Senin, 25 Juni 2018

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Copy Editing â€

Copy editing (also copying , sometimes abbreviated ce ) is the process of reviewing and improving written materials to improve accuracy, legibility, and suitability for purposes, and to ensure that it is free of errors, omissions, inconsistencies, and repetitions. In the context of a printed publication, copy editing is done prior to the preparation of the letters and again before proofreading, the final step in the editorial cycle.

In the United States and Canada, the editors who do this work are called copy editors . The organization's highest copy editor, or group editor copy editor editor, can be known as head copy, head editor copy editor, or editor news editor. In the publication of books in the UK and other parts of the world that follow the English nomenclature, the term copy editor is used, but in newspaper and magazine publishing, the term is subeditor (or sub-editor ), usually abbreviated to sub . A senior sub-editor of a publication is often called the chief editor. As suggested by the sub prefix, copy editors usually have less authority than regular editors.

In the context of the Internet, online copy refers to the text content of a web page. Similar to print, copying an online copy is the process of revising the raw text or text of the web page and reworking it to be ready for publication.

Editing copy has three levels: light, medium, and heavy. Depending on budget and publishing scheduling, the publisher will let the copy editor know what level of editing to use. Selected editing types (light, medium, or heavy) will help script editors prioritize their efforts.

In editing copies, there are mechanical edits and substantive edits: Mechanical editing is the process of making text or script following an editorial or home style. This special type of editing role is to keep the preferred style of publication consistent across the content, as well as to ensure that generally accepted grammar rules are followed throughout. This refers to editing in terms of spelling, punctuation, use of the correct grammar symbols, along with reviewing custom elements such as tables, charts, footnote formatting, and endnotes. Content editing, also known as substantive editing, is the editing of material, including its structure and organization. In this type of editing, internal inconsistencies and differences can be handled. Content editing often requires heavy editing or rewriting compared to mechanical editing.

Video Copy editing


Mechanical editing

Mechanical editing is the proofreading process of writing for consistency, either internally or in accordance with the style of the publisher's house. According to Einsohn, the mechanical editor works with things like the following:

  • Abbreviations and acronyms
  • Additional elements, such as charts, tables, and graphs
  • Capitalization
  • Footnotes and endnotes
  • Hyphenation
  • Italic and bold letters
  • Numbers and numbers
  • Punctuation
  • Quotes
  • Spelling

Gilad also mentions the following:

  • Their charts, graphs, maps, and keys
  • Initialisms
  • Page numbers, headers, and footers
  • Table of contents and page numbers
  • Underlining

Correct spelling and punctuation are subjective in some cases, where they must be submitted to the copyeditor's or publisher's discretion. Most publishing companies use widely-recognized style guides such as The Chicago Manual of Style or The Associated Press Stylebook . Companies that produce documents and reports but do not consider themselves publishers in the usual sense, tend to rely on style guides at home or on the assessment of the copyeditor.

Grammar and usage

The purpose of the copyeditor is to enforce an inviolable rule while respecting personal style preferences. This can be difficult, as some authors see grammatical corrections of copied texts as a challenge to their intellectual ability or professional identity. For this reason, the copy editor is encouraged to side with the author. If the author's preference is acceptable, it must be respected. This practice is increasingly complicated by the growing language conventions as recorded by books on grammar and usage. In addition, the authors of these books often disagree.

Content editing

Content editing consists of reorganizing or restructuring the contents of a document. This involves inconsistent content and variations. Copyeditor can fix the content by rewriting or editing it. However, copyists will often point out every piece that is difficult for authors to finish on their own time.

Although copyists are not responsible for the factual truth of the document, they may comment to the author about any information they know is wrong, such as the difference of years or misleading ideas. This type of fact check is acceptable for a copyeditor who knows the subject matter of the document.

The examiner must also indicate any biased language without violating the author's meaning. This includes material "which may form the basis for a lawsuit that alleges defamation, privacy violation, or obscenity". Some people see censoring a biased language as a political truth, so the important copyeditor differentiates between the two. To do this, copyists allow deliberate "politically incorrect" views and censorship to exclude, offend or exclusive language.

Correlation sections, typecoding, and permissions

Most of the manuscript will ask the copyist to connect the parts inside. The copyeditor must perform the following tasks in this process:

  • Verify any cross-references that appear in text
  • Check footnote numbers, endnotes, tables, and illustrations
  • Specify table placement and illustrations
  • Check the illustrated content for text and text
  • Read a list of illustrations of illustrations and descriptions
  • Read the table of contents of the manuscript
  • Read footnotes/endnotes and excerpts in text against the bibliography
  • Check the bibliographic alphabet or reference list

Some manuscripts may require special cross-examination. For example, in the instructions text, the copyeditor may need to verify that the equipment list or section corresponds to the instructions given in the text.

Typecoding is the process of identifying which parts of the script do not run plain text. Parts of this text, known as elements, include the following:

  • Chapter sections and numbers
  • Title and subtitle
  • Title and subtitle
  • List
  • Extract
  • Equation shown
  • Table number
  • Source line
  • Footnote
  • Number and numeric text

It is a copyeditor's job to type the code (or make notes) all the manuscript elements for the publisher designer. Copyedit copies are usually prompted for pencils in typecodes in the left margin of the script. The on-screen copyiditor can be prompted to enter the typed codes at the beginning and end of each element.

Finally, if the manuscript contains long quotations of published works that are still under copyright, the copyeditor should remind the author to obtain permission to reprint the quotation. The same is true for reprinting the tables, charts, graphs, and illustrations that have appeared in the print media. Rules vary for unpublished reproduction of material (letters, diaries, etc.)

Maps Copy editing


There are some basic procedures to be followed by each copywriter: the copywriter needs the system to mark changes to the author's text (marking), the process of questioning writers and editorial coordinators (queries), methods for tracking editorial decisions, and procedures for entering reviews the author is about copyediting into the final manuscript or electronic file (cleaning). The system was originally developed in the earlier era of the computer, but over time this procedure was adapted to exist in the digital space on the screen.

Each media (in print and on screen) has its own capabilities, and although the copyeditor may prefer an editing process on top of another, the copyeditor is practically required to use both techniques.

Hard copy editing

Traditional copy markup editing, or hard copy editing, is still important because screening tests for jobs are managed in hard copy. In addition, authors whose editing text editor editors may prefer hard copy markup, and copy editors need to know the traditional markup in case documents and materials can not be exchanged electronically. When editing in hard copy, all participating parties (editors, authors, coders, and proofreaders) must understand the marks made by the copy editor, and therefore universal marking systems that indicate this change exists. This is also why the copy editor should be written clearly and neatly. Copy editors work hard copy writes their corrections in text directly, leaving a margin for the query. Usually copy editors are asked to write in bright colors, so authors and others can easily recognize editor changes.

On-screen editing

Every year, more editing projects are done on computers and less printed. Also, if there is a digital version of the text copied by the editor, they can easily search for words, run a spell checker, and generate a clean copy of cluttered pages. The first thing an editor should do when editing on the screen is to copy the author file, since the original must be preserved. Each word processing program provides various options for how the markup editor is displayed on the screen and on the printout. On-screen editing is especially different from hard copy editing in the fact that the copyeditor has to edit it more cleanly on the screen, refrain from storing parts of the word, and be careful in maintaining proper row spacing.


Copies often need to ask the author to answer questions, comments, or explanations: most can be done on the edges of the text, or in the comments section on the screen. Copyers should take time to ask questions and the length and tone of their questions, because too often or rarely, vaguely, or socially may result in negative relationships between copyers and authors.

American Copy Editors Society


Depending on the publication where the copyeditor is used, the objectives may change, but there are some constituents that must always be served - the author (the person writing or composing the script), the publisher (the person or company that pays to produce the material), and the reader (the audience for whom the material is produced). These parties (along with the copyeditor) work to achieve the same goal, which is to produce error-free publications. The copyeditor seeks to improve clarity, coherence, consistency, and truth - otherwise known as "4C". Each of these components serves the "Cardinal C" copyeditor, which is communication.

Female Copy-Editor working in front of a computer editing an ...


The advent of the printing press in the mid-15th century opened the door to the first printing houses in Europe. Even after the invention of the printing press and today, the editor's job is to correct the perceived mistake. Within these printing houses, there are various employees, one of whom is the corrector, or as it is now called, the editor.

The biggest difference between monastic copies and copyers is that copies leave editions as suggestions that can be rejected by original authors. These printing houses set editing procedures, texts preparation, and proofreading. The specialist corrector ensures the text corresponds to the time standard.

Before the printing press, monastic copies changed the words or phrases they deemed strange, assuming that the coppers in front of them had made a mistake. This is what causes so much variation in standard texts like the Bible.

After the globalization of books from 1800 to 1970, the emergence of American writers and editors began to bear fruit. One of his editors, Maxwell Perkins, was sought by writers like Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and Wolfe because he greatly enhanced the work of these prominent writers with his editorial eyes. Perkins is known to edit, guide, and make friends with his authors - but times have changed.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the role of an editor was to decide whether a script was good enough to publish. As time passes, the role of an editor and publisher becomes even further. Although there is a newfound relationship between editors and authors, wise editing does not end.

Copyeditors are employed in various publishers, magazines, journals, and by private authors seeking revisions to their work. Some copyeditors are even employed by public relations and advertising companies who value strong editing practices in their business.

The symbols used by the current copyeditor are based on those that have been used by proofreaders since the start of the publication, although they have undergone some changes over time. However, the precise beginning of the currently used copyediting language is unclear. Despite its long history, copyediting as a practice has not experienced extreme upheaval in addition to the desktop publishing revolution in the 1980s. This phenomenon began as a result of a series of discoveries released in the middle of this decade, and refers to the growing use of technology in the field of copyediting. Namely, the development of Macintosh computers, desktop laser printers by Hewlett-Packard, and desktop publishing software called PageMaker created by Aldus (the company now under Adobe control) enabled the revolution to begin. By allowing both individuals and publishing agencies to cheaply and effectively begin to edit the composition entirely on the screen rather than by hand, the desktop publishing revolution morphed into practice as it is today. Most copyeditors now rely on a more modern WYSIWYG ('what you see is what you get') a text processor such as Microsoft Word based on the original PageMaker to do their work.

There are several events that cause changes in copyediting as a career. One of them, the successful strike from the editorial department of Newark Ledger from 17 November 1934 to 28 March 1935, was "the first major action of its kind by any local guild... both of which affirmed the irreverence of the union movement away from the idea of ​​professional associations and greatly accelerated process it ". Coupled with a series of other strikes led by the New York Newspaper Newspaper against smaller newspapers in the summer of 1934, these acts serve to shift the image of editorial workers as 'professionals' into one as average citizens. Another strike from 1934 was a strike at Macaulay Company, reportedly the first strike took place in a publishing company. At the end of the second Macaulay strike, which occurred three months after the first, the national push toward unions has entered the publishing industry and "swept away all major publishers". Because these events appear to have secondary results from downgrading editorials in various publishing fields, it can be said that they triggered a copyeditor decline that can be seen throughout the current publishing field.

Due to the rise of the Digital Age, the role and responsibilities of a copyeditor have changed. For example, beginning in 1990, copyists learned electronic pagination. They can now see different pages of a text on multiple screens and easily edit it there, as opposed to pasting it by hand on the board. This technological advancement also requires editors to learn new software such as Pagemaker, Quark Xpress, and now Adobe InDesign.

Modern copy editors are often required for editing for digital as well as text printed versions. Digital copyediting requires a copyeditor to understand RSS feeds, social media like Twitter and Facebook, and Hyper Text Markup Language. What should be accounted for is that in this digital age, information is constantly released which then leads to a decrease in editing of online versions. The editor of the Buzzfeed website commented that sometimes they "can not get every post before it's published". While the copyeditor still performs traditional tasks such as checking facts, grammar, style, and headline writing, some of their tasks have been ruled out to make way for technology. Some editors now have to design the page layout and some even edit the video content. Copyeditor is now sometimes referred to as "copy/layout editor" or "manufacturer/designer".

The benefits of a great copyeditor

Changes in the


Traditionally, a copy editor will read a printed or written script, manually mark it with an editor's correction mark. In large newspapers, the main photocopy table is often U-shaped; the head of the photocopy desk sits in the "slot" (U's living room) and is known as the "slot man", while the copy editor is around it outside U, known as the "rim". In the past, copy editors were sometimes known as humor as "rim rats". The editor's main editor is sometimes called a "slot". Currently, however, manuscripts are more often read on computer display and text correction is entered directly.

The adoption of an almost universal computerized system for editing and layout in newspapers and magazines has also led to copy editors becoming more involved in the design and technical production. Technical knowledge is therefore sometimes considered as important as writing skills, although this is more true in journalism than in book publishing. Hank Glamann, co-founder of the American Copy Editors Society, made the following observations about advertising for editorial positions in American newspapers:

We want them to become proficient grammars and wordmiths and write great headlines and must know Quark. However, often, when the urge comes to push, we'll let every one of those requirements slide except the last one, because you have to know that to press the button at the specified time.

The benefits of a great copyeditor

Nature, skills and training

In addition to mastering good language, copy-editors require extensive general knowledge to find factual errors; good critical thinking skills to recognize inconsistencies or obscurity; interpersonal skills for dealing with writers, editors and other designers; attention to detail; and a sense of style. Also, they should set priorities and balance the desire for perfection with the need to follow deadlines.

Many copy editors have a bachelor's degree, often in journalism, written language, or communication. In the United States, copy editing is often taught as a college journalism course, although the name varies. Courses often include news design and pagination.

In the United States, The Dow Jones Newspaper Fund sponsors an internship that spans two weeks of training. Also, the American Press Institute, the Poynter Institute, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the UC San Diego Extension and the American Copy Editors Society conference offer mid-career training for newspaper copy editors and news editors.

Most US newspapers and publishers provide candidates for editing copy-editing for editing or trial tests. These vary widely and may include common items such as acronyms, current events, math, punctuation, and skills such as the use of Associated Press styles, title writing, graphic editing information, and journalism ethics.

In both the US and the UK, there is no official body that offers a recognized qualification.

In the UK, some companies provide unofficially recognized programs in the industry. Training can be done at work or through a publishing course, a personally managed seminar, or a correspondence course for the Society for Editors and Proofreaders. The National Council for Training of Journalists also has qualifications for subeditors.

SF/F Copyediting â€


Before the digital era, copy-editors were used to take the red pen onto a piece of paper to show errors and inconsistencies using a markup language consisting of symbols known universally by copy-editors. Traditional copy editors were once defined as editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation and other style mechanics.

Copy editing symbols are no longer usable when digitally editing because they are not supported on digital platforms such as track changes. With more online posts and less print on paper, this means the current publishing process is faster. Hard copy is no longer able to follow digital publications. For publishers to hire a copy editor to print hard copies, make edits, and then make changes is no longer the most efficient process. The position of the copy editor is risky because time demands faster results which can be done by automated correction software that catches grammatical errors. Transferring the responsibility of the human copy editor to the digital software has been adopted by some publishing companies as it is available free of cost.

Professionals fear that the introduction of digital editing software will end a copyediting career. The copy editor is still in use and is needed for heavy editing, such as fact-checking and content organization, which the software can not yet do. With grammar software and editable journalists, copy editors are seen as a luxury in publishing. The company's potential to use editing software also requires a copy editor to only do heavy editing and sorting. Although the steps to copy are the same, the execution is what has changed due to the introduction of the digital environment.

The development of Cloud storage technology enables contemporary copy editors and authors to upload and share files across multiple devices. Online word processors like Google Docs, Dropbox, Zoho, OpenGoo, and Buzzword allow users to perform a number of tasks. Each processor has advantages and disadvantages based on user preferences, but mainly allows users to share, edit and collaborate on documents. In Google Docs users can invite others via e-mail to view, comment and edit the files they choose. Invited people can view and edit documents together in real time. Unlike Google Docs whose files can only be shared via web apps, Dropbox shares from desktop apps. Dropbox users can share documents as links or as shared folders. Users can create shared folders and add more to folders. Files in shared folders will appear in other users' Dropbox and all affected users receive notifications when edits are made to files in folders. The Adobe Keywords allow users to share files, with user selections of different levels of access editing, and include the History Version feature that keeps track of changes made to documents and allows users to revert to previous versions. Useful in many word processors, the Path Change feature allows users to make changes to a document and view it separately from the original document. In Microsoft Word users can choose whether to show or hide changes by clicking Track Changes under the Reviews ribbon. The editing document may leave a comment by clicking wherever the user wants to leave a comment and clicking New Comment under the review tape or by highlighting the text and clicking on New Comment. Users can select specific user revisions that they allow to revise their work and choose the mark up level to be viewed under the Markup Show dropdown menu in the Reviews ribbon. Users can also choose to accept or reject changes by clicking Accept or Rejecting in the Reviews Ribbon.

Contemporary copy-editor

Copy-editing field is not deprecated. Teresa Schmedding, president of the American Copy Editors Society (ACES) and deputy managing editor at the Daily Herald in Chicago, thinks the copyeditor is a "natural fit" for digital journalism and social media because although publishing is available to almost everyone. , quality and credibility brought to the content only by copy editor.

When editing a piece, the copy editor should now consider the multimedia aspects of the story. The inclusion of video, images, SEO, and audio are just a few of the components that are now created and incorporated into digital publications by copy editors. Digital journalism has created many new roles for copy editors, such as editing on the Web. Digital editing now requires copy editors to get used to search engine optimization, understand HyperText Markup Languages, Cascading Style Sheets, and RSS feeds. In addition to web-based skills, contemporary copy editors should also gain greater expertise, have the knowledge and ability to operate software such as Adobe Illustrator to generate graphics or Adobe Dreamweaver to design web pages.


One of the problems with copy-editing is that it can slow down text publications. With the era of digital publishing comes an increasing demand for rapid information turnaround.

As the news industry debates the future of copy editing, critics and audiences will wonder whether new online audiences care as much as the print audience will be about things like grammar, punctuation, and its use and accurate phrasing.

Web-based publications, such as BuzzFeed and Slate, do not have enough space in their budget to keep sufficient numbers of staff to edit their large daily content. Because of this, the head copy of Emmy Favila says a low priority post is published without editing a copy in Buzzfeed. Slate did not edit his blog post before it was published, but all his news articles were copied before publication, said Slate's low-key head Liu and deputy editor Julia Turner.

In response to the extremely high demand for fast-generated content, some online publications have begun publishing articles first and then editing them later, a process known as re-editing. Editor prioritizes stories to be edited based on traffic and whether the content was originally reported as needed to be edited.

Proofreading or copy-editing? - Liz Brown Editing

See also



Copy Edit This! Quiz No. 10 | Copy editing


  • Laura Anderson. McGraw-Hill Proofreading Handbook , 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006.
  • Floyd K. Baskette, Jack Z. Sissors, and Brian S. Brooks. Art Editing , edn 8. Allyn & amp; Bacon, 2004.
    • Rewritten and updated: Brian S. Brooks and James L. Pinson. Art Editing in Convergence Era , 11th edn. Routledge, 2017.
  • Butcher, Judith; Drake, Caroline; Leach, Maureen (2006). Redirect Copy of the Butcher: The Cambridge Handbook for Editor, Copy-Editing and Proofreader (4 ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBNÃ, 978-0-521-84713-1 . Retrieved September 18 2012
  • Amy Einsohn. Copyeditor Manual: Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications , second edition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006.
  • Karen Judd. Copyediting: A Practical Guide , edn 3rd. Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Learning, 2001.
  • Scott Norton. Development Editing: A Handbook for Freelancers, Authors, and Publishers . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.
  • Carol Fisher Saller. Subversive Copy Editor: Advice from Chicago (or, How to Negotiate Good Relationships with Authors, Colleagues, and Yourself) . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009.
  • SÃÆ' Â © amas ÃÆ' â € Å"BrÃÆ'³gÃÆ'¡in. Editing Dictionary . Dublin: [1] Claritas, 2015; ISBN 978-0-9934649-0-4.
  • Peggy Smith. Mark My Words: Instruction and Practice in Proofreading , 3rd ed. Alexandria, VA: EEI Press, 1997.
  • Elsie Myers Stainton. Art of Copyediting , 2nd ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2002.
  • Mary Stroughton. Copyeditor's Guide to Substance and Style , edn 3rd. Alexandria, VA: EEI Press, 2006.

Copy editing & proofreading | Kindle Book Publishing

External links

  • Proofreading Practice in Project Gutenberg Distributing Proofreader
  • What exactly is the copy editor ?, by Bill Walsh of The Washington Post
  • The working copy table works

Source of the article : Wikipedia
