Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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Budapest - Marketplace by LLukeBE on DeviantArt

A market , or market , is the location where people regularly gather for the purchase and sale of provisions, cattle, and other goods. In many parts of the world, markets can be described as souk (from Arabic), bazaar (from Persian), fixed mercado (spanish) or around tianguis (Mexico), or palengke (Philippines). Some markets operate on a daily basis and are said to be a permanent market while others are held once a week or on less-defined days like festival days and are said to be periodic markets. The form adopted by the market depends on the local population, culture, ambient conditions and geography. The term market covers many types of trades, such as market squares, market halls and food halls, and their different varieties. Because of this, the market can be placed both outside and indoors.

The market has been around as long as humans have been involved in trading. The earliest bazaars are believed to have originated in Persia, from which they spread throughout the Middle East and Europe. Documentary sources show that zoning policies restrict trade to certain parts of the cities from about 3,000 BC, creating the conditions necessary for the emergence of bazaars. The Middle East bazaar is usually a long strip with kiosks on either side and a closed roof designed to protect merchants and buyers from sunburn. In Europe, unregulated informal markets are gradually paving the way for the formal leased market system of the 12th century. During the period of the Middle Ages, increased regulation of market practices, especially weight and size, gave consumers confidence in the quality of market goods and the fairness of prices. Around the world, markets have evolved differently depending on local ambient conditions, especially weather, tradition and culture. In the Middle East, markets tend to be closed, to protect traders and buyers from the sun. In milder climates, markets are often open. In Asia, the morning trading system in the market of fresh produce and night market trade in non-perishable is common.

In many countries, shopping in the local market is a standard feature of everyday life. Given the market's role in ensuring food supplies for a population, markets are often highly regulated by central authorities. In many places, designated market places have become registered sites that have historical and architectural value and are part of the cultural assets of the city or nation. For this reason, they are often a popular tourist destination.

Video Marketplace


The term market is derived from the Latin mercatus ("market place"). The earliest recorded use of the term market in English is in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle of 963, a work created during the reign of Alfred the Great (r 871-899) and then distributed, British monasteries. The exact sentence is "Ic wille ÃÆ'¾ÃÆ'Â|t markete beo in ÃÆ'¾e selue tun," which is roughly translated as "I want to be in that market in a good city."

Maps Marketplace


The market in prehistory

The market has been around since ancient times. Some historians argue that this type of market has existed since humans first began to engage in commerce. Open air, public markets are known in ancient Babylonia, Assyria, Phoenecia, Greece, Egypt, and on the Arabian peninsula. However, not all societies develop a market system. The Greek historian Herodotus notes that the market did not evolve in ancient Persia.

Across the Mediterranean and Aegean, the market network emerged from the early Bronze Age. Various kinds of traded goods include: salt, lapiz-lazuli, dyes, fabrics, metals, pots, ceramics, sculptures, spears and other tools. Archaeological evidence suggests that Bronze Age traders divided trade routes according to geographical circuits. Both products and ideas run along this trade route.

In the Middle East, documentary sources indicate that the bazaar was first developed around 3,000 BC. The early markets occupied a series of alleys throughout the city, usually stretching from one city gate to a different gate on the other side of the city. The Bazaar in Tabriz, for example, stretches along 1.5 kilometers of road and is the longest richest bazaar in the world. Moosavi argues that the Middle East bazaar is developing in a linear pattern, while markets in the West are more centralized. The Greek historian Herodotus notes that in Egypt, the role is reversed compared to other cultures and Egyptian women often visit markets and trade, while men stay at home weaving cloth. She also describes the Babylonian Wedding Market.

The market in ancient times

In ancient times, markets were usually located in the city center. The market is surrounded by alleys occupied by skilled craftsmen, such as metal workers, leather workers and carpenters. These artisans may have sold goods directly from their premises, but also prepared goods for sale on market day. In the place of the ancient Greek market ( agorai ) can be found in most city states, where they operate within agora (open space). Between 550 and 350 BC, Greek owners gathered together according to the type of goods carried - fish sellers were in one place, clothing elsewhere and more expensive merchants such as perfumes, bottles and jars were located in separate buildings. The Greeks organized trade into separate zones, all located near the city center and known as the stoa. A free-standing pillar with an enclosed street, a stoa is a trading place and a public place of walking, located within or adjacent to the agora. In the market ( agorai ) in Athens, officials are employed by the government to oversee the weight, size, and currency to ensure that people are not deceived in market transactions. Rocky and mountainous areas of Greece make it difficult for producers to transport goods or surpluses to local markets, resulting in a special type of retailer (kapeloi ) that operates as an intermediary purchasing product from farmers and transporters. it was a short distance to the city market.

In ancient Rome, trade took place in the forum. Rome has two forums; Forum Romanum and Forum Trajan. The Trajan market in the Trajan forum, built around 100-110CE, is a vast expanse, comprised of several buildings with shops on four levels. The Roman Forum was arguably the earliest example of a permanent retail store. In earlier times, exchanges involving direct sales through merchants or traders and barter systems were commonplace. In the Roman world, the central market primarily serves local peasants. Market stall holders are primarily local producers who sell small surpluses from their respective agricultural activities as well as artisans selling leather, metal and pottery items. Consumer consists of several different groups; farmers who buy small farm equipment and some luxuries for their homes and city dwellers who buy basic necessities. Large producers such as large estates are attractive enough for traders to call directly at their farm gates, negating the need for producers to attend local markets. Very wealthy landowners manage their own distribution, which may involve imports and exports. The nature of the export market in ancient times is well documented in ancient sources and archaeological case studies.

In some markets Pompeii serves a population of about 12,000. The produce market is located around the Forum, while the cattle market is located on the perimeter of the city, near the amphitheater. A narrow long building at the northwest corner of the Forum is a kind of market, perhaps a cereal market. In the opposite corner stands the macellum, which is supposedly a meat and fish market. Market stall-holders pay market taxes for trades on market days. Some archaeological evidence suggests that markets and street vendors are controlled by the local government. A graffito outside a big store documenting a seven-day market cycle; "The day of Saturn in Pompeii and Nuceria, the day of the Sun at Atella and Nola, the Moon on Cumae... etc." The presence of an official commercial calendar shows something important for the market for the life and commerce of the community. The market is also an important center of social life.

Market in medieval Europe

In early Western Europe, markets developed close to monasteries, palaces or royal dwellings. Priori and aristocratic manic households create a huge demand for goods and services - both luxury and necessity and also provide protection for traders and traders. These trading centers attract sellers that will stimulate the growth of the city. The Domesday Book of 1086 lists 50 markets in the UK; however, many historians believe this figure underestimates the true number of markets operating at the time. In the UK, about 2,000 new markets were established between 1200 and 1349. By 1516, Britain had 2,464 markets and 2,767 exhibits while Wales had 138 markets and 166 exhibitions.

From the 12th century, the English king gave the charter to the local Lords to create markets and exhibitions for the town or village. Charter, protecting the privileges of city trade in exchange for annual fees. After the charter market is awarded for certain market days, the closest competitor's market can not be opened on the same day. Exhibitions, which are usually held every year, and almost always associated with religious festivals, are traded in high-value items, while regular weekly or bi-weekly markets are mainly traded in fresh produce and necessities. Although the main purpose of the fair is trade, it usually includes some elements of entertainment, such as dance, music, or tournaments. As the number of markets increases, market cities lie far enough apart to avoid competition, but are close enough to allow local producers to travel round-the-clock in one day (about 10 km). Some of the British open markets have been operating continuously since the 12th century.

The market trading pattern using mobile kiosks under a closed arcade might be established in Italy with an open loggia from Mercato Nuovo (1547) by Giovanni Battista del Tasso (and funded by the Medici family); Mercato Vecchio, Florence by Giorgio Vasari (1567) and Loggia del Grano (1619) by Giulio Parigi.

Braudel and Reynold have made a systematic study of European market cities between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. Their investigations show that in the regional district markets are held once or twice a week while daily markets are common in big cities. Over time, permanent stores begin to open every day and gradually replace periodic markets, while mobile salespeople or street vendors continue to fill in the gap in distribution. The physical market is characterized by transactional transactions. Stores have higher overhead costs, but are able to offer regular trading hours and customer relationships and may have offered value-added services, such as credit terms to reliable customers. Economy is characterized by local trade where goods are traded at relatively short distances. Braudel reported that, in 1600, the grains were removed only 5-10 miles; cattle 40-70 miles; wool cloth and rolled fabric 20-40 miles. However, after the European era of the invention, goods were imported from fabric remotely from India, porcelain, silk and tea from China, spices from India and Southeast Asia and tobacco, sugar, rum and coffee from the New World.

Across the British territory, the network of charter markets sprang up between the 12th and 16th centuries, giving consumers a sensible choice in the markets they love to patronize. A study of the buying habits of monks and other individuals in England in medieval times, shows that consumers in that period were relatively intelligent. Purchase decisions are based on purchasing criteria such as consumer perceptions of the range, quality, and price of the goods. Such considerations provide decisions about where to make purchases and which markets are degraded.

As the number of charter given increases, competition between market towns also increases. In response to competitive pressures, cities are investing in developing a reputation for producing quality, efficient market regulation and good facilities for visitors such as closed accommodation. In the 13th century, areas with important textile industries invested in special buildings for the sale of fabrics. London's Blackwell Hall became the center for fabrics, Bristol became associated with a particular type of fabric known as red Bristol , Stroud is known for producing fine wool fabrics, the town of Worsted being identical to the type of yarn; Banbury and Essex are strongly associated with cheese.

In a market economy, the goods are not sequential and unbranded, so consumers have relatively little chance to evaluate the quality before it is consumed. As a result, weight control, size, quality of food and price are the main considerations. In medieval society, regulations for such things arose initially at the local level. The Worcester Charter, written between 884 and 901 was provided for fines for dishonest trade, among others. Such local regulations were codified in the 15th century England in what is known as the Statute of Winchester. This document describes Assizes for 16 different trades, most of which are related to the market. - miller, baker, fisher, beer, inn keeper, tallow-chandler, weaver, cordwainer etc. For each trade, the regulations cover issues such as fraud, price, quality, weight and size and so on. Assize is a formal codification of the previous informal code that has been practiced for many years. The Assize court was given the power to enforce this rule. The process of standardizing quality, price and action helps the market to gain trust from buyers and make it more attractive to the public.

A sixteenth-century commentator, John Leland, describes certain markets as "celebrating," "very good" and "quik," and, conversely, as "poore," "meane," and "no price." Over time, some products become associated with certain places, providing customers with valuable information about the type of goods, their quality and their home region. In this way, the market helps provide the initial form of product branding. Gradually, certain market towns get a reputation for providing quality products. Today, traders and performers are jealously guarding the reputation of this historic charter market. An 18th-century commentator Daniel Defoe visited the Sturbridge fair in 1723 and wrote a long description depicting a highly organized and vibrant operation that attracted many visitors from a distance. "As for the people at the exhibition, they all universally eat, drink and sleep in their booths, and tents, and the booths are so mingled with taverns, coffee shops, drink houses, restaurants, cooking & amp; , and all the tents too, and so many butchers and anglers from all the neighboring districts come to a fair place every morning, with beef, mutton, chicken, bread, cheese, eggs and stuff like that, and go with them from tent to tent and door to door, that there is no desire to provide anything, whether dressed or not dressed. "

Markets in Middle East and Mesoamerica

In the Middle East, prior to the 10th century, market places were located on the perimeter of the city and, along established trade routes, were most often associated with caravanserai that were usually located outside the city walls. However, when the market begins to be integrated into the city structure, it becomes a closed area where traders can buy and sell with some protection from the elements. Markets in Mecca and Medina were known as important trade centers in the 3rd century (CE) and nomadic communities relied heavily on them for trade and social interaction. The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul is often referred to as the world's oldest continuous market; construction began in 1455.

In Mesoamerica, a tiered trading system was developed independently. Broad trading networks precede the Aztec empire for at least hundreds of years. The local market, where people buy their daily necessities is known as tianguis while pochteca is a term used to describe professional traders who travel long distances to get rare items or goods luxury that the nobility wants. The system supports multiple levels of pochteca - from very high status to small traders who act as merchant types to fill in the void in the distribution system. Colonial sources also recorded the Maya market hubs in Acalan, ChampotÃÆ'³n, Chetumal, Bacalar, Cachi, Conil, Pole, Cozumel, Cochuah, Chauaca, ChichÃÆ'Â © n ItzÃÆ'¡ as well as markets that marked the banks of Yucatecan boat trade such as Xicalanco and Ulua. The Spanish conquerors commented on the impressive nature of the local market in the 15th century. The Mexica (Aztec) market of Tlatelolco is the largest in the whole of America and is said to be superior to Europe.

Marrakesh Marketplace by WolfeWOLF on DeviantArt

Market type

There are many different ways to classify the market. One way is to consider the nature of the buyer and the market place in the distribution system. This leads to two broad classes of markets, namely retail markets or wholesale markets. The economist, Alfred Marshall classifies the market based on the time period. In this classification, there are three types of markets; a very short market time where commodity supply is fixed. Rotten ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, meat and fish fall into this group because the goods must be sold within a few days and the quantity provided is relatively inelastic. The second group is a short-term market where the quantity offered can be increased by increasing the scale of production (adding labor and other inputs but not by adding capital). Many non-perishable items fall into this category. The third category is long-term market where the length of time can be increased by capital investment.

Other ways to classify markets include their trading areas (local, national or international); physical formats or products.

The main physical market format is:

  • Bazaar: usually a closed market in the Middle East
  • Car boot sales - a kind of market where people come together to trade household and garden goods; very popular in the United Kingdom
  • Indoor market in any form
  • Marketplace : open space where the market is located or previously held in the city
  • Market square in Europe: open area usually in city center with kiosk selling goods in public square
  • Public market in the United States: indoor marketplace, stay in the building and sell various items
  • Street markets : public streets with kiosks along one or more street sides
  • Floating market: where goods are sold from ships, mainly found in Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam
  • The night market: popular in many Asian countries, open in the evenings and featuring lots of street food and a more relaxed shopping experience. In Indonesia and Malaysia they are known as night market
  • Wet markets: in China and Asia Besar, where traditional life animals are sold; in Indonesia and Malaysia, morning market is kind of wet market.

Markets can display a variety of merchandise for sale, or they may be one of many specialist markets, such as:

  • Animal market (ie cattle market)
  • An antique market
  • Farmers' markets, focusing on fresh produce and gourmet food lines (sweets, chutneys, relishes, cheeses etc.) prepared from agricultural produce
  • The fish market
  • Flea market or swap meets , a kind of bazaar that leases space to people who want to sell or barter merchandise. Used goods, low-quality goods, and high-quality goods at low prices are commonplace
  • The flower market, such as Mercado Jamaica in Mexico City and Bloemenmarkt in Amsterdam
  • The dining room, featuring gourmet food for consumption in and out of the premises, such as in Harrods (London) and Galeries Lafayette (Paris) department store. In North America, this can also be called a "market" (or "mercados" in Spanish), such as West Side Market in Cleveland, Ponce City Market in Atlanta, and Mercado Roma in Mexico City.
  • Gray market: where used goods or recycled goods are sold (sometimes called green markets )
  • Craft market
  • The market that sells items used in the occult (for magic, by magicians, etc.)
  • Supermarket

Italian Marketplace â€

In literature and art

The market generally has prominent features in works of art, especially among Dutch painters in Antwerp from the mid-16th century. Pieter Aertsen is known as the "great painter of the market." Both he and his nephew, Joachim Beuckelaer, paint the market landscape, street vendors and merchants widely. Elizabeth Honig argues that the interest of painters in the market is partly due to changes in the nature of the market system at that time. The public began to distinguish between two types of merchants, the Meerseniers referring to local merchants including bakers, merchants, sellers of dairy products and kiosks, and koopman, which describe the merchant class emerging that handles goods or credit on a large scale. With the advent of the European merchant class, this distinction is necessary to separate daily trades understood by the general population from the rising ranks of merchants operating on the world stage and seen as distant from day-to-day experiences.

During the 17th and 18th centuries, when Europeans conquered parts of North Africa and the Levant, European artists began to visit the East and paint the landscape of everyday life. Europe sharply divides society into two major groups - Western Europe and East or East ; us and more. Europeans often see the East as a photographic negative of Western civilization; people can threaten - they are "despotic, static and irrational, while Europe is seen as democratic, dynamic and rational." At the same time, the East is seen as exotic, mysterious, a place of fairy tales and beauty. This attraction with others brings out a genre of painting known as Orientalism. Artists focus on the exotic beauty of the land - markets and bazaars, caravans and snake charmers. Islamic architecture is also a favorite subject, and high-vault market places in many paintings and sketches.

The individual market has also attracted literary attention. Les Halles is known as the "Belly of Paris", and so named by the author, ÃÆ' â € ° mile Zola in his novel Le Ventre de Paris , set in the busy 19th century market in central Paris. Les Halles, a complex of market pavilions in Paris, displays many things in both literature and painting. Giuseppe Canella (1788 - 1847) painted Les Halles et la rue de la Tonnellerie. The photographer, Henri Lemoine (1848 - 1924), also photographed Les Halles de Paris.

SXSW Marketplace Exhibition | SXSW Conference & Festivals



The market has been known in parts of Africa for centuries. An 18th-century commentator noted many of the markets he visited in West Africa. He gave a detailed explanation of the market activity in Sabi, in Wydah, (now part of the Ivory Coast):

"Their fairs and markets are carefully and carefully arranged, that nothing contradicts the law ever done.All kinds of merchandise here are collected, and those who carry goods are allowed to take what time do they please to get rid of it, but without fraud or noise, a judge, attended by four armed officers, appointed by the King for goods inspection, to hear and determine all complaints, complaints and disputes... The market place is surrounded by waiters and booths , and refreshments for the provision of people. They are only allowed to sell certain types of meat, pork, lamb, beef and dog meat. Other stores are stored by women who sell corn, rice, rice and cornbread. Other stores sell Pito, a kind of fun and healthy beer, and very refreshing Wine, acqua vita and the spirit they get from people Er opa, stored in other stores, with sales restrictions to prevent drunkenness and melee. Here slave h sexes are bought and sold, also cattle, sheep, dogs, pigs, shish and birds of all kinds. Wool, linen, silk, and kalis fabrics manufacture Europe and India, they have it in abundance, as well as hard equipments, porcelain and all kinds of glass; gold in dust and ingots, iron in bars, lead in sheets and all European, Asiatic or African production found here at reasonable prices. "

In the Republic of Benin, he commented on the exotic food available for sale in the market there:

"In addition to the dry goods in which the Benin market is abundant, they are also filled with food, a few special items, here they expose dogs to be sold for food, which is highly favored by niggers, roasts, monkeys, and baboons are visible places, bats, rats and lizards dried in the sun, palm wine and fruit, forming fancy entertainment, and standing for sale on the streets. "


Sales of agricultural products to the formal market are largely controlled by large corporations. A small percentage, local farmers sell their crops to informal markets, local communities and street vendors. The main wholesale market is the Horticulture market in Gaborone. The government made several attempts to build markets in the northern part of the country, but most were unsuccessful and most commercial buyers traveled to Johannesburg or Tshwane for supplies.


Ethiopia is a major producer and exporter of grains and a number of wholesale markets help the distribution and export of such products. Important wholesale markets include: Nekempte and Jaji in the Wollega, Assela and Agure regions of the Arsi, Bahir Dar and Bure regions of Gojjam, Dessie and Kombolcha in the Wollo, Mekele region of Tigray, Dire Dawa and Harar regions in Hararghe and Addis Ababa. Some of the major retail markets in Ethiopia include: Addis Mercato in Addis Ababa, the largest open air market in the country; Chiromedia and Sholla, both in Addis Ababa; Awasa Lake Awakening Fish Market, Bahir Dar in Bahar Dar and Saturday market at Axum.


The Ghana market has survived despite brutal measures to root them out. In the late 1970s, the Ghana government used market traders as a scapegoat for its own policy failures involving food shortages and high inflation. The government blames traders for failing to comply with pricing guidelines and vilifying "female traders". In 1979, the Makola market was named and crushed, but within a week traders again sold fruit, vegetables and fish, albeit without a roof over their heads.


The capital of Kenya, Nairobi, has several major markets. The Wakaluma Market is one of the region's largest markets, located on Haile Selassie Road in the center of Mvita. Other markets in Nairobi are: Kariakor Market Gikomba Market and Muthurwa market In Mombasa, Kongowea market is also a huge market with over 1500 kiosks and covering 4.5 ha.


In Morocco, the market is known as the markets, and is usually found in the city of Medina (old town or old area). Shopping in the crop market is a standard feature of everyday life in Morocco. In big cities, Medinas usually consists of a collection of souks built in the midst of narrow streets and alleys where independent sellers and craftsmen tend to cluster in sections which later became famous for certain types of products - such as silver or district roads textiles. In Tangiers, a vast market fills many streets in the medina and the area is divided into two parts, known as the Grand Socco and the Petit Socco. 'Socco' The term is Spanish corruption of the Arabic word for souk, which means market. These markets sell a variety of goods; fresh produce, cooking utensils, pottery, silverware, carpets and rugs, leather goods, clothing, accessories, electronics next to cafes, restaurants and take-out food stalls. The Medina at Fez is the oldest, founded in the 9th century. The Medina in Fez has been named as a World Heritage site. Today is a major fresh produce market and noted for narrow lanes and for a total motorized traffic ban. All products are brought in and out of the market by donkeys or carts. In Marrakesh, major crop markets can also be found in Medina and colorful markets are also held daily at Jemaa el-Fnaa (the square) where the performers and musicians roam to entertain the large crowds that gather there. Marrakech has the largest traditional Berber market in Morocco.


Namibia is almost completely dependent on South Africa for fresh produce. Dominated by guling plains and long sand dunes and unpredictable rainfall, many parts of Namibia are not suitable for growing fruits and vegetables. Government-sponsored initiatives have encouraged producers to grow fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. The Namibian Ministry of Agriculture recently launched a fresh product hub system to serve as a platform for manufacturers to market and distribute their products. It is estimated that this hub will help in limiting the number of sellers who bring their products to South Africa where it is placed on cold storage, only to be imported back into the country at a later date.


South Africa

The fresh produce market has traditionally dominated the South African food chain, handling more than half of all fresh produce. Although large and vertically integrated food retailers, such as supermarkets, are beginning to enter into the supply chain, traditional traders and product markets have shown remarkable resilience. The main markets in Johannesburg are: Jozi Real Food Market, Bryanston Organic Market, Pretoria Boeremark specializing in South African food, Hazel Food Market, Flea Panorama Market, Rosebank Sunday Market, Main Market - Periodic art market and Pasar Around.


The "Gambia is Good" initiative was established in 2004 with the aim of pushing the market for local fresh produce rather than imported ones. The plan is designed to "stimulate local livelihoods, inspire entrepreneurship and reduce the environmental and social costs of imported products."

Most of the crop trading is done informally on street corners and many stores are smaller than market outlets. However, open markets and special closed markets can be found in big cities. The famous markets include: Serekunda Market in the largest city of Gambia, Serekunda, which opens from morning till late at night 7 days a week and trading of agricultural products, live animals, clothing, accessories, jewelry, handicrafts, used goods and souvenirs; Albert Market in the capital, Banjul that sells fresh, colorful products, locally designed fabrics, musical instruments, carved wooden masks and other local products. Other attractive markets include: Mangrove Fish Market in Mangrove; The Tanji Fish Market, Tanji, where the brightly painted fishing vessels carry fish from the place is immediately preserved using traditional methods and prepared for distribution to other West African countries; The Wood Carver Market in Brikama offers the largest concentration of woodcarvers in the country; Pottery Market in Basse Santa; Atlantic Roadmaking Markets in Mangrove and Senartambia Markets in Mangrove.


  • Nakawa Market


Growing markets in Asia is undergoing major changes as supermarkets enter the retail world and the growing middle class gets a preference for branded goods. Many supermarkets buy directly from manufacturers, replacing the traditional role of wholesale and retail markets. To survive, emerging markets have been forced to consider value-adding opportunities and many retail markets now focus on fast food and take-out food.

East Asia


In China, the existence of street and wet markets has been known for centuries; however, many of these were restricted in the 1950s and 60s and were only allowed to reopen in 1978. The difference between the wholesale and retail markets is somewhat ambiguous in China. , as many markets serve both as distribution centers and retail stores. To help with food distribution, more than 9,000 wholesale production markets operate in China. Some of these markets operate on a very large scale. For example, Xinfadi Wholesale Beijing market, which is currently being renovated, is expected to have a 112-hectare site when completed. The Beijing Zoo Market (retail market) is a collection of 12 different markets, comprising approximately 20,000 stall owners, 30,000 employees and more than 100,000 subscribers every day.

China is the world's largest importer and exporter of fruits and vegetables as well as the world's largest exporter of apples. In addition to generating markets, China has many specialized markets such as the silk market, clothing market, and antiques market. China's fresh produce market is undergoing major changes. In big cities, purchases are gradually moving into online with door-to-door delivery.

Some of the more important markets in China include:

Wholesale market: Xinfadi (wholesale market, Beijing) - with an annual turnover of 14 million tons of meat, fruit and vegetables, supplies 70 percent of Beijing and Nanzhan vegetables (Shenyang, Liaoning ) that supplies the northern provinces.
Retail market: Fresh Results Market in Hutong (Beijing); Xiabu Xiabu (Beijing), Panjiayuan market (Beijing); Dazhongsi Market (Beijing), Tianyi (Beijing) market, Beijing Zoo market, Dahongmen market (Fengtai District, Beijing), Sanyuanli Market (Beijing), Shengfu Xiaoguan Market (Beijing), Lishuiqiao Seafood Farmers' Market (Beijing), Wangjing Zonghe Market (Beijing), Chaowai Market (Beijing), Sanyuanli Market (Beijing), Zhenbai Market (Shanghai's largest earthquake market)
Hong Kong

Hong Kong relies heavily on imports to meet the needs of fresh produce. Therefore, importers are an important part of the distribution network, and some importers supply directly to retail consumers. The street market in Hong Kong is held every day except on some traditional Chinese holidays such as Chinese New Year. Stalls opened on both sides of the road must have a license issued by the Hong Kong Government. Various types of street markets include fresh food, clothing, cooked food, flowers and electronic goods. The earliest form of market is Gaa si ( wet market ). Some traditional markets have been replaced by shopping centers, markets in municipal service buildings and supermarkets, while others have become tourist attractions such as Tung Choi Street and Apliu Street. Central Market, Hong Kong is a class II registered building.

  • Tsukiji fish market
South Korea

Although the majority of markets in South Korea are wholesale markets, retail customers are allowed to make purchases in all those markets. The Gwangjang market is the national top market and is a popular tourist destination.


Taiwan fulfills most of its product needs through local production. This means that the country has a very active network of wholesale and retail markets. According to Guardian newspaper, Taiwan has "the best night market scene in the world and some of the most exciting street food in Asia."

South Asia

In South Asia, especially Nepal, India and Bangladesh, Haat (also known as hat ) refers to ordinary land markets, usually held once or twice per week.


The marketing historian, Petty, has suggested that the Indian market first appeared during the Chola Dynasty (about 850 -1279CE) during periods of favorable economic conditions. Different market types are proven; nagaaram (shop streets, often devoted to certain types of goods, angadi (market) and waradi (big market in the inner city).

The sub-continent may have borrowed a closed market concept from the Middle East around the 10th century with the advent of Islam. Caravanserai and closed market structures, known as suq, first began to emerge along the silk route and located in areas outside the city limits. Following established traditions in the Arabian peninsula, India also established temporary markets while in regional districts. In Pushkar Rajasthan, the annual camel market was first recorded in the 15th century. However, after the founding of the Mughal Empire in northern India during the 16th century, this arrangement changed. A closed bazaar or market place is integrated into the city structure and can be found in the city center. Famous markets and bazaars in the colonial era. Some of these bazaars seem to have specialized in certain types of products. Patna district, in the 17th century, is home to 175 villages of weavers and Patna Bazaar enjoys a reputation as a fine fabric trading center. When Italian writer and traveler, Niccolao Manucci, visited there in 1863, he found many merchants trading in cotton and silk in the Patna bazaar.

In India today, many different types of markets serve retail and commercial customers:

(1) Wholesale Market

  • Major wholesale markets: held once or twice per week, this sells crops from local villages eg. Rice Bazaar in Thissur in Kerala
  • Secondary wholesale markets (also known as mandis): small traders buy from the primary market and sell on the secondary market. A small number of major producers can sell directly to the mandis.
  • The terminal market: A market that sells directly to an end user, be it a consumer, a food processor, or a shipping agent to export to a foreign country eg. Bombay Terminal Market

(2) Retail market

  • Retail market: spread across villages, cities, and cities
  • Exhibitions: held on religious days and deal with livestock and agricultural produce

In India (and also Bangladesh and Pakistan), a bazaar landa is a kind of bazaar or market with the lowest price where only used goods are exchanged or sold. A haat also refers to bazaars or markets in Bangladesh and Pakistan and this term can also be used in India. An saddar refers to a major market in a city while bathing refers to a large market. A Meena Bazaar is a market where goods are sold in an effort to raise money for charity.

  • Aware Bazaar, Agra
  • Gandhi Bazaar
  • Pondy Bazaar (officially named Soundarapandian Angadi) T. Nagar, Chennai
  • Lajpat Nagar Market, Dehli
  • Dilli Haat
  • Sadar Bazaar, Delhi
  • Mapusa Friday Market Mapusa, North Goa
Himachal Pradesh
  • Lakkar Bazaar Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
  • Khwairamband Bazar Imphal, Manipur, India - a market operated entirely by women
  • Bhendi Bazaar
  • Chira Bazaar, Mumbai - known for its jewelery
  • Dava Bazaar also known as Dawa Bazaar
  • Palika Bazaar - underground market in Mumbai
  • Zaveri Bazaar jewelry market
  • Chaura Bazaar, Ludhiana, Punjab
Uttar Pradesh
  • Ajhuwa Bazaar, Ajhuwa, Kaushambi district, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is famous for its night markets, floating markets and pirate markets (a market that specializes in selling "knock off" copies of designer brands). Several Asian countries have developed unique distribution systems and highly specialized market types. Across Asia, the wet market refers to the place where fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood and meat products are sold. Across Asia, the production market is known as the morning market because of their operating hours, while the night market specializes in selling non-durable items including clothing, accessories, local artefacts, souvenirs and various personal items.

Phnom Penh
  • The Central Market, Phnom Penh

In Indonesia, the term Morning Markets is used to describe certain types of wet markets, also known as morning markets that usually operate from morning to evening. The night market refers to the night market that operates in later hours from afternoon to evening, approximately from 17:00 to 22:00, and only on certain days of the week.

The types of goods sold are also very different. The morning market is a place where many housewives, housemaids and local people appear to shop for their daily needs, mostly producing fresh produce. The things that are sold are usually fresh produce every day, including fruits, vegetables, spices, fish, meat, eggs, and all kinds of daily products. While the night market is more to serve casual shopping and eating activities, selling fast food, snacks, clothes and a variety of knick-knacks.

The main textile, fashion and clothing markets in Indonesia are Tanah Abang market in Central Jakarta and Pasar Baru in Bandung. The leading market specializing in traditional batik clothes is, Klewer Market in Solo and Beringharjo Market in Yogyakarta.

The main markets in Jakarta are Mangga Dua Morning Market, Kramat Jati Induk Market, Pasar Minggu and Pasar Senen. Sunday Market specializes in fruits and vegetables, while Cucumber Market in Senen specifically sells cakes, as they offer a variety of traditional Indonesian snacks, open every morning.

Major markets in Yogyakarta include: Beringharjo Market - traditional markets; Kranggan market - flea market; Organic Market Milas - organic markets and flea markets; Malioboro Street - the street market and Bird Market of Yogyakarta.

The leading markets in Bali include the market of Denpasar's Badung Market, Sukowati Market Art Market specializing in art and handicrafts, and Ubud Market.

In some cities and towns in Kalimantan and Sumatra, there is a floating market, which is a collection of merchants selling various produce and products on board. For example Siring floating market in Banjarmasin, and floating market Lok Baintan in Martapura, both located in South Kalimantan.


In Malaysia, the term The night market refers to the night market that operates from about 5pm until about 11pm. The morning market wet market morning is also familiar in Malaysia.

In parts of Malaysia, forest products trade in indigenous fruits and vegetables, all of which are gaining popularity as consumers move to pesticide-free food products. Some products natives more nutritious include fruits like dabai ( canarium odontophyllum ), kembayau ( Dacryodes rostrata f. Cuspidata ), durian nyekak (< i> Durio kutejensis i>) and durian yellow ( Durio graveolens ), letup ( Passiflora foetida ), kepayang ( Pangium edule ) and tubu ( Pycnarrhena tumetacta ) and vegetables such as tincture ( Gnetum sp.) and stone chewing ( Begonia chlorosticia ) , the village tea ( Leucosyke capitellata and the sky stick ( Musa troglodytarum ).

The major markets in Kuala Lumpur include: Pudu Market - rated as the largest wet market KL by the Lonely Planet Guide ; Central Market, Kuala Lumpur; Chow Kit Wet Market; Kampong Bahru Pasar Minggu; China Town; Petaling Jaya SS2; Bangsar Baru and Lorong Tuanka Abdul Rahman.


In the Philippines, the word 'palengke' refers to a group of stalls under a closed roof. Locals use palengkes for daily shopping. The public market is a major trading center in metropolitan cities, but in rural areas, public markets are in disrepair. A popular weekend market for organic and artisanal food purchases. In addition, a number of farmers' markets have sprung up. The Cubao Farmers Market, in Quezon City gained international attention following the feature spots on the cable network program, No Reservations, with Anthony Bourdain in 2009.


The Bangkok market is very popular among locals and visitors. Bangkok boasts the world's biggest weekend market in Chatuchak. Floating markets are also typical in Bangkok and other provinces. Vendors not only sell fresh produce from barges, but also will cook food and snacks on their boats for sale to the public. This floating market is a popular tourist attraction.

West Asia

In West Asia, the market is known as a bazaar or small markets. The earliest bazaars are believed to have originated in Persia, and spread throughout the Middle East and Europe from there. Document sources indicate that zoning policies restrict trade to certain parts of the city from about 3,000 BC, creating the conditions necessary for the emergence of bazaars.

In ancient Iranian cities, three types of bazaars have been identified; periodic bazaars, urban bazaars and local bazaars. The periodic market can be organized anywhere and usually takes place in open spaces and is traded in specialties such as handicrafts, clothing, livestock and groceries. This happens periodically as monthly or yearly. Urban markets are held on public roads closed with stores or stores on both sides. The architecture varies according to local conditions including the climate, culture and economic strength of the city in which it resides. Urban bazaars are a place for commercial, social and cultural interactions. Local markets , held in certain districts in major cities, similar to urban bazaars, but on a smaller scale with fewer stores.

In pre-Islamic Arabia, the market takes two forms, a permanent and temporary urban market, a seasonal market often located in regional districts. Gradually, the market or bazaar gradually became the main feature of urban cities and moved to the city center. Permanent markets are often mentioned in ancient literary sources.


Markets with historical or architectural significance include:

  • Grand Bazaar, Tehran
  • Kashan Bazaar in Iran
  • Isfahan Bazaar in Iran - a historic site dating from the Saljuqid and Safavid era and is the longest heavy market in the world.
  • The Tabriz Bazaar in Iran - a historic site originally developed along ancient silk routes; listed as a World Heritage Site
  • Vakil Bazaar in Shiraz, Iran

The Hebrew word for the market is shuk (plural: shvakim ), and the food market is found in every major city. Famous markets include the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv and the Yehuda Mahane Market in Jerusalem.


The street market is called the pazar in Turkish and is usually named after the day because they are only installed around 05:00 on certain days and ends on the same day around 18:00, every week. Every district in Turkey has its own open market where people can choose and buy from a wide range of products, ranging from fresh fruit and vegetables to clothing, from traditional white cheeses (which some may be considered feta) to household items. In the Istanbul area Wednesday Pazar from the Fatih district, Tuesday Pazar from the Card? KÃÆ'¶y and Friday Pazar from Ortaköy are the most popular and the crowded open market in the city.

The market with a permanent store or kiosk is called "ÃÆ'§ar ??" and may include closed streets that are closed at night. Notable examples include Ships? ÃÆ'§ar ?? (Grand Bazaar) and Spice Bazaar in Istanbul.


Eastern Europe

Czech Republic
  • Central Market Hall, Budapest - built in 1897, the largest market in Budapest
  • Christmas Market
  • Pasar Besarabsky
  • Pryvoz Market
  • Seventh-Kilometer Market

Northern Europe

  • Torvehallerne Market, Copenhagen - specializing in Nordic Foods
  • Finnish
  • Market Square, Helsinki
  • Market Square, Turku
  • Tammelantori, Tampere

Riga Central Market

United Kingdom
Background and permissions

The majority of retail markets are operated by the public sector and managed by local governments. Small numbers are operated by private groups or individuals. Traders may be licensed to trade in one field but not at the national level or when trading on private land. This gradual licensing system has contributed to the decline in public confidence in market reputation. A voluntary scheme has been created by The Market People, supported by the National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA) to address this issue. It provides consumers with traders and goods traceability as well as the ability to assess and contact merchants. MarketPASS is issued to operators or merchants, after they provide proof of identity, insurance and, where necessary, a cleanliness certificate.

A study conducted by Retail Alliance noted that the UK has 1,124 traditional retail markets, 605 farmers markets, 26 wholesale markets and over 45,700 retailers and that the retail market has an annual turnover of over Ã, Â £ 3.5 billion whilst the wholesale market has turnover of Ã, Â £ 4.1 billion every year. The data also show that traditional outdoor markets continue to dominate the market space, but decline. The market also has a significant appeal to tourists and visitors.

Some researchers make the distinction between traditional markets and rich markets. Traditional markets are mainly held outdoors on certain days, focusing on high volume production that is sold at low margins. In a successful market, the focus is on specialty products, especially organic foods, hyper-local products, artisanal products, vintage clothing or designer brands. While traditional markets are declining, volatile markets represent huge growth opportunities.

UK charter and exhibition markets

From the eleventh century, the kings of England awarded the charter to local rulers to create markets and exhibitions for towns or villages. The charter gives the rulers the right to take a toll from the vendor and also provides protection to the city from the rival market. After the charter market is awarded for certain market days, the closest competitor's market can not be opened on the same day. Across the British territory, the network of charter markets sprang up between the 12th and 16th centuries, giving consumers a sensible choice in the markets they love to patronize. Gradually these market towns developed a reputation for quality or for trade in certain types of goods. Today, traders and performers are wary of keeping this historic charter.

Regional market
  • Closed Market, Oxford, Oxfordshire
  • Closed Market, Preston
  • Leeds Kirkgate Market, Yorkshire
  • Old Market, Bristol Gloucestershire
  • Old Market, Hove
  • Harborough Market Leicestershire

Between the 13th century and the Great Fire of 1666, London's main market was the Stock Market, "on a permanent trap site where merchants were sentenced by Assize courts." The Stock Market was removed in 1737 as part of Christopher Wren's plan to rebuild the city. A new wholesale market was established in strategic locations and this prospered into the 19th century with some continuing into modern times. The wholesale market is highly controlled, the environment closely arranged carefully and carefully planned. These include the Smithfield Meat Market (built in 1866), Billingsgate Fish Market (built in 1875) and Leadenhall Market (completed in 1881). Retail trading is mostly served by street vendors or costermongers. In central London, costermongers work along predetermined routes, selling door-to-door or by trading from about 36 unauthorized, but highly organized markets located along major roads or meeting places such as Whitecross Street, Covent Garden and Leather Lane. In an effort to regulate street trade, a number of official retail markets were built in the 19th century with limited success. Examples of retail markets built during this period include: St James, St George's (Southwark), Carnaby, Hungerford, Randall (Poplar, London), Fitzroy, Finsbury, and People's Market (Whitechapel), Burdett-Coutts Angela Market and Columbia Road Market (now the flower market). The retail market was less successful than their wholesale counterparts and the number of retail markets declined from 24 in 1800 to 17 in 1840. In fact, the London working class generally preferred the convenience of street trade that continued to flourish until the 20th century.

Charles Knight devoted all parts to the market in his pictorial essay, Half an hour of London Topography, (1851) where he identified the major wholesale markets as the Corn Market; Coal Exchange; Billingsgate - the major fish market; Smithfield - cattle market setid

Source of the article : Wikipedia
