Jumat, 22 Juni 2018

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Quilling Earring - Making Yellow Pink Quilled Jhumkas with Beads ...
src: i.ytimg.com

Earring is a piece of jewelry that sticks to the ear through piercing on the earlobe or other outer ear (except in the case of an earring clip, which clips into the lobe). The earrings are worn by both sexes, although more common among women, and have been used by different civilizations at different times.

Locations for piercings other than the earlobes include battles, tragus, and across the helix (see picture on right). The term simple "ear piercing" usually refers to ear piercing, whereas piercings at the top of the outer ear are often referred to as "cartilage piercings". Cartilage prick is more complex to do than ear piercing and it takes longer to heal.

An earring component can be made of any number of materials, including metals, plastics, glass, precious stones, beads, wood, bones, and other materials. Various designs ranging from small loops and buttons to large plates and hanging goods. Its size is ultimately limited by the physical capacity of the earlobe to hold the earrings without tearing. However, heavy earrings used for long periods can cause ear stretching and piercing.

Video Earring


Ear piercing is one of the oldest known forms of body modification, with artistic and written references from cultures around the world from early history. Gold earrings, silver and bronze hoops are prevalent in the Minoan Civilizations (2000-1600 BC) and examples can be seen on frescos on the Aegean island of Santorini, Greece. During the late Minoan period and the beginning of the Mycenaean period of the Greek Bronze Hoop earring with a fashionable conical pendant. Early evidence of earrings worn by men can be seen in archaeological evidence from Persepolis in ancient Persia. Images of Persian imperial army carvings, displayed on several living palace walls, show them wearing earrings.

Howard Carter writes in his account of Tutankhamun's tomb that Pharaoh's ears are hollow, but there are no earrings in the wrapper, though the tomb contains some. The ears of the burial mask are also perforated, but the holes are covered with gold discs. It implies that at the time, the earrings were only worn in Egypt by children, as in Egypt in Carter's day.

Another early proof of the use of earrings is evident in the biblical record. In Exodus 32: 1-4, it is written that when Moses was on Mount Sinai, the Israelites demanded that Aaron make it a god to them. It was written that he ordered them to bring their son and daughter (and other jewelery) earrings to him so he could fulfill their request. ( ca. 1500 BCE )

The earrings became fashionable among palace men and men in the 1590s during the English Renaissance. A document published in 1577 by Rev. William Harrison, English Description , states "Some courageous and courageous courageous dignitaries wear gold rings, stones or pearls in their ears." Among seafarers, pierced ears are symbols that the wearer has sailed across the world or have crossed the equator.

The practice of wearing earrings was a tradition for Ainu men and women, but the Meiji Government of Japan forbade Ainu men wearing earrings at the end of the 19th century. Earrings are also common among the nomadic Turks.

In the late 1950s or early 1960s, the practice reappeared, but as large commercial markets did not exist, most ear piercing was done at home. Teenage girls are known for holding ear piercing, where they perform procedures on each other. Such an event is depicted in the 1978 movie Grease (set in 1959), in which Sandy (Olivia Newton-John), a prominent woman, was penetrated by her friends.

In the mid-1960s, some doctors offered ear piercings as a service. Simultaneously, Manhattan jewelers are some of the earliest commercial, non-medical locations to get ear piercings.

In the late 1960s, ear piercing began to make breakthroughs among men through hippie and gay communities, although they have been popular among sailors for decades (or longer). Traditionally, right side piercing identifies a man as gay and the left side as straight. Both sides of the piercings are usually denoted as bisexual, although this has changed little over the last decade.

In the early 1970s, ear piercing was common among women, thus creating a wider market for this procedure. Department stores across the country will hold ear piercing events, sponsored by earring producers. At these events, nurses or other trained people will perform the procedure, either encouraging earrings that are sterilized and sterilized through the earlobe by hand, or using a modified ear piercing device from the design used by the doctor..

In the late 1970s, amateur piercings, sometimes with safety pins or multiple piercings, became popular in the punk rock community. In the 1980s, the trend for male popular music players for ear piercing helped shape the fashion trends for men. It was later adopted by many professional athletes. The British began piercing both ears in the 1980s; George Michael of Wham! is a prominent example. The very gem Mr T is an early example of an American celebrity wearing earrings in both ears, although this trend did not become popular with mainstream Americans until the 1990s. By 2017, it is very common and acceptable for men to have both ears pierced as a symbol of bi-or open sexuality, and it is widely accepted for adolescent teenagers and teenagers to have both ears pierced also in LGBT-receiving community.

Some piercings in one or both ears first appeared in America in the 1970s. Initially, the tendency is that women wear second earrings in the ear, or for men to double-prick single ear leaves. Asymmetrical forces with more piercings become popular, leading eventually to the trend of cartilage suppression. Double ear piercing in newborns is a phenomenon in Central America especially in Costa Rica.

Various knick-knacks of special cartilage have become popular. These include tragus piercing, antitragic piercing, piercing rook, industrial piercing, piercing helix, orbital piercing, piercing daith, and piercing conch. Moreover, the stretching of the ears, while common in indigenous cultures for thousands of years, began to appear in Western societies in the 1990s, and is now a fairly common sight. However, this ear piercing form is still rare compared to the standard ear piercing.


According to Hindu dharma traditions, most girls and some boys (especially those "born twice") pierced their ears as part of the Dharmic rite known as Karnavedha before they were about five years old. Babies can pierce their ear as early as the day after their birth.

Similar practices are practiced in other Asian countries, including Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Laos, although traditionally most men wait to pierce their ears until they reach young adults.

Ear piercing is mentioned in the Bible in some contexts. The most recognizable is the Hebrew slave who will be released in the seventh year of slavery but wants to continue serving his master and refuse to be free: "... his master will bring him before God, he will be taken to the door or the doorway, and his master will pierce his ear with piercing, and he will remain his slave for life "(Exodus 21: 6).

Maps Earring

Jenis anting-anting

Anting tindik standar modern

Anting Statement

Statement earings can be defined as "Anting that invites the attention of others by showing bold, original, and unique designs with innovative construction and material combinations".


The main characteristics of stud studs are the appearance of floating on the ear or earlobe with no visible connection point (from the front). Buttons are always built at the end of a shipment, which penetrates directly through the ear or earlobe. Posts are held in place by removable friction or clutch . The stud earrings have gemstones or other ornaments mounted on the narrow post that pass through the pierced ear or earlobe, and held in place by the fixtures on the other side. The studs generally come in the form of solitaire diamonds. Some stud studs are constructed so that the post is threaded, allowing the screw back to safely hold the earrings in place, which are useful in preventing the loss of expensive earrings containing precious stones, or made of precious metal..

hoop earring

The hoop earrings are circular or semi-circular in the design and look very similar to the rings. The hoop earrings generally come in the form of a metal circle that can be opened for passing through the ear piercing. They are often built from metal tubes, with thin wire attachments penetrating the ears. The hollow pipe is permanently attached to the wire on the front of the ear, and inserted into the tube on the back. All devices are held together by the tension between the wire and the tube. The other circle design does not complete the circle, but it penetrates through the ears in the post, using the same attachment technique that applies to the stud earring. Variations are continuous circle earrings . In this design, the earrings are made from continuous pieces of solid metal, which penetrate through the ear and can be rotated almost 360 °. One end is permanently attached to a small piece of metal tube or hollow metal bead. The other end is inserted into a tube or bead, and held in place by tension. One particular type of hoop earring is a sleeper ear, a circular wire usually made of gold, about a centimeter in diameter. Hinged sleepers, which were common in Britain in the 1960s and 1970s, consisted of two half-circle gold wires connected through a small hinge at one end, and tied through a small pinch on the other end, for forming a continuous ring whose firming mechanism is effectively invisible to the naked eye. Because their small size makes them uncomfortable and comfortable, and because they are usually inflexible, sleepers are called because they are meant to be worn at night to keep the pierced ears from closing, and often the choice for a set first earrings soon after ear piercing in decades before ear-piercing weapons use the buttons to become commonplace, but often become a mode choice in themselves because of its attractiveness of simplicity and because they subtly draw attention to the fact that the ears are pierced.

Drop earrings

A drop of earrings attaches to the earlobe and features gemstones or ornaments that hang down from chains, circles, or similar objects. The length of this ornament varies from a very short to an unusually long length. Such earrings are sometimes known as droplet earrings, dangling earrings, or pendant earrings. They also include chandelier earrings, which branched into complex multi-level pendants.

Dangling earrings

Dangly earrings are designed to flow from the bottom of the earlobe, and are available in varying lengths from one centimeter or two, all the way to brushing the shoulders. They generally stick to the ear by using thin wires, which enter through the earlobe and connect to themselves on a small hook on the back. The variation is the French design, which only hangs from the earless ears, though small plastic retainers are sometimes used on the French hook ends. Rarely, dangle earrings use post-installation design.

Anting barbells

Barbell earrings get their name out of resemblance to a barbell, generally coming in the form of a metal rod with balls at both ends. One of these orbs is taped in place, while the other can be removed to allow the barbell to be inserted into the piercing. Some variations on this basic design exist, including barbells with indentations or corners on the earring bar.

Anting Huggy

Huggies is a popular earring style that fits round the earlobe. These can come in different shapes and sizes, from heart to rectangle. Many custom jewelry make huggy earrings because of the many variations of settings that can be used to create good templates for their craft. Generally, stones are channels arranged in huggy earrings.

Ear Thread

Or Earthreader, Ear String, Threader, a chain that is thin enough to get into the earhole, and come back out, hang. Sometimes, people add beads or other materials to the chain, so the chains hang with beads under the ears.

Ear Ear

Type plastic stick diameter 1 mm and 1.5 cm long that goes into the ear piercing. It does not fall off because it is a bit bigger than piercings. It is very popular among teens and preteens girls in Hong Kong, as most schools do not allow male studs.

Body piercing jewelry used as earring

Body piercing jewelry is often used for ear piercing, and is chosen for many reasons including the availability of larger gauges, better piercing techniques, and contempt for mainstream jewelry.

  • The captive bead ring - The captive bead ring, often abbreviated as CBR and sometimes called the ball closing ring , is a body-piercing jewelry style almost 360 Â ° ring with a small gap for insertion through ear. The gap is covered with small beads held in place by the tension of the ring. The larger closing ring of the measuring ball indicates considerable stress, and may require stretching pliers to insert and remove the bead.
  • Barbels - Barbels are made up of thin straight metal rods with beads that are fixed permanently at one end. The other end is threaded, either externally or tapped with an internal thread, and the other beads are screwed into place after barbells are inserted through the ear. Since circuits on external threaded barbells tend to irritate piercings, internal circuits have become the most common variations.
  • The Barbarian Circular - The Barbarian circle is similar to a ball-closing ring, except that they have a larger gap, and have a permanently attached bead at one end, and a threaded bead on the other, like a barbell. This allows insertion and removal much more easily than with a ball closing ring, but on the loss of the display continuously.
  • Spark plugs - Earplugs are short cylindrical jewelry pieces. Some spark plugs have widened the edges to hold them, some need a small elastic rubber ring (O-ring) to avoid falling. They are usually used in large-scale piercings.
  • Meat tunnels - tunnels Meat, also known as fish eye or bullet hole, similar to a plug; However, they are hollow in the middle. The most common meat tunnel is used in larger piercing gauges either because the weight is a problem for the wearer or for aesthetic reasons.

Gauges and other measurement systems

For an explanation of how the size of the earrings is denoted, see article Body jewelry sizes.

Clip-on and other non-translucent earrings

There are several types of earrings that are not pierced.

  • Clip-on earrings - Clip-on earings have been around longer than any other pierced earrings. The clip itself is a two part piece that attaches to the back of the earring. Both pieces are closed around the earlobe, using mechanical pressure to hold the earrings in place.
  • Magnetic earrings - Magnetic earrings simulate the appearance of a pierced earring (piercing) by attaching to the earlobe with a magnet back that holds the earrings in place by the magnetic force.
  • Earring out - Earring is an adhesive-backed object attached to the skin of the earlobe and simulates the appearance of a pierced earring. They are considered new goods.
  • The earring of spring circles - The spring knots are almost indistinguishable from standard hoop earrings and stay in place by using a spring force.
    • A commonly used alternative is to bend the wire or even just use the CBR ring portion to wear earlobes, which remain alive by clamping the ears
  • Ear ear ear-hooks - Large hooks like fish hooks big enough to hook and hang all ears and hang.
  • Circle - A circular circle above the ear and hanging from the ear, above where the ear is pierced. Mobiles or other dangles can be hung from the ring to create a variety of styles.
  • Ear screw - Screw to the lobe, allowing the right adjustment - an alternative for those who find the clip is too painful.
  • Ear cuffs - Wrap around the outer cartilage (similar to a snail prick) and can be chained to the piercing lobe.

Permanent acting

Where most of the earrings worn in the western world are designed to be removed easily to change as desired, the earrings can also be permanent (non-removable). They were once used as a sign of slavery or possession (for example, see Ex.21: 2-6, Deut.15: 16-17). They appear today in the form of larger gauge rings that are difficult or impossible for a person to be removed without help. Sometimes, circular earrings are permanently installed by the use of solder, although this poses some risks due to the metal toxicity used in soldering and the risk of burns from the heat involved. In addition to a permanent installation, the locking earrings are sometimes worn by people of both sexes, because of their personal symbolism or erotic values.

Catbird, Ballerina Earring, Silver
src: www.catbirdnyc.com

Ear piercing

The pierced ear is the earlobe or cartilage part of the outer ear which has one or more holes made in it to wear the earrings. The hole may be permanent or temporary. The holes become permanent when the fistula is created by scar tissue formed around the earring.

Piercing Technique

Various techniques are used to penetrate the ear, from the "do it yourself" method using household appliances to sterile methods medically using special equipment.

Long-term home methods involve the use of ice as local anesthesia, sewing needles as puncture instruments, matches and rubbing alcohol for disinfection, and semi soft objects, such as potatoes, corks, soap bars or wiper rubbers, as press points. Sewing threads can be pulled through piercing and tied, as a means to keep the piercings open during the healing process. Alternatively, gold or wire earrings can be directly inserted into fresh piercing as an initial retaining device. Home methods are often unsafe and risky due to improper sterilization or placement issues.

Another ear-piercing method, which was first popular in the 1960s, was the use of sharpened spring earrings known as self-piercing, coach , or sleep , which gradually push through the earlobe. However, this can slip from their initial position position, often resulting in more discomfort, and many times will not go all the way through the earlobe without the added pressure applied. This method is not used because of the popularity of piercing techniques that are faster and more successful.

Ear piercing instruments, sometimes called ear piercing weapons , were originally developed for physician use but with modifications become available in retail settings. Today more and more people in the Western world are piercing their ears with ear piercing instruments in special jewelry or accessory stores, or at home using disposable ear piercings. Ear piercing done with ear piercing instruments is often described as the same feeling as being pinched, or slapped by a rubber band. Piercing with this method, especially for cartilage piercings, is not recommended by many professionals and piercing doctors, as it can cause blunt trauma to the skin, and takes longer to heal than needle piercing. In addition, most of the ear piercing instruments are made of plastic, which means they can not be completely sterilized using Autoclave, increasing the chance of infection exponentially. In the case of cartilage piercing, doing so with ear piercing tools can destroy the cartilage of the ear and cause serious complications.

An evolving alternative in practice is the use of hollow piercing needles, as is done in body piercing. The litter sterilizes the earlobe with alcohol and marks the lobes with a pen. This gives the client the opportunity to check if his position is right or not. Then, the piercer uses a clamp with a flat tip and a hole in the tip to hold the earlobe, with a point in the center of the hole. This device will support the skin during the piercing process. A cork can be placed behind the earlobe to stop the needle movement after the piercing process, and protect the tip of the needle for the convenience of the client. Then, the piercer puts the hollow needle perpendicular to the surface of the skin and checks the position of the needle, to puncture at the desired spot and the right angle. The process of piercing consists of pushing the needle through the earlobe, until it exits on the other side. The client must remain silent during the process. Then, clamps can be delayed. After that, the piercer puts the gem in the hollow needle and pushes the needle until the gem enters the lobe. Then, the needle is removed and disposed of properly. Gems attached to the lobes and oppressors disinfect the lobes again.

In tribal culture and among some neo-primitive body piercing enthusiasts, piercings are performed using other tools, such as animals or organic plants.

The initial healing time for ear piercing done with ear piercing instruments is usually six to eight weeks. After that time, the earrings can be changed, but if the hole is left unfilled for a long time, there is some risk of closing the piercing. Piercing professionals recommend wearing earrings on a newly pierced ear for at least six months, and sometimes even a full year. Cartilage piercings usually require more healing time than ear piercing, sometimes two to three times longer. After healing, the piercing of the ear will shrink to a smaller gauge in the absence of a prolonged earring, and in many cases will be completely lost.

Health risks

Health risks with conventional ear piercing are common but tend to be small, especially if proper techniques and hygienic procedures are followed. One study found that up to 35 percent of people with pierced ears had one or more complications, including mild infections (77 percent of complicated ear piercing sites), allergic reactions (43 percent), keloids (2.5 percent), and traumatic tears 2.5 percent). Ear piercing is a significant risk factor for contact allergy to nickel in jewelry. The protrusion of the earlobes, during the healing period or after healing is complete, can be minimized by not wearing earrings, especially wire-dangling earrings, during activities where they tend to get caught, such as during sports. Also, larger gauge jewelry will reduce the possibility of torn earrings.

With cartilage piercings, the blunt style of the ear piercing instrument will make the cartilage traumatized, and therefore make healing more difficult. Also, because there is less blood flow in the cartilage of the ear than in the earlobe, infection is a much more serious problem. There are several cases of severe upper ear infections that are documented after piercings with ear piercing instruments, which require the antibiotic program to clear. There are many ways that infections can occur: the most common way is when a person who is stabbed decides to take piercings too early. According to A.M.A, the appropriate waiting period to change or take piercings with much less risk of infection will be three weeks.

For all ear piercings, the use of sterilized sterile needles tends to minimize tissue trauma and minimize the chances of contracting bacterial infections during the procedure. As with any invasive procedure, there is always a risk of infection from blood-borne pathogens such as hepatitis and HIV. However, modern piercing techniques make this risk very small (a greater risk to the piercer than to the piercing because of the potential for blood splashes). There have been no documented cases of HIV transmission due to ear piercing/body or tattooing, although there are cases of Hepatitis B virus that are transmitted through these practices.

The negative effect of wearing earrings in the light of the research.

The complications most often associated with earrings are:

  • inflammation
  • keloid
  • lose network by tearing
  • mechanical division of the earlobe

The researchers looked at the relationship between young girls' ear piercing and subsequent allergy developments.

In the view of Professor Ewa Czarnobilska (manager of the research team) the main reason for allergies (listed by allergies) is the presence of nickel as an alloy component used in the production of earrings - but the material expressed by the manufacturer is insignificant, since nickel is a standard component of jewelry.

Allergy symptoms are seen as eczema. These symptoms are often justified as food allergies (eg milk), while the reason is contact with earrings (exactly Ni ions) with the lymphatic system. Stop wearing earrings by children does not cause allergy symptoms disappear. The immune system remembers the existence of Ni ions present in one's blood and lymph. Although children stop wearing earrings, it can appear as an allergic reaction to:

  • metal parts of cabinet
  • braces
  • dental prosthesis
  • orthotics
  • food cooked in pots with the addition of nickel
  • margarine (nickel is a catalyst in unsaturated fatty hydrogenation)
  • coins
  • chocolate
  • nuts
  • legume vegetables
  • wine
  • beer
  • .

A study studying a sample of 428 students, ages seven and eight, and 16 and 17 noticed that:

  • thirty percent of the population is allergic to nickel
  • Allergies occur in many girls who start wearing earrings in early childhood.

Other symptoms of nickel allergy are:

  • recurrent infection
  • an asthma attack
  • chronic laryngitis.

Gold plated silver earrings | Modern jewellery | Made in EU fashion
src: www.tadamshop.com

See also

  • Jewelry wire gauge

Laise Pave' Crystal Scroll Inspired Earrings | Anna Bellagio
src: annabellagio.com


How To Make Designer Fancy Earrings | Jewellery Making | DIY | + ...
src: i.ytimg.com

Further reading

  • van Cutsem, Anne, Anting World: Africa, Asia, America , Skira, 2001. ISBNÃ, 88-8118-973-9
  • Holmes, Anita, Piercing and Precious: Complete Guide to Ear Piercing, Ear Piercing, and How to Make Your Own , William Morrow and Co., 1988. ISBNÃ, 0-688-03820-4
  • Jolly, Penny Howell, "Marked Differences: Earrings and 'Other' in the 15th Century Art," in Facing Textiles and Medieval Gowns: Objects, Texts, Images , Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, pp.Ã, 195-208. ISBNÃ, 0-312-29377-1
  • Mascetti, Daniela and Triossi, Amanda, Earring: From Antiquity to the Present , Thames and Hudson, 1999. ISBNÃ, 0-500-28161-0
  • McNab, Nan, Body Bizarre Body Beautiful , Fireside, 2001. ISBNÃ, 0-7432-1304-1
  • Mercury, Maureen and Haworth, Steve, Pagan Fleshworks: Alchemy of Body Modification , Park Street Press, 2000. ISBNÃ, 0-89281-809-3
  • Steinbach, Ronald D., Fashionable Ears: The History of Trends Penetrating the Ear for Men and Women , Vantage Press, 1995. ISBNÃ, 0-533-11237-0
  • Vale, V., Modern Primitives , RE/Search, 1989. ISBNÃ, 0-9650469-3-1

Choupette Earring, Rose Gold (single) - Catbird
src: www.catbirdnyc.com

External links

  • Definition of dictionary from earring in Wiktionary
  • Media related to Earrings in Wikimedia Commons

Source of the article : Wikipedia
