Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

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Homo floresiensis Hobbits evolved from Homo erectus.
src: www.slate.com

Homo floresiensis ("Flores Man "; dubbed " hobbit ") is a species extinct in the genus < Homo .

The remains of individuals who will stand about 1.1 m (3 ft. 7) in altitude were discovered in 2003 at Liang Bua on the Island of Flores in Indonesia. Partial skeletons of nine individuals have been found, including one complete skull, referred to as "LB1". These remains have been the subject of intense research to determine whether they represent a species distinct from modern humans, although the dominant consensus is that these remnants do represent different species due to genetic and anatomical differences.

This hominin was originally considered remarkable for survival until a relatively new time, only 12,000 years ago. However, the larger stratigraphic and chronological work has pushed the dating of the latest evidence of its existence back to 50,000 years ago. The Homo floresiensis skeletal material is now dated from 60,000 to 100,000 years ago; stone tools recovered with skeletal remains derived from archeology from 50,000 to 190,000 years ago.

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Fossil teeth and partial jaws of hominins assumed ancestors for H. floresiensis were discovered in 2014 and described in 2016. These remnants originated from a site in Flores named Mata Menge, about 74 km from Liang Bua. They date around 700,000 years ago and are even smaller than later fossils.

Maps Homo floresiensis


The form of fossils has been interpreted as indicating that they are from the H. erectus population that arrived in Flores about a million years ago (as indicated by the oldest artifacts dug on the island) and quickly became dwarf.

Inventors (archaeologist Mike Morwood and colleagues), propose that the various features, both primitive and derivative, identify these individuals as belonging to a new species, H. floresiensis , within the Hominini taxonomy, closer to humans than chimpanzees. Based on previous date estimates, the inventors also proposed that H. floresiensis live in unison with modern humans in Flores.

Two orthopedic studies published in 2007 reported evidence to support the species status for H. floresiensis . A study of three carpal bone tokens (wrists) concluded there were differences from the carpal bones of modern humans and similarities with early chimpanzees or hominins such as Australopithecus . A study of the bones and joints of the arms, shoulders, and lower extremities also concluded that H. floresiensis is more similar to that of early humans and other apes than to modern humans. In 2009, the publication of cladistic analysis and comparative body measurement studies provided further support for the hypothesis that H. floresiensis and Homo sapiens are separate species.

By 2015, Bayesian analysis results are published, which use more than 300 characteristics of hominins fossil morphology; the analysis can not distinguish between different early hominin trees, but the greatest similarity of H. floresiensis is by Australopithecus sediba , Homo habilis and Dmanisi Man, raising the possibility that Homo floresiensis's ancestors left Africa before the appearance of Homo erectus, perhaps even the first hominin to do so and further develop in Asia.

Phylogenetic analysis published in 2017 shows that H. floresiensis is a descendant of the same ancestor (probably Australopithecine) as Homo habilis , making it a "species of brother" both > H. habilis or to a minimum habilis - erectus - ergaster - sapiens clade, and the line much more ancient than Homo erectus itself. On the basis of this classification Floresiensis is hypothesized to represent an unknown and very early migration out of Africa.

EVOLUTION | Extinct humans species that you will not believe ...
src: cdn.steemitimages.com


The specimen was discovered on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003 by a joint team of Indonesian-Australian archaeologists looking for evidence of genuine Homo sapiens human migration from Asia to Australia. They did not expect to find new species, and were shocked at the almost complete recovery of the hominin they call LB1 because it was dug inside the Liang Bua Cave. Subsequent excavations found seven additional skeletons, originally from 38,000 to 13,000 years ago. A temporary arm bone assigned to H. floresiensis is about 74,000 years old. The specimens are not petrified and have been described as having "... the consistency of wet blotting paper." Once exposed, the bones should be allowed to dry before they can be excavated.

Stone tool size that is considered appropriate with 3 feet tall humans are also widely found in the cave. These tools are located on the horizon originally dated from 95,000 to 13,000 years ago and are associated with (found in the same stratigraphic layer as) elephants of the extinct genus Stegodon (which is widespread throughout Asia during Quaternary), may be LB1 prey. Homo sapiens reached about 50,000 years ago. The comparison of stone artefacts to those made by modern humans in East Timor shows many technological similarities.

Homo floresiensis was inaugurated on October 28, 2004, and was quickly nicknamed "hobbit , after the fictional race was popularized in JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit, and the scientific name which was proposed for the species is Homo hobbitus originally placed within its own genus Sundanthropus floresianus ("Sundanese of Flores"), but the article reviewers felt that the skull, despite its size, included in the genus Homo .

How the Homo floresiensis kept their tools as they shrank into ...
src: 3c1703fe8d.site.internapcdn.net


The most important and obvious identification feature of H. floresiensis is the small body and small cranial capacity. Brown and Morwood also identified a number of additional, less obvious features that might differentiate LB1 from modern H. sapiens, including the shape of the teeth, the absence of the chin, and the lower angle at the humeral head (upper arm bone). Each distinguishing feature is thought to have been highly researched by the scientific community, with different research groups reaching different conclusions as to whether these features favor the original appointment of a new species, or whether they identify LB1 as highly pathological H. Ã, sapiens . A 2015 study of dental morphology of 40 teeth of H. floresiensis compared with 450 teeth of living and extinct human species states that they have a "primitive molar of dogs and premolars," which are unique among hominins. Dental research shows the origin of Homo erectus for Homo floresiensis .

The discovery of additional partial skeletons has verified the existence of several features found in LB1, such as the lack of a chin, but Jacob and other research teams have argued that this feature does not distinguish LB1 from local H. sapiens morphology. Lyras et al. have asserted, based on 3D-morphometrics, that the LB1 skull is very different from all skulls H.Ã, sapiens , including the skulls of small individuals and microcephalics, and similar to the skull of Homo erectus itself. Ian Tattersall argues that the species was misclassified as Homo floresiensis because it was too old to be given to the genus Homo .

Small body

The remaining first set has been found, LB1, selected as the type specimen for the proposed species. LB1 is a fairly complete skeleton, including an almost complete skull (skull), which is determined to be from a 30-year-old female. LB1 has been nicknamed Little Lady of Flores or Flo .

High LB1 has been estimated at about 1.06 m (3 ft 6 inches). The height of the second skeleton, LB8, has been estimated at 1.09 m (3 ft 7 inches) based on tibia measurements. This estimate is beyond the normal high range of modern humans and is much shorter than the average adult height even the smallest modern humans, such as Mbenga and Mbuti (1.5 m (4 ft 11 in)), Twa, Semang (1.37 m (4 ft 6 in) for adult women) from the Malay Peninsula, or Andaman (1.37 m (4 ft 6 in) for adult women).

With body mass, the distinction between modern pygmies and Homo floresiensis is even greater. LB1 body mass has been estimated at 25 kg (55 pounds). It is smaller than not only modern H. sapiens, but also H. erectus, which Brown and his colleagues suggest is a direct ancestor of H. a, floresiensis >. LB1 and LB8 are also somewhat smaller than australopithecines from three million years ago, which were previously not expected to extend beyond Africa. Thus, LB1 and LB8 may be the shortest and smallest members of the extended human family found so far.

In addition to the smaller body size, the specimens appear to resemble that of H. erectus , a species known to have lived in Southeast Asia at the same time as the previous findings that supposedly became H. floresiensis . This observed similarity forms the basis for the suggested phylogenetic relationship. Controversial, the same team has reported finding material evidence (tools of stone) in Flores from the occupation of H. erectus since 840,000 years ago, but not left of H. erectus alone or transitional forms.

To explain the small stature of H. floresiensis , Brown et al. has suggested that in the limited food environment in Flores, H. erectus evolved smaller body sizes through narrow dwarfism, the speciation forms observed in other Flores species as well - including some species genus proboscidean Stegodon , elephant-like creature. (Stegodon dwarf species Stegodon sondaari , extinct about 850,000 years ago and replaced by another species of normal size, Stegodon florensis , which later also evolved into dwarf forms, Stegodon florensis insularis , which disappeared about 12,000 years ago.) This hypothesis has been criticized by Teuku Jacob and colleagues who argue that LB1 resembles those dwarfs who populate the village of Flores, Rampasasa, that size can vary substantially in the pygmy population. Contradictory evidence has emerged.

Little brain

In addition to the small body size, H. floresiensis has a very small brain size. The holotype brain of LB1 is estimated to have a volume of 380 cm 3 (23 Â ° c), placing it in the range of chimpanzees or an extinct Australopithecus. The brain size of LB1 is half of the suspected direct ancestor, H. erectus (980 cm 3 (60 cuÃ, in)). The ratio of brain-to-body mass from LB1 lies between H. erectus and great apes. Insular dwarfism has been proposed to explain the reduction of brain size. Scientists at the Natural History Museum in London have found that the reduction in brain size of the extinct hippopotamus that has become extinct in Madagascar compared to its living relative is greater than the reduction in body size, and is similar to the reduction of brain size H. Ã, floresiensis compared to H. erectus .

The intelligence indicator is the size of the Brodmann area 10, the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, the area of ​​the brain associated with higher cognition. The area of ​​LB1 10 has almost the same size as modern humans, although its brain size is much smaller.

Although the cerebellum of H. floresiensis , the inventors have attributed it to advanced behavior. Their caves show evidence of the use of fire for cooking, and the Stegodon bone associated with hominins has cut marks, but some other sources doubt that H. floresiensis controls fire and notes that the cerebellum requires less energy. Hominin specimens have also been associated with stone tools from the advanced Upper Paleolithic tradition commonly associated with modern humans, which has nearly four times the brain volume (1,310-1,475 cm 3 (79.9-90, 0 cuÃ, di)) and 2.6 times larger body mass. Some of these tools are apparently used in Stegodon's cooperative hunting by the hominids.

Bone structure

The bone structure of the shoulders, arms and wrists has been described very differently from modern humans, and is much more similar to the structure of bone chimpanzees or early hominins. This adds support to the idea that H. floresiensis is a separate ancient human species - not modern humans with physical disorders.

Susan G. Larson et al. analyzing the upper extremity of LB1. They found that at LB1 the angle of humeral torque is much less than in modern humans. This has been previously studied by Richards et al. , which states that it is a sign of the modern pygmy population, and T. Jacob et al. , which shows that the attachment muscles in the bones show LB1 has weak muscles that produce a slight development of humeral torque. Larson et al. dismisses Richards's conclusion, arguing that the humeral torque of the pygmy population is typically similar to that of the average person. They argue that Richards et al. cites a 1972 paper studying a sample of six Eastern Central African Pygmies, and this sample is too small to represent the entire population. Larson et al. also failed to find any signs of microcephaly in the studied bone.

Larson et al. also studied a relatively short clavicle and the formation of an unusual pectoral corset. They compared their findings with the Nariokotome Boy framework (variously classified as H. ergaster or H. erectus ), and suggested that chest corsets H.Ã, floresiensis < i> is the stage of transition in the evolution of human shoulders.

While some specialists, including paleoanthropologist Russell Ciochon of the University of Iowa, support the conclusions, others, including Eric Delson of Lehman College, City University of New York, show that the latest sample of individual H.Ã, floresiensis is too small and that Larson's research is based only on one shoulder bone.

Tocheri et al. (2007) (including Morwood, Larson, and Jungers), compared the three carpal bones believed to belong to LB1 with modern carpal bones, some previous hominids (ie, hominins), and African apes. They concluded that the wreaths of the Liang Bua cave resembled ape monkey bones and were significantly different from the bones of H. sapiens, Homo neanderthalensis or even Homo antecessor , and that they are comparable to the carpal bones of Australopithecus . Carpal bones H. floresiensis found less features that evolved with the ancestors of modern humans at least about 800,000 years ago. These features have been formed during embryogenesis and therefore Tocheri et al. argue that it is unlikely that the form of H.Ã, floresiensis of the wrist bone could be the result of a developmental disease. This evidence also shows that H. Florensiensis is not a modern human with undiagnosed pathology or growth defect, but it represents a species derived from a branched hominin ancestor before the last common ancestor of the clade that includes modern humans, Neandertal , and other modern. hominins.

This conclusion was challenged by Robert Martin (following the death of Jacob's leading proponent of the hypothesis of microcephaly) and Alan Thorne. Martin noted that no research was done on the wrists of microcephalic people. Thorne argues that the differences are small and similar variations can occur with living modern humans. He also points out that the carpal bones have been found scattered in the cave and it is uncertain that they all belong to the same individual. The project leader Morwood reciprocates that there are also other features - such as stature, body proportions, brain size, shoulders, pelvis, jaws, and teeth - suggesting that H. floresiensis is separate. a hominin species that evolved in isolation on the island.

However, the osteoanatomy and pathological analysis of the LB1 skull by micro-computed tomography, revealed no pathology, and no features of Homo sapiens microcephaly, and Balzeau and Charlier scientists concluded that the specimens were not from Homo sapiens origin.

Additional features

Additional features were used to argue that the findings stem from previously unidentified hominid populations including no chin, relatively low arm bone incision, and leg bone thickness. The presence of each of these features has been confirmed by independent researchers but their significance has been disputed.

The lower arm and chest bodies H. floresiensis have been examined by Larson et al. (2007). Modern man has the upper part of the bone that is twisted between 145 and 165 degrees into the area of ​​the elbow joint. For LB1, the initially reported rotation is 110 degrees. Larson then revised this measurement to 120 degrees.

This can be an advantage when the arm swings, but this complicates activities associated with modern people, such as tool making. As for the chest corset H. floresiensis , they studied broken LB1 cartilage and LB6 scapula. The clavicle is relatively short, which, combined with the form of the shoulder blade and the low rotation of the arm bone causes the shoulder to move slightly forward, like a shrug. Thus H. floresiensis can bend the elbow in the way that modern people do, and Larson concludes that he is capable of making tools.

Tocheri et al. (2007) examined three carpal bones believed to belong to LB1. This form of bone is claimed to differ significantly from the bones of modern human wrists and resembles the wrists of great apes of Africa or Australopithecus .

The feet H. floresiensis are very flat and very long in relation to other body parts. As a result, when walking, he should bend his knees more back than the modern man. It forces high gait and low running speed. The toes have an unusual shape and the big toe is very short.

Homo floresiensis - the most recent living human relative
src: donsmaps.com

The scandal over specimen damage

In early December 2004, Indonesian paleoanthropologist Teuku Jacob transferred most of the remnants from their warehouse, the National Archaeological Research Center of Jakarta, with the permission of one of the project team directors and kept it for three months. Some scientists have expressed fear that important scientific evidence will be alienated by a small group of scientists who do not allow access by other scientists or publish their own research. Jacob returned his body on February 23, 2005 with severely damaged parts and lost two leg bones to worldwide worries from his comrades.

The report noted the remaining conditions, "... [including] long, deep wounds marking the lower end of the Hobbit jaw on both sides, said to be caused by a knife used to cut the rubber mold [...] The chin of the second Hobbit jaw is broken and taped back "Whoever is responsible does not parallel pieces and put them at the wrong angle [...] The pelvis is destroyed, destroying details that reveal body shape, gait and evolutionary history." And led the discovery team leader Morwood to comment, "Shameful, Jacob is greedy and acts really irresponsible. "

Jacob, however, denied any wrongdoing. He stated that the damage occurred during transportation from Yogyakarta back to Jakarta despite physical evidence to the contrary that the jawbone had been broken while making bone molds.

In 2005, Indonesian officials banned access to the cave. Some news media, such as the BBC, expressed the opinion that the restrictions were to protect Jacob, who was considered "the king of palaeoanthropology of Indonesia," from being proven wrong. Scientists were allowed to return to the cave in 2007, shortly after Jacob's death.

Homo floresiensis Distinct Human Species, Says New Research ...
src: cdn.sci-news.com


This species was once thought to survive in Flores at least up to 12,000 years before now, which would make it the longest known human man (except his own Red Deer Cave) species), enduring long past the Neanderthals (H. neanderthalensis ), which became extinct between 39,000 and 41,000 years ago. However, further and detailed research on the Liang Bua cave in which Homo floresiensis was found suggests that the osteological remains originated from 60,000 years ago, and the youngest youngest wizard equipment 50,000 years ago. The younger preconceptions result from an undetected malignancy in cavern stratigraphy.

Because of the adjacent straits, Flores remains isolated during the Wisconsin glacier (the most recent glacial period), despite the low sea level that unites Sundaland. This has led to the inventors of H. floresiensis concluding that the species, or its ancestors, could only reach remote islands by water transport, possibly arriving at bamboo rafts some 100,000 years ago (or, if they were > H. erectus , then about 1 million years ago). At this time, the islands of Komodo and Flores join, leaving the 12-mile (19 km) strait with Komodo seen from the mainland. This idea of ​​ H. floresiensis using advanced technology and cooperation at the level of modern humans has encouraged inventors to hypothesize that H. floresiensis almost certainly has a language.

The revised 2016 dated 50,000 years ago is close to the time of modern humans reaching the area, suggesting that the initial encounter with H. a, census caused or contributed to the death of H. a, floresiensis >. This will be consistent with the disappearance of H.Ã, neanderthalensis from Europe some 40,000 years ago, within 5,000 years after the arrival of modern humans there, and other anthropogenic extinctions. Skeletal material from modern humans aged 46,000 years ago has been found from the caves of Liang Bua, reinforcing evidence for the role of modern humans in extinction. After this date, other megafauna of the island (such as proboscid Stegodon florensis insularis and giant stork Leptoptilos robustus ) also disappeared.

In 2004, when H. floresiensis was believed to have lasted up to 12,000 years ago, Henry Gee, senior editor at Nature, speculated that the local story of such a small human-like creature Ebu Gogo can refer to H. floresiensis , which he thinks may still exist in Indonesia's unexplored tropical forests.

Homo floresiensis Likely Evolved from Primitive Ancestor in Africa ...
src: cdn.sci-news.com

Previous debates on specimens as Homo sapiens

While consensus emerged that these individuals were a separate species, these findings caused controversy, with some scientists arguing that specimens were Homo sapiens and morphological differences could be attributed to pathology.

Hypothesis of microcephaly

Prior to the removal of fossils by Jacob, CT scans were taken from the skulls and virtual skull endocasts (ie, computer interior skull models) from H. floresiensis were produced. and analyzed by Dean Falk et al. The team concluded that the brain is not like a pygmy or an individual with a defective skull and brain.

In response, Weber et al. conducted a survey in the same year comparing the computer model of the LB1 skull with microcephalic human skull samples, concluding that the LB1 skull size fell in the middle of the size range. of human samples and inconsistent with microcephaly. Furthermore, to refute the findings of Falk et al. (2005) is Martin et al. (2006), who objected to the failure to compare the skull model LB1 with typical examples of adult microcephaly. Martin and his co-authors concluded that the skull may be microcephaly, arguing that the brain is too small to be a separate dwarf species; if that, a 400-cubic centimeter brain would show a creature only one foot in height, one-third the size of the skeleton found. Shortly thereafter, a group of scientists from Indonesia, Australia, and the United States came to the same conclusion by examining the structure of bones and skulls (Jacob (2006)).

Brown and Morwood retaliate by claiming that skeptics have drawn false conclusions about skeletal bones and structures and mistakenly associate the height of H. floresiensis with microcephaly. Falk's team responded to criticism from their study (Falk et al. (2006)). Morphologist Jungers examined the skull and concluded that the skeleton showed "no trace of disease." Argue, Donlon, et al. (2006) rejected microcephaly and concluded that the findings were indeed a new species.

Falk et al. (2007) offers further evidence that claims from microcephalic H.Ã, sapiens are not credible. Virtual endocasts of nine additional microcephalic brains and ten normal human brains are examined, and it is found that the skull of floresiensis has a shape similar to that of a normal human brain, but has unique features that are consistent with what one would expect. in new species. The frontal and temporal lobes of the brain floresiensis are highly developed, in stark contrast to the microcephalic brain, and develop in a different way from the modern human brain. This finding also answers past criticism that the brain floresiensis is too small to support the intelligence needed for members of H. a, floresiensis to create a device found in its proximity. Falk et al. (2007) concludes that the present responsibility for the criticism that continues to claim microcephaly to produce brains of microcephalic resemblance to brain floresiensis .

The Falk argument is supported by Lyras et al. (2008) in the 3D-morphometric feature of the microcephaly skull H. sapiens is within the normal range of H. sapiens and the LB1 skull is outside this range. This is interpreted as proving that LB1 can not, based on the morphology of the brain or the skull, be classified as microcephalic H. sapiens .

In 2009, a study by Jungers et al. presents a statistical analysis of the shape of a healthy modern human skull, microcephalic man, and some ancient human species, and H. floresiensis . They show that three are grouped separately, with H. floresiensis among early humans, giving evidence that H. floresiensis is a separate species than a diseased modern human.

In 2013, comparisons of LB1 endocastes to the 100 normocephalic set and 17 microcephalic endocasts by Vannucci, Baron and Holloway suggest that there is wide variation in the ratio of microcephalic brain forms and that in this ratio such groups are not distinctly different. of normocephalics. The LB1 brain shape remains aligned slightly better with the microcephalic sample, with the form at the extreme end of the normocephalic group.

The hypothesis of the laron syndrome

The anatomist Gary D. Richards introduced a new skeptical hypothesis in June 2006: that the framework of Flores may be the remains of people suffering from Laron's syndrome, a genetic disorder first reported in 1966. This IGF-I deficiency is generally caused by the removal of the exon, and produced two distinct phenotypic changes in the skeleton: short stature and small skull, which also occurred to determine the phenotype of H. floresiensis . The following year, the team including Laron himself published a paper stating that the morphological features of H. floresiensis were essentially indistinguishable from Laron's syndrome. They compared skull and postcranial skeleton LB1 with 64 patients with Laron syndrome. The group of Laron syndrome patients showed a stature ranging from 95 to 136 cm in adult women, and 116 to 142 cm in adult men. The approximate height for LB1 keeps it at the lowest end of the women's reach. The very small endocranial volume of LB1 is actually smaller than anything indicated in Laron syndrome patients. Despite the inconsistencies in brain size, Hershkovitz et al. still asserts there are sufficient characteristics shared between LB1 and Laron syndrome patients to suggest this pathology explains skeletal appearance.

Critics claim that to determine whether people H.Ã, floresiensis have Laron syndrome will require testing their DNA for the presence of a damaged gene, if a sample of such DNA is ever available. However, the criticism of the hypothesis suggests that despite low stature, people suffering from Laron's syndrome do not look like remnants of Homo floresiensis, especially in the anatomy of the cranial dome.

The hypothesis of endemic cretinism

In 2008, Australian researchers Peter J. Obendorf, Charles E. Oxnard and Ben J. Kefford stated that LB1 and LB6 suffered endemicemic (ME) endemicemic cretinism due to congenital hypothyroidism and that they were part of the affected population H.Ã, sapiens on the island. This disease, caused by various environmental factors including iodine deficiency, is a form of dwarfism that is still found in local Indonesian population.

Affected people, born without thyroid function, have small bodies and reduced brain size but their mental retardation and motor defects are not as severe as neurologic endemic cretin. According to the study authors, the critical environment may have been present in Flores some 18,000 years ago, the period in which the LB fossil is dated. They wrote that the various features found in fossils, such as enlarged pituitary fossa, upper abnormal upper arm bones, and relatively thick limbs, are signs of this diagnosis. The morphology of the double premolar premolars is rooted down and primitives can be explained this way as well. Oral stories about strange creatures such as humans can also be a record of cretinism.

Falk challenges the premise of Oberndorf et al. Studying a computer tomography scan of the pituitary fossa LB1, he came to the conclusion that it was no bigger than usual.

In a paper presented to the Australasian Society for Human Biology in 2009, Colin Groves and Catharine FitzGerald compared the bones of Flores with ten people who had cretinism, focusing on the characteristic anatomical features of the disease. They find no overlap, and claim that they have filed a claim for rest. However, an article by Oxnard, Obendorf and Kefford rejects Groves and FitzGerald's arguments and revives the cretinism hypothesis. Oxnard and colleagues also criticized the cladistic analysis of Argue et al. (2009), states that it is logically impossible for the analysis to conclude that Liang Bua still represents a separate species rather than a pathology because chlistic analysis assumes that they do not represent a pathology.

Brown (2012) compared bone and dental morphology in H. floresiensis with clinical and osteologic indicators of cretinism, and properties that have been debated as representing ME cretinism in LB1 and LB6. He concludes that LB1 and LB6 H. floresiensis are not modern humans ( H.Ã, sapiens ) cretin.

The niggling dwarfism hypothesis

The original report further states that there is no growth retardation or pituitary dwarfism that can be responsible for the unique skull and short stature (however, no reason is given); instead, Brown et al. suggest petty stunting H. erectus as a result of selective pressures acting on island populations. This theory argues that the island's tropical rainforest is a calorically poor environment, causing dietary strains on hominins, especially in the absence of agriculture. Because resources are reduced, smaller individuals have an advantage because of their lower energy needs. This selection can also greatly affect sensory organs such as the brain, which may account for the small endokranial volume present in H. floresiensis .

The hypothesis of Down syndrome

By 2014, Maciej Henneberg, a critic of the claim that H. floresiensis is a distinct species, argues in a paper published with other scholars in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that LB1 suffers from Down's syndrome, and that the remains of others on the Flores site are only normal. sapiens of the Australomelanesian type. Down syndrome is one of the most common human development disorders, and is also exhibited in related hominoids such as orangutans and chimpanzees. The authors write: "Our consistent hypothesis sees LB1 as an abnormal member of the recent Australomelanesian population development of H. sapiens , its features reflecting several compatible causes."

Colin Groves, of the Australian National University replied that the theory was "unreasonable" for several reasons, including the fact that the abnormal features in the jaws of LB1 were shared by another specimen, LB6. Robert B. Eckhardt of Pennsylvania State University, one of the authors of the new study, rejected criticism, stating that the study identified significant differences between the jaws of LB1 and LB6. Then MC Westaway et al. points to a number of characteristics possessed by LB1 and LB6 as well as other early humans and are not present in Homo sapiens such as the internal support of the mandibular symphysis and the lack of a chin. A comparative study concluded that LB1 did not show enough Down Syndrome characteristics to support the diagnosis of the syndrome.

Human evolution - Homo Floresiensis [part.12] â€
src: inews.co.uk

DNA extraction

Around 2006, two teams attempted to take DNA from teeth discovered in 2003, but both teams were unsuccessful. It has been suggested that this occurs because dentine is targeted; new research shows that cementum has a higher concentration of DNA. In addition, the heat generated by the high speed of the drill bit may have denatured DNA.

homo floresiensis | Homo floresiensis | Dinosaurs | Pinterest
src: i.pinimg.com

Legal issues surrounding the nickname "Hobbit"

In October 2012, a New Zealand scientist who gave a public lecture about the Homo floresiensis was told by Tolkien Estate that he was not allowed to use the word "hobbit" (the title of JRR Tolkien The Hobbit ) in promoting the talks.

In 2012, the American film studio, The Asylum, which produces a low-budget "mockbuster" movie, plans to release a film titled "Age of the Hobbits" that portrays the "peace-loving" community of H Ã, floresiensis "enslaved by Java Men, race of meat-eating dragon riders." The film is intended to support the success of the Peter Jackson movie The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. The film was blocked from release due to a legal dispute over the use of the word "hobbit." Asylum argues that the film does not infringe on Tolkien's copyright because it is about H. Ã, floresiensis , "uniformly referred to as 'Hobbits' in the scientific community." The film is then titled Clash of the Empires .

Homo floresiensis v Homo Sapiens: Humans believed to have killed ...
src: res.cloudinary.com



External links

  • Hawks, John. A blog of an anthropology professor who closely follows this topic.
  • "Another diagnosis for hobbits" (online) . July 3, 2007.
  • "Liang Bua Report" (online) . August 10, 2007.
  • "Front member and hindlimb remain from Liang Bua cave" (online) . December 18, 2008.
  • "Hominin remains from Mata Menge, Flores" (online) . June 8, 2016.
  • American Scientific Interview with Professor Brown October 27, 2004
  • article
  • National Geographic News on H. floresiensis
  • Homo floresiensis - Smithsonian Institution's Human Program
  • "Are Homo floresiensis only populations of myxoedematous endemic cyst Homo sapiens ?" (online) . Anthropology.net . March 5, 2008. Blog comment on Obendorf paper.
  • Washington University in St. Louis Louis Virtual Endocasts "Hobbit" - Electronic Radiology Laboratory
  • Nova's Alien from the Earth documentary site, the full program is available through the Watch Online feature
  • Hobbits in the Haystack: Homo floresiensis and the Human Evolutions - Turkhana Basin Institute presentation at the Seventh Stony Brook Human Evolution Symposium
  • Human Timeline (Interactive) - Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History (August 2016).

Source of the article : Wikipedia
