsions". While the myth that chewing gum found in MRE containing laxatives is false (however, they are sweetened with xylitol, mild laxative), crackers in the ration pack do contain higher than normal plant-based content to facilitate digestion. In December 2006, comedian Al Franken (on the 8th USO tour at the time) joked to troops in Iraq that he has had his fifth MRE so far and "none of them has an exit strategy".

Superstition is among the troops about the Mantra candy that comes with some menus: they are considered bad luck, especially if it is actually eaten. Some of these attributes for cases do not like to be superstitious (ie do not eat them 'just in case' or because it might make one's colleagues uncomfortable). In March 2007, The Salt Lake Tribune invited three gourmet chefs to taste 18 MRE food. None of the foods rated higher than 5.7 on average on a scale of 1 to 10, and eating fajita chicken, in particular, were chosen for humiliation, rating an average of 1.3. At the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, among the international forces mingling at the Bagram Air Base, a French combat ration (cassoulet, perhaps, with deer pÃÆ'Ã… © n and nougat) can be traded at least five American Foods Ready to Eat.

German Armed Forces EPA 24 hour international combat ration ...

Similar variants and rations

MRE has led to the creation of several similar field rations.

Aircrew Build to Order Meal Module (ABOMM) is a special variant consisting of packing an existing MRE food element into a form that provides crew of military aircraft and tank operators with food designed to be eaten while traveling or when operating their aircraft/ground vehicle without the use of equipment, and packaged for use in confined spaces.

For members of servicemembers with strict religious dietary requirements, the military offers special, Religious, Kosher/Halal meals. This is customized to provide the same nutritional content, but will not contain offensive ingredients. Appetizers come in different stylish packaging with color pictures of the dishes prepared on it (like civilian pre-made food) and the food accessories come in commercial packaging. Halal appetizers are marked "Glatt Kosher" in Hebrew and English, while halal food is marked "Dhabiha Halal" in Arabic and English. The food comes in case 12 which weighs 18 lbs (8 kg) and has a volume of 1.4 cubic feet (40 L). To keep up with the law of the diet, Entree and Accessory packs are packed in two separate boxes in an outer case and come only kosher or halal (two special types of rations never mixed in the delivery case).

The original food is only halal and comes with 4 Beef, 4 Chicken, 2 Salmon, and 2 Gefilte Fish menus. The food is now served with Beef, Lamb, Chicken, Vegetarian, and Pasta. The appetizers are a mixture of traditional Middle Eastern and Southwest Asian dishes (such as Jalfrezi Sheep & Vegetables) or Western Chicken Curry (Basmati, Lentil, and Vegetables) and Western dishes (such as Vegetable Ratatouille , Florentine-style Lasagna Vegetables , or New Orleans Gumbo with Chicken ). Each menu contains an average of 1200 kilocalories and has a shelf life of 3 to 10 months.

There is also a special kosher food that is certified for the requirements of Easter. The "Passover Ration" contains the package from Matzoh Crackers and has Beef, Chicken (served on the bone), or salmon appetizers. Each meal is inside its own package and comes 12 packets to a box.

The Humanitarian Daily Ration (HDR) is a complete Halal food designed to be delivered to refugees and other displaced people. It's designed to feed one person for a whole day, and the menus are meant to fit a lot of religious and cultural tastes around the world. To achieve this goal, there are no animal products or by-products, no alcohol or alcohol-based products, and dairy products are minimally used in their production. It if not made and packaged like MRE; feedback from the Afghan campaign led to reinforced interior packaging to withstand the air being dropped, as the package sometimes broke out on impact. The outer pouch is bright red or yellow and has an American Flag and a picture of the person eating outside the bag with a spoon. Usually there are instructions printed in it in English and one or more local languages ​​as well.

In extreme cold temperatures, packaged wet food in MRE can solidify, make food ineffective and inadequate heating packs. The Meal, Cold Weather (MCW) provides a similar quota with MRE designed for lower temperatures than MREs that survive. Wrapped in white packaging, it offers frozen dishes designed to be eaten with hot water, the same ingredients as the standard MRE, and an additional beverage mix to encourage additional hydration. The content of calories and fat from food is also increasing. MCW replaces Ration, Cold Weather (RCW).

The Meal, Alternative Regionally Customized (MARC), is a self-contained, stable shelf developed by the US Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM)/Natick, Private Race Combat Team (ICRT), Tempur Feeding Directorate (CFD). MARC was developed specifically for detainees at Guantanamo Bay, and since then has found wider spread, especially Iraq and Afghanistan. MARC food is entirely vegetarian as an easy way to prevent conflicts with cultural "forbidden products" (Islam/Judaism prohibits pigs, Hindus avoid beef, etc.). However, they are not Halal or Halal certified. Many of the menus available have South-East Asian/Indian styles for them (Saag Chole, Curry Vegetables), but others are just equivalent to MRE vegetarian (Cheese Tortellini, Minestrone).

The Meal, Long Range Patrol (LRP) is basically the same as the MCW, but with different accessory packages. MLRPs are designed for troops that may receive limited or non-existent supplies, and the weight of the ration is very important. The same First Strike Ration along the same lines, but does not require preparation and can be eaten while traveling.

The Tailored Customized Operations Meal (TOTM) first entered service in May, 2001. It provided a lower number of calories (average 997 kilocalories) for a less intensive training environment, such as classroom instruction. This replaces the lunch bagged in the previous mess-hall, providing food or field kitchen for field instruction. TOTM allows troops to become familiar with MRE and its contents without giving excessive amounts of calories to troops that do not need to burn them. It uses a transparent outer plastic bag with a commercial mark rather than a MRE tan plastic bag with standard marks. There are currently 3 different lists of twelve menus, making a total of 36 different foods. Each TOTM ration is packed with a full menu of 12 items of food, weighing about 20 lbs (9 kg), and 0.95 cubic feet (27 L). TOTM has a more limited shelf life than MRE, with a duration of only 12 to 18 months.

Unitized Group Ration (UGR) is a ration like MRE, but expanded to feed large groups. It comes packed in a sealed metal tray that is heated and then opened.

The Food Package, Survival, General Purpose, Improvement (FPSGPI) is provided to pilots and other servicemembers who may need a portable snack feed for emergencies. It contains bar food and mixed drinks. Similarly, Food Packages, Survival, Abandon Ship (FPSAS) and Food Packages, Survival, Airplanes, Life Rafts (FPSALR) are installed into storage areas in lifeboats.

Assemble Your Own MREs (Meals-Ready-To-Eat) - YouTube

See also

  • Camping food
  • Individual Food Package - Equivalent Canada with MRE
  • List of military food topics
  • Space food

Military Meal Ready to Eat Apple Turnover

References Sopakco MRE, Meals Ready to Eat Tutorial ...

Further reading

  • Marx de Salcedo, Anastacia (2015). The kitchen is ready for combat: How the US military shapes the way you eat . New York: Current/Penguin. ISBN: 9781101601648.

1997 South Korean RoK Marine Special Operations Food Packet MRE ...

External links

  • Department of Defense Operations , 7th Edition
  • How MREs Works
  • NPR All Things Considered, mentions the new MRE menu for 2004 (at 5 minutes 02 sec)
  • Military Packages Enter Technology to Test
  • MRE taste test: Airman staff act tactically to spill peanuts on food, ready to eat
  • The military buys special food for Jewish, Muslim
  • troops
  • - Full source of information about MREs both in the US and International
  • Ready to Eat! 30 Years MRE
  • The Eat of Battle - how the World Army is being fed
  • How long MRES last

Source of the article : Wikipedia
