Indonesian National Army (Indonesian: Indonesian National Army , TNI ; literally "Language Indonesia National Military ") is the military power of the Republic of Indonesia. It consists of Army (TNI-AD), Navy (TNI-AL), and Air Force (TNI-AU). The President of Indonesia is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. By 2016, it consists of about 395,500 military personnel including the Indonesian Marine Corps ( Marine Corps ), which is a naval branch.
The Indonesian National Army was formed during the Indonesian National Revolution, when he conducted guerrilla warfare along with informal militia. As a result of this, and the need to maintain internal security, armed forces including the Army, Navy, and Air Force have been organized along territorial lines, aimed at defeating internal enemies of the state and potential external invaders.
Under the 1945 Constitution, all citizens are legally entitled and obliged to defend the nation. Obligations are provided by law, but the Forces have been able to maintain a mandated power level without using the concept. Most of the enlisted personnel are recruited in their own home areas and generally train and serve most of their time in nearby units.
The Indonesian armed forces are voluntary. Active military strength is 395,500 with available manpower available for male military service between the ages of 16 and 49 years is 75,000,000, with an additional 4,500,000 new suitable for service each year.
Military expenditures in the national budget are widely estimated at 3% of GDP in 2005, but supplemented by revenues from many businesses and foundations run by the military. The defense budget for 2017 is $ 8.17bn. The Indonesian armed forces (Military) personnel do not include law enforcement members and paramilitary personnel such as the Indonesian National Police (Polri) consisting of about 590,000 personnel, the Mobile Brigade Corps (Brimob) of approximately 42,000 armed personnel, Civil Service Police (City Police) or Satpol PP , the Indonesian Student Student Regiment or Student Regiment (Menwa) which is a college military service consisting of 26,000 trained personnel, and civil defense personnel (Linmas or Public Protection Service Corps, who replaced the old Hansip in 2014).
Video Indonesian National Armed Forces
Prior to the formation of the Republic of Indonesia, the military authority in the Indies was held by the Royal Netherlands Indies Army (KNIL) and the Royal Netherlands Navy navy (KM). Although KNIL and KM were not directly responsible for the formation of the Indonesian armed forces in the future, and mainly took the enemy role during the Indonesian National Revolution from 1945 to 1949, KNIL has also provided military training and infrastructure for some future. TNI officers and other personnel. There was a military training center, military school and academy in the Dutch East Indies. In addition to Dutch volunteers and European mercenaries, KNIL also recruited indigenous peoples, especially the Ambonese, Kai Islander, Timorese, and Minahasan. In 1940 with the Dutch under German and Japanese occupations pressing for access to Dutch East Indies oil supplies, the Dutch had opened the KNIL to a large intake of previously excluded Java. Several indigenous soldiers who have enjoyed Dutch military academy KNIL will then become important TNI officers, such as: Suharto and Nasution.
Indonesian nationalism and militarism began to gain momentum and support in World War II during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia. To gain support from the Indonesians in their war against the Western Allied forces, Japan began to encourage and support the Indonesian nationalist movement by providing training and military weapons to Indonesian youth. On October 3, 1943, the Japanese military established an Indonesian volunteer army called PETA (Defender of the Homeland - Defenders of the Homeland). Japan intends PETA to help their troops oppose the possibility of an invasion by the Allies. The Japanese military training for Indonesian youth was originally intended to garner local support for the Japanese Empire, but it became an important resource for the Republic of Indonesia during the Indonesian National Revolution from 1945 to 1949. Many of the people on duty at PETA, both officers and NCO alike like Sudirman, form the majority of personnel who will arrange future armed forces.
Initially, the Indonesian Armed Forces started as BKR ( People's Security Agency - People's Security Service), formed at the 3rd PPKI meeting, on August 29, 1945; this is a militia organization within a united national force to ensure security remains intact throughout the newly declared Indonesia; it is made more as a civil defense force than an armed force. The decision to create a "security agency" and not an army, was taken to reduce the possibility of allied forces seeing it as an armed revolution and attacking in full force. During their capitulation, one of the conditions of surrender to Japan was to restore the territory of Asia which they had controlled to the former state of the Allies, certainly not liberating them independently.
When the confrontation became sharp and hostile between Indonesia and the Allied forces, on October 5, 1945 TKR ( People's Security Army - Armed Forces of People's Security) was formed on the basis of existing BKR units; this is a step taken to formalize, unite, and organize separate pockets of independent troops (laskar) throughout Indonesia, which then take a more professional military approach, to compete with the Dutch and Allied forces invaders.
The Indonesian armed forces have seen significant action since their establishment in 1945. Their first conflict was the 1945-1949 National Revolution, in which the 1945 Battle of Surabaya was crucial.
In January 1946, TKR renamed the People's Salvation Army (Military Power of the People's Military), then replaced by TRI ( Army of the Republic of Indonesia - Military Forces of the Republic of Indonesia), in a steps to professionalize the armed forces and enhance its ability to engage systematically.
In June 1947 TRI, in accordance with the government's decision, was renamed as TNI (Indonesian Armed Forces - Indonesian Armed Forces) which was a merger between TRI and independent paramilitary organization (lykar) throughout Indonesia, to be in 1950 APRIS or the United States Armed Forces of the United States of Indonesia, in the middle of the year of APRI or the Defense Force of the Republic of Indonesia ( Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia ), also releases personnel from within the old KNIL and KM in the expanded republic.
Indonesia Independent
From 1950 to 1960 the Republic of Indonesia fought to maintain its unity against local insurgencies and separatist movements in several provinces. From 1948 to 1962, the TNI was involved in local warfare in West Java, Aceh and South Sulawesi against Darul Islam/the Islamic Army of Indonesia (DI/TII), a militant movement aimed at establishing an Islamic state in Indonesia. The TNI also helped to undermine the South Maluku Republic rebellion in 1963. Meanwhile, the PRRI/Permesta rebellion held a prominent place in Indonesian military history as it was led by military officers in Sumatra and Sulawesi between 1955 and 1961.
From 1961 to 1963, the TNI was involved in a military campaign to include West Papua into Indonesia, which pitted the TNI against Dutch New Guinea. From 1962 to 1965 the TNI fought in the Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation. The Indonesian killings of 1965-1966 directly involved the armed forces under Lieutenant General Suharto who fought against the Indonesian Communist Party.
Indonesia built good relations with the Soviet Union in the period 1961-1965. The Soviet Union sold 17 ships to the Indonesian Navy, the largest being Sverdlov class cruisers. The size is 16,640 tons, very large compared to the Sigma Indonesia class corvette currently only 1,600 tons. Indonesia purchased 12 Whiskey class submarines plus 2 support vessels. Indonesia has more than a hundred military planes, 20 supersonic MiG-21s, 10 Mig-19 supersonics, 49 Mig-17s and 30 MiG-15s. The Soviets also supplied Indonesia with 26 Tupolev Tu-16 strategic bombers, though it is not clear what the level of servicability is.
Under the New Order
During the New Order era, the Indonesian military enjoyed certain privileges and played an important role in Indonesian politics. Military involvement in Indonesian politics is formulated in the Dwifungsi doctrine (dual function) of the Indonesian National Army.
During the New Order regime the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) changed its name to "Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia" (Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia)/ABRI), on including the POLRI (the Indonesian National Police) (the latter was entered in 1962 as part of the Department of Defense, even before the New Order began).
In 1975, Indonesia invaded East Timor, after a year later by the rebellion in Aceh, flared-and-released from 1976 to 2005. From the 1970s to the 1990s the Indonesian military worked hard to suppress armed insurrection and separatist movements in the province provinces from Aceh and East Timor. In 1991 the Santa Cruz Massacre took place in East Timor, tarnishing the image of the Indonesian military internationally. This incident caused the United States to decide on its IMET funding, which supported training for the Indonesian military.
Also in 1992, each service branch began to reform their female units, formed in the 1960s. The women's corps are the Women's Army Corps, the Women's Navy, the Women's Air Force Service Corps, and the Women's Officers Corps. It's meant to "start working in place and in function according to their feminine disposition." More specifically, women are assigned to administrative work, teaching English and working to improve the health and social conditions of members of the armed forces and their families. Female police are said to "play an important role in solving the problem of drug addicts and juvenile delinquency."
After the end of the Cold War, the Indonesian Armed Forces began to take part in the United Nations peacekeeping mission. This is usually known as Garuda Contingent . The first was to the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia, which was immediately followed by placement as part of the United Nations Protection Force in Bosnia Herzegovina. Indonesian troops deployed to UN Operations in Somalia I and UN Operations in Somalia II.
After the fall of Suharto in 1998, democratic and civic movements grew up against acute military roles and involvement in Indonesian politics. As a result, the post-Suharto Indonesian military has undergone certain reforms, such as the revocation of the Dwifungsi doctrine and the ending of military-controlled businesses. Reform also involves law enforcement in the general civil society, which questions the position of the Indonesian police under the umbrella of the military corps. This reform led to the separation of police forces from the military. In 2000, the Indonesian National Police officially regained its independence and is now a separate entity from the military. The official name of the Indonesian military also changed from the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI) back to the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI).
The Indonesian military continued its involvement and contribution to the United Nations peacekeeping mission. After 1999, Indonesian troops went to Africa as part of the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The TNI has also served with UN Interim Forces in Lebanon, UNAMID, UNSMIS, MINUSTAH, UNISFA, UNMISS, UNMIL.
Following the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, the United States government suspended a spare parts embargo used for non-lethal equipment and military vehicles, to support humanitarian efforts in tsunami-affected areas of Aceh and Nias. Since then, the Air Force has signed an agreement to purchase more C-130 transport planes and update the current C-130 in its inventory. On November 22, 2005, the US announced that military relations with Indonesia would be fully restored. The decision ended the US six-year ban on arms sales.
In 2009, all previous Indonesian military businesses had to be submitted to a specialist body. The Indonesian Military Business Management Agency (BPBTNI) was established as a result of the stipulation in Law no. 34/2004 on the Indonesian Military (TNI) which will take over the ownership and operation of all businesses owned or run by the TNI in 2009. Unlike the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) which burdens the Indonesian state with loss, BPBTNI will bear all losses alone.
From 2010 to 2014, military spending in Indonesia is in line with the 2010-2014 Strategic Force (MEF) strategic plan. Based on MEF 2010 - 2014, funds amounting to Rp150 trillion ($ 16.41 billion) to be spent over five years for the procurement of major weapons systems , Rp50 trillion ($ 5.47 billion) will be used to accelerate the achievement of Minimum Essential Force, Rp55 trillion ($ 6.02 billion) for procurement and Rp45 trillion ($ 4.92 billion) for maintenance and repairs. The next funding will be available to fund MEF's 2015 - 2019 strategic plan and MEF 2020 - 2024 to achieve the strategic objectives of the Minimum Mining Force.
Maps Indonesian National Armed Forces
The role of military politics
During the Suharto era, the military had a "dual function" ( dwifungsi in Indonesian) defined as: the first preservation and enforcement of internal and external security and the sovereignty of the State and secondly, as a supervisor and arbitrator of government policy. This is used to justify military interference in politics. Suharto's old president was an army general and was strongly supported by most military organizations. Traditionally a large number of cabinet members have military backgrounds, while active duties and retired military personnel occupy a large number of seats in the legislature. Commanders of various territorial command plays an influential role in their respective regional affairs.
Indonesia has not had any substantial conflict with its neighbors since the 1963-1965 Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation, known in Indonesia as a Confrontation with Malaysia. Possible future disputes are tied to the competing South China Sea Malaysia claim, in which Indonesia has large natural gas reserves, involving the Indonesian government. In 2007, several regional claims with neighboring Malaysia have caused some minor disputes by both sides with impasse on the sovereignty of Unarang stones and maritime borders on the Ambalat oil block on the Sulawesi Sea.
In the post-Suharto period since 1998, civilian and military leaders have succeeded in removing military influence from politics and advocating structural reforms within the military. For example, the military representatives in the House were abolished, the police force was completely separated from the armed forces, and an active military officer could only serve his commission within the armed forces itself and was therefore forbidden to be appointed to the government. position (including as Minister of Defense). Sometimes there is armed conflict between the military and the police.
Philosophy and Doctrine
The Indonesian military philosophy that outperformed the archipelago's defenses was a civilian-military defense, called "Total People's Defense" - consisting of three-stage war: a brief initial period in which the invaders would defeat the conventional Indonesian military, the long period of territorial guerrilla warfare followed by the final stage of expulsion- with the military acting as a gathering point for defense from the village level at the grassroots level. This doctrine depended on the close ties between villagers and soldiers to encourage the support of the entire population and enable the military to manage all resources related to war.
The civilian population will provide logistical, intelligence and care support with some trained people to join the guerrilla struggle. The armed forces are regularly involved in large-scale communities and rural development. The "Village Armed Forces" (AMD/TMMD) program, started in 1983, is held three times each year to organize and assist with the construction and development of civil village projects.
The current developments in Indonesia's defense policy are framed in the concept of achieving the "Minimum Essential Power" or MEF in 2024. The MEF concept was first articulated in Presidential Decree no. 7/2008 on General Policy Guidelines on State Defense Policy ( Presidential Regulation No. 7 of 2008 on General Defense Public Policy ) which came into force on 26 January 2008. MEF is defined as a capability-based defense and a level of strength that can guarantee the immediate achievement of strategic defense interests, where procurement priority is given to increasing minimum defense forces and/or replacement of outdated main weapons systems/equipment. To achieve this objective, MEF has been restructured into a series of 3 strategic programs with time frames from 2010 to 2014, 2015 to 2019 and 2020 to 2024 and spending up to 1.5-2% of GDP.
The identity of the Indonesian National Army (Article 2 of the TNI Law) becomes:
- People's Military Forces, armed forces whose members are Indonesian citizens from all walks of life;
- Military Warriors, who are soldiers who are struggling to establish the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and do not recognize surrender in carrying out and completing their duties;
- The Indonesian National Army, the national armed forces of Indonesia serving the interests of the state over regional, tribal, racial, and religious groups;
- Professional Armed Forces, well-trained military forces, well-educated, well-equipped, unworkable, faced with business and welfare are guaranteed, and follow the political policies of countries that adhere to the principles of democracy, civil supremacy, human rights, national law and international law, which have been ratified and approved in amendments to the 1999-2003 Constitution.
The Indonesian armed forces have long been organized around the territorial command. After independence, seven was founded in 1958. There was no establishment of a central reserve formed until 1961 (when the 1st Army Corps of Army General Reserves, "CADUAD", the predecessor of Kostrad was established today). Only after the attempted coup of October 1, 1965 and General Suharto's rise to the presidency, it became possible to integrate the armed forces and begin to develop a joint operating structure.
Following the decision in 1985, a major reorganization separated the Department of Defense and Security ("HANKAM") from "ABRI" (the headquarters of the Indonesian Armed Forces during Soeharto's term of office) and staff. "HANKAM" is made responsible for planning, acquisition, and management tasks but has no command or control of troop units. The "ABRI" commander in chief retained command and control of all armed forces and continued with the tradition of becoming a senior military officer in the country, while continuing to be part of the cabinet. Since the separation of the ministry from the armed forces headquarters in 1985, the "HANKAM" staff consisted mostly of retired military members. The split assigns positions of responsibility to highly qualified yet relatively young employees of the 1945 Generation of the Constitution while also opening high-level billets in "ABRI" for younger active officers who have been frustrated by the slow pace of promotion.
The administrative structure of "HANKAM" consists of a minister, deputy minister, secretary general, inspector general, three directorates general and a number of functional centers and institutes. Ministers, inspectors general, and three director-general retired senior military officers; the secretary-general (acting as deputy minister) and the most functional headmaster are active-duty military officers, while employees and staff are armed forces and civil service personnel.
The 1985 reorganization also made significant changes in the chain of command of the armed forces. The four Commandments of Regional Defense multi-service ("Kowilhans") and the National Strategic Command ("Kostranas") were removed from the defense structure, forming the Military Regional Command ("Kodam"), or regional command, as the main organization for strategic, tactical, and territorial to all services. The chain of command flowed directly from the commander "ABRI" at the head of the commander of ten "Kodam", and subsequently subdue the territorial command of the army. Former territorial command of the air force and the navy were removed from the structure altogether, with each service represented on the "Kodam" staff by senior liaison officers. The territorial command of the navy and air force was replaced by the operational command. The air force formed two Command Operations ("Ko-Ops") while the navy had the Eastern Fleet and the Western Fleet - Armadas. Air Force Air Force Command ("Kohanudnas") remained under the command of "ABRI". It has a defensive function that includes the responsibility for early warning systems.
The army officers corps were estimated to be 53,000 in 1992. Less than 1 percent of them were the rank of general officers. Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia ("AKABRI"), Military Academy in Magelang, Central Java province trains most of the military officer corps. Another military academy is the Naval Academy ("A.A.L") in Surabaya and the Air Force Academy ("A.AUU") in Jogjakarta. Retirement is mandatory for officers at the age of fifty-eight and regular reassignments are regularly enforced.
After the fall of the Soeharto presidency in 1998, the Indonesian Police separated from the Armed Forces made the Indonesian Armed Forces under the direct command of the Ministry of Defense and the Police Force under the direct support of the Indonesian President. Prior to 1998, the Indonesian Armed Forces (the name "ABRI") consisted of four joint services: the Indonesian Army, the Indonesian Navy, the Indonesian Air Force and the Indonesian National Police. Then after 1998 (After the reform of Soeharto), the name of the Armed Forces was changed to TNI ( Indonesian National Army ) literally meaning: "Indonesian National Military" and independent Indonesian Police changed its name become POLRI ( Police Republic of Indonesia ) literally means: "National Police of Indonesia". Now in particular, although the Indonesian Armed Forces and the Indonesian National Police have been separated, they are still working together and performing special tasks and tasks together for the sake of Indonesia's national security and integrity.
On May 13, 2018, Commander Hadi Tjahjanto reorganized the armed forces once again by formalizing four new military units: the 3rd Infantry Division of Kostrad, the 3rd Fleet Command, the 3rd Air Force Operations Command and the Navy III. The new military unit is intended to reduce the response time to all threats and problems in Eastern Indonesia. He also officially changed the name of West and East Fleet Command into First and Second Fleet Commands.
The Headquarters of the Indonesian National Armed Forces is structured into the following in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 62/2016:
Leadership Elements
Indonesian Military Special Forces
- Army (Indonesian Army): Kopassus, Tontaipur,
- Navy (Indonesian Navy) & amp; Indonesian Marine CorpsÃ,Â: Kopaska, Taifib, Denjaka
- TNI AU (Indonesian Air Force): Paskhas & amp; Bravo Detachment 90
Immediately after 2018 the Surabaya bombing, President Widodo has agreed to revive the Army's Special Combined Operations Command (
In early 2010, the Indonesian government sought to strengthen the TNI to achieve minimum minimum strength standards ( Minimum Essential Power (MEF) ). The MEF is divided into three strategic plan stages up to 2024. Initially the government budgeted Rp156 trillion for the provision of TNI's main weapon system equipment (alutsista) within the MEF period 2010-2014.
The table below is data on the strength of the Indonesian armed forces in 2006 with some updated data in accordance with current conditions:
( Other sources: Daily Koran Tempo 14 February 2006 )
Beeson and Bellamy wrote in 2002 that: 'With some estimates, 60-65% of military operating costs are actually derived from' off-budget 'than the government (Cochrane 2002). This is a euphemism for a number of legal and illegal practices that include legitimate involvement in state-owned and private businesses, as well as activities in the 'black economy'. It is estimated that 30% of military government funding is 'lost through corruption in the process of purchasing military equipment and supplies.' (International Crisis Group 2001: 13) '
In addition, the territorial command (KODAM) is responsible for 'most of their operational funds.'
Commander of the Indonesian National Army
Rank Structure
In the Army, the Navy (including the Marine Corps), the Air Force, and the Police, its rank consists of officers known in Indonesian: " officer ", NCO: " Bintara "and listed:" First ". The title of the Marine Corps rank is the same as that of the Army, but still uses the Navy-style badge (for low-ranking men, the blue color replaces the red).
Air Force
See also
- Ministry of Defense (Indonesia)
- Indonesian Army
- Indonesian Navy
- Indonesian Air Force
- Indonesian National Police
- Coast Guard and Coast of Indonesia
- Foreign Relations Indonesia
Further reading
- Bresnan, John. (1993). Managing Indonesia: modern political economy . New York: Columbia University Press.
- Many topics, including the political role of the military at the height of Suharto's New Order.
- Chandra, Siddharth, and Douglas Kammen. (2002). "Generating Generational Reform and Reform: Military Politics in Indonesia Transition to Democracy." World Politics , Vol. 55, No. 1.
- Crouch, Harold. (1988). Army and politics in Indonesia . Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- First published 1978. It is now rather old-fashioned, but gives an influential picture of the role of the military in consolidating Suharto's forces
- "Guerilla Warfare and Indonesian Strategic Psyche" Small War Journal article by Emmet McElhatton
- Israel, Fauzi. (2009) - Infantry Officers Infantry Advanced Weapons & amp; Accuracy
- Kammen, Douglas and Siddharth Chandra. (1999). Task Tour: Changing Military Political Patterns in Indonesia in the 1990s. Ithaca, New York: Cornell Modern Indonesia Project No. 75.
- Kingsbury, Damen. Political and Military Strength of Indonesia , Routledge: 2003 ISBNÃ, 0-415-29729-X
External links
- Official TNI Website
- Defense Department Official Website
- Indonesian military blog
- Civil-Military Relations in Post-Suharto Indonesia and Its Implications for Today's Democracy: Preliminary Analysis
- Indonesian Military Guide
- Indonesian Army (TNI-AD)
- Indonesian Navy (TNI-AL)
- Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU)
Source of the article : Wikipedia