Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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Vice President Joe Biden reflects on triumphs of Obama's Indian ...

The US public policy agenda on issues affecting Native Americans under the Obama administration includes the signing of the Tribal Act and the 2010 Tribunal Act, which allows tribal courts to extend and extend the sentences handed down to them in criminal cases, tribal autonomy. Obama also supports and enforces the Executive Order 13175, which requires the federal government to consult with tribal governments when negotiating on policies and programs that will affect tribal communities. Under the Obama Administration also the launch of Michelle Obama's India Movement, which aims to increase opportunities for physical activity, to improve access to healthy food in tribal communities, and to create collaboration between private and public sectors to build a program that will end obesity in an indigenous community. Obama also supported the tribal community through certain provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which allocated $ 510 million for the rehabilitation of Native American housing, and the settlement of the Keepseagle case, a lawsuit against the US Department of Agriculture for discriminating against the tribe by not giving them equal access to the USDA Agricultural Loan Program. Recently, Obama signed Executive Order 13592, which seeks to increase educational opportunities for American Indians and Alaskan Natives.

Obama has been praised by many tribal leaders, including those who claim to have done more for Native Americans than all of his predecessors combined. This does not protect Obama from criticism from the Indigenous community, however, evidenced by the existence of groups like Native Americans against Obama.

Video Native American policy of the Barack Obama administration

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Many Native Americans struggle to trust the federal government altogether; as the Texan "Red Tipped Arrow", Mandan's chief, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation in North Dakota said, "our father and grandfather and our great-grandfather have gone to Washington, and no promises have been made and no promise promised. we do not trust the federal government. "

Government officials also recognize a negative history between the federal government and the tribal community. In 2000, Kevin Gover publicly apologized for the actions of the Indian Affairs Bureau, recognizing the traumatic impact that historically caused the department for tribal societies, through policies including but not limited to destruction, relocation, and assimilation.

Obama also personally acknowledged the history of violence, and during a meeting with leaders of a federally-recognized tribe in 2009 he stated, "We know the history we share, it is a history marked by violence and disease and deprivation. You are told of your land, your religion, your culture, your language is not yours. "

Maps Native American policy of the Barack Obama administration

Public statement about Native American issues

Obama reaffirmed his commitment to government-to-government relations through a December 2, 2011 visit to reservations and meetings with tribal leaders during the signing of a Presidential Memorandum for the Implementation of Energy Savings and Performance-Based Projects for Energy Savings. Speaking of wider progress under his administration, Obama stated, "I believe that someday, we will be able to look back on these years and say that this is a turning point.This is the time when we start building a strong middle class in the State of India, a time when businesses, big and small, began to open up in reservations, a time when we stopped repeating past mistakes, and started building a better future together, honoring the old tradition and welcoming every Native American into the American Dream. "

During his June 2014 visit with Standing Rock Sioux members, Obama focused on discussions on education and economic development and spoke of his personal commitment to improving tribal-federal relations. Obama's journey is one of only three presidential visits to reservations in US history. Prior to him, Bill Clinton was the last president to visit the reservation, in 1999. Obama later hosted six Annual Tribal Conferences in Washington DC where he spoke with not only Standing Rock members, but leaders representing ranges of 566 were recognized by the federal government. tribe.

Obama's Last Tribal Nations - An Administration of Promises Kept ...

White House Tribal Conference

The White House Tribal Conference is an initiative created under the Barack Obama administration aimed at creating intergovernmental dialogue, providing space for tribal leaders to bring issues affecting tribal communities to the attention of the United States federal government, and to make recommendations right. for policies and programs. The Conference was the first official effort in the dialogue since the Clinton administration, which organized the 1994 Clinton State Tribal Conference.

First conference

The first conference was held on November 5, 2009, with 400 tribal leaders present. The initial conference was intended to create a channel of dialogue between tribal countries and the United States. The conference focuses on failed agreements, economic development, natural resources, public safety, housing, education, and health.

Second conference

The Second Annual Tribal Conference was held on December 16, 2010, with 500 attendees attending. The conference focuses on five key topics: restoring tribal villages, building safer Native communities, building strong and prosperous tribal economies, fostering healthy communities and developing structured and meaningful consultation policies. During President Obama's speech to the participants, he stressed the importance of capacity building in a number of initiatives, including improving tribal economics, increasing employment opportunities, creating clean energy initiatives, and focusing on health care and education. Obama said that addressing the health gap in tribal societies is "not just a matter of policy, it is a matter of our values, it is a test of who we are as a nation."

Third Conference

The Third Annual Tribal Conference was held on December 6, 2011. The conference focused on economic development and sovereignty, as well as education, in which Obama commented, "We will find ways to reduce dropout rates We will help students who have broken back into the system education and we will strengthen our tribal colleges and universities.They are the pillars of their community and they deserve our support. "It was during this conference that Obama signed Executive Order 13592," Increasing the Original Indian and Alaskan Native and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities, "which seeks to increase educational opportunities for Indigenous youth through their academic careers.

Fourth Conference

The Fourth Annual National Summit Conference was held on 5 December 2012. The conference highlighted topics including sacred sites, the completion of the Keepseagle case, and economic development. President Obama's remarks are aimed at legal debates involving tribal communities, Tribal and Order Law, access to India's education, clean energy and business. He acknowledged the upcoming work, saying, "We must rebuild America's infrastructure - from the road to high-speed internet - that will help connect indigenous communities to other parts of the country and other parts of the world." Congress needs to expand support for American small businesses, they open a new store or export a new item, then they create a new job. "

The fifth conference

The Annual Fifth Annual Tribal Conference was held on 13 November 2013. The conference focuses on four main areas: fairness and tribal sovereignty, enhancing economic opportunities, expanding comprehensive health care, and protecting indigenous origin. In addition to these topics, tribal leaders bring their own issues to the table, including: confiscation of Indian treaty money, proposed capping of replacement contract support for ethnicity, Indian education, Federal-tribal energy policy, Indian health concerns, and strengthening of consultations.

Sixth Conference

The Sixth Annual Tribal Summit was held from December 2, 2014 to December 3, 2014, in Washington, DC The leaders of 566 American-recognized American Indian nations attend, together with the President, cabinet members, and the White House Council of Genuine American Affairs. Together, they talked about issues related to the Native American community, including the protection of natural and cultural resources, sovereignty and tribal autonomy, economic development, and health inequalities in Indigenous communities. It was during this conference that Obama announced the launch of the Indigenous Generation (Gen I), which aims to responsibly create an original youth community project, and the National Tribal Youth Network, which hopes to support the development of native youth leadership. In addition, the initiative also includes the creation of the Cabinet Youth Youth Tour, which created a tool for local youth to share their concerns and ideas with federal government leaders, and the implementation of conventions for indigenous youth, called the White House. Tribal Youth Gathering, will be held on July 9, 2015.

Natives in America: open letter to President Obama on Dakota Access


The US Department of Education, under the direction of the Obama Administration, and Obama appointed by William Mendoza, have made a policy that seeks to overcome differences in education affecting Indigenous American and American Indian students. These policies include Executive Order 13592 and the launch of a pilot program of the Country of Tribe Education Partnership (STEP).

Executive Order 13592

President Obama signed the 13592 Executive Order on 2 December 2011. The executive order, Improving Original Indian and Genuine Alaskan Education Opportunities and Strengthening the Colleges and Tribal Universities, is part of a larger Obama education platform aimed at "improving opportunities and outcomes for the nation's students. "The initiative was co-chaired by Arne Duncan and Ken Salazar. "The designated Obama, William Mendoza, a member of the Rosebud tribe, led the charge.

The order aims to encourage the leadership of the Indian Education Bureau (BIE) to the US Department of Education (DOE), linking the American Indian education initiative with DOE resources and expertise. The bill seeks to ensure that all American Indian students, regardless of the agency of their choice, have access to support from the federal government. The order authorizes the formation of the Tribal Tribal Task Force and the Federal Interagency Working Group, which aims to create a new educational policy to support indigenous youth, and to reform educational policies and programs that affect American Indians and Indigenous American students. Furthermore, the bill encourages the advancement of the original Indian and Alaskan Native education programs, reforms in primary and secondary schools and higher standards for tribal colleges and universities.

Executive Order 13592 replaced Executive Order 13270 ratified by President George W. Bush in 2002. The new order seeks to address "an endemic development challenge for the reservation community by encouraging increased accumulation of human resources and business development." The bill has been opposed by some tribal leaders, who say that the policy will take over the power of the Indian Education Bureau by transferring it to the Ministry of Education. Furthermore, the failure of the No Child Left Behind Act to improve academic performance in comparison with schools under the jurisdiction of the Indian Bureau of Education, has made tribal leaders wary of the strengthening of the Ministry of Education.

Country-Level Education Partnership

In May 2012, the United States Department of Education announced the launch of their pilot program, the Country of Tribe Education Partnership (STEP). The program provides 1.9 million in grants to tribal education institutions. The program aims to bridge the gap between tribal educational institutions and State educational institutions, improving tribal voice in federal education initiatives. In turn, the program aims to create a clear understanding of the indigenous educational needs of Indians and Alaskan States in State educational institutions to serve indigenous peoples more effectively. The initiative is headed by Obama's designated William Mendoza, a member of the Rosebud tribe.

Tribal Leaders Speak: Educational Country, 2010

In 2010, the US Department of Education produced a report, Tribal Leader Speaking: Country of Education, 2010. This report is an accumulation of "six official consultations with tribal leaders and American Indian educators nationwide in 2010. "The compilation includes an open letter to tribal leaders by Arne Duncan explaining the Obama Administration's commitment to American Indian and Alaska Native Education. In the report, many tribal leaders expressed concern that no real action would be taken. This is exemplified when the Chief of the Akiak Tribe Ivan M. Ivan asked the government to "please tell us what the outcome of all this is because I have been visiting many of these for over 40 years and, in most cases, nothing happens." Other sections of this report includes the outline of previous research studies, testimony and tribal leader summaries and conclusions.

The conclusions of the report included tribal leaders' concerns about "lack of opportunities to participate meaningfully in their children's education." To counter this, tribal leaders advocated for a better and comprehensive consultation between American Indians and the federal government that emphasized the sovereignty of tribal nations. Another concern raised by the report is the lack of funding for American Indians serving educational institutions, which has resulted in "under-school facilities and a shortage of qualified teachers." Tribal leaders voiced their recommendations for educational institutions to collaborate with other groups, including health. and welfare departments, to ensure that Indian Indian youth are given the holistic welfare necessary to learn efficiently. Furthermore, consultations show that tribal leaders believe it is the lack of access to educational opportunities that perpetuate the cycle of poverty seen in tribal societies.

Tribes Receive $492 Million in Historic Move By Obama ...

Tribal Agreement and the 2010 Agreement Act

The Tribes Law and Order 2010 is a law signed by President Barack Obama on July 29, 2010. The law allows tribal courts in the country of India to increase imprisonment imposed in criminal cases. This law aims to increase the autonomy and efficacy of the justice system within Indigenous communities. It addresses the issue of weak law enforcement policies that affect many tribal communities, especially Native women. The measures include an emphasis on reducing violence against indigenous women.

Before acting, tribal courts limited their ability to adjust the imprisonment imposed in criminal cases, "giving them the impression of a lesser, less serious court." This limits the number of time a tribal court may punish the accused for imprisonment, including those accused of violence against women.

The action eventually allows for tribes to hold criminals accountable for their actions, and allows reservation crimes to be prosecuted in Federal courts. Improved communication between the tribal justice system, federal authorities and the court system must be enforced.

In addition to the purpose of action against prosecution, it also creates provisions for crime prevention, including reform and reinstatement of alcohol and substance abuse programs for indigenous communities. In addition, he re-authorizes and refines programs that help and improve outcomes for young Indians at risk.

Obama administration to allow Native American tribes to grow and ...

Health care

Affordable Care Act

Under the Affordable Care Act, American Indians and Alaskan Natives have increased the options for health insurance. While those who qualify may continue to use India's health care, ethnic or urban health insurance program, or obtain coverage through programs such as medicaid and medicare, American Indians and Alaska Natives who belong to the Federal Tribes can now also apply for a quality health plan at under the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act distinguishes Indians in two categories, which include the Federal Tribe and those who do not. Native Americans from the Federal Tribe have access to a dedicated health care plan at no cost through Exchange. Native American eligible for IHS (Indian Health Service) is still eligible to receive service at the local IHS facility.. Health plans addressed to Federal Tribal Members provide better access to services from tribal insurance, Indian Health Services, or urban Indian health programs may not be able to provide.

Due to agreements between various tribes and the federal government of the United States, those with tribal memberships have access to free health care, and are not punished for not having insurance under the Affordable Care Act. These provisions can be difficult to exploit by tribal members who do not live in tribal lands, where most of the tribal-led health facilities are located. In addition to access problems, due to lack of funding, those whose health problems are seen as lower priorities can wait years for treatment. Leaders in the Indian Health Service have also stated that if more Native Americans and Alaskans are transferred to health plans under the Affordable Care Act, there will be more funding to tackle other issues, "We are not funded for the entire needs of our population, "Geoffrey Roth, senior adviser to the Director of Health Services of India stated," So we, in many cases, should prioritize medical needs, and by doing so we can not provide all the care needed by individuals. "Furthermore, used by American Indians and Alaskan Natives who moved out of the country for college, and for those who traveled a lot away from tribal lands.

In addition to the major changes to the Affordability Treatment Act, the law also includes India's Health Care Enhancement Act.

Indian Improvement Health Act

The Indian Healthcare Improvement Act is a law signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. This law is part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The bill was originally authorized by President Gerald Ford in 1976, which ended in 2000. Obama's reiteration for the bill made it permanent. The bill was drafted to address major health disparities affecting people in the Indian state. Before part of the action, tribal leaders, activists, and the American Indian National Congress had worked for fourteen years to make the law permanent.

This action authorizes "daily and permanent health care delivery to nearly 2 million Native American and Alaskan Native Indians served by the Indian Health Service (IHS), which is in desperate need of improved health care services." It also authorizes the creation of a program for Indian Health Services that will address the health problems facing Indigenous communities. The program will include an emphasis on addressing mental and behavioral health issues, home and assisted health care, patient travel expenses, construction of health care facilities, dialysis services, referral payouts, veterans health problems of India and urban Indian health programs.

The Tribal Act and the 2010 Agreement Act

In addition to the justice and prosecution issues that the Tribal Law and the 2010 Managing Act address, the act is also authorized to repair and create programs that deal with alcohol and substance abuse.

FACT SHEET: President Obama Announces High School Graduation Rate ...

Pipeline Keystone XL

Keystone Pipeline System is an oil pipeline system that flows through Canada and the United States. The project has two complete phases, with the third phase, The Houston Lateral, currently under construction, scheduled to be completed by 2015. The fourth and newest phase of the Keystone XL system, proposed in 2008, will consist of 526 kilometers of new pipeline. The pipeline will run from Alberta, Canada, where the first Keystone pipeline begins, and runs through North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. From Kansas, oil can be transported through existing Keystone pipelines, including the Cushing Extension, and the Gulf Coast Project system, which allows oil to be transported as far as the Netherlands, Texas. Pipeline XL Supporter Pipeline said that the supplementary system will "bring the essential infrastructure to North American oil producers, but will also provide jobs, long-term energy independence and economic drive for Americans." Many Indigenous communities, however, oppose the proposed system.

Implications for indigenous people

Many Native American and tribal leaders oppose the proposed system, for reasons including increased health hazards, surface water pollution, and infiltration and the possibility of destruction of sacred land and places of ritual. The application of the TransCanada Pipeline Application to the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission states the possibility of damage including "prehistoric or historic archaeological sites, districts, buildings, structures, objects and locations with traditional cultural values ​​for Native Americans or other groups."

On September 2, 2011, American Indian and Canadian leaders protested the pipe in front of the White House, and were arrested. Leaders travel from across the United States and Canada to take a public stance against the pipeline. The aim of the group is to encourage President Obama not to allow permission to begin development on the oil system.

In solidarity with Native Americans, Dene's people in Canada "convey a resolution standing in solidarity with Native Americans and others opposing the Keystone XL pipeline," said Bill Erasmus, head of the Dene NWT Region and representatives of the Assembly of State- First country.

Legislative reactions

On June 30, the United States Senate voted 62 to 36 on a bill that would force Obama's approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline. The United States House of Representatives passed the bill on 12 February 2015. Ten days later, President Obama vetoed the law.

Since then, the senate has failed to get two-thirds of the vote to override the bill's veto.

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Source of the article : Wikipedia
